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About Howerton

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  1. I enjoyed the story of black ops 2 quite a bit. But I did not enjoy the game that much.
  2. Billy and Jimmy Lee from Double Dragon (I am talking about the video game NOT the cartoon). I like their story from the Double Dragon II Amiga manual. In the end they have to fight their own tortured souls. Otherwise, Mike Hagger all the way!
  3. Final Fantasy. They all seem to have the same corny plot and bad gameplay in a different context.
  4. I would say the Atari Jaguar and one that that is not mentioned here, the Atari ST. I know what you are thinking. Its a cheap amiga alternative and the trained games are all on the amiga. But the compilation disk are great. Also the Jaguar has a Gamedrive which lets you put roms on a sd card and play them on the Jag. There is a guy on the Atariage forums making ST to Jag conversions for the Gamedrive. Including Beast Busters(which runs on 1meg STs while the amiga version only runs on 512k amigas unless you use a softlock) and TMHT the arcade game, that is better than the amiga version beacuse it has music. Both of these games and more are now for the Atari Jaguar.
  5. Street Fighter II rom hack and TMNT the arcade game homebrew.
  6. Just got a Master Everdrive for the Sega Master System. Some neat homebrews are in development and I want to test them out on my real SMS.
  7. I enjoyed the Light Gun titles on PS. Time Crisis, Crypt Killer, Point Blank. But I will warn you, you will need a CRT tv and a GunCon and a Justifier type light gun. Some Light guns have dual compatibility, some don't. But if you are like me a controller will do. These games are mindless fun!
  8. Now if only Square Enix would sell Taito to a better company, so i could get a new Chase H.Q., Bubble Bobble and Ninja Kids.
  9. Why does Duke need to fight aliens. The first game had him taking on robots and Manhattan Project had mutants. Maybe Duke's new direction lies in a new enemy all together. But the humor should take a backseat to the gameplay. Which it did in Duke 3d.
  10. Zoolander should have stayed dead. It did not need a sequel.
  11. A PC Engine Core Grafx. I have been playing street fighter II all night.
  12. Playing Global Gladiators for the Amiga. I like the Amiga version more than the Sega Genesis version. I guess I am on a McKick.
  13. McDonald land on the commodore amiga. I can not find the cards necessary to get to birdie's house. It doesn't help that I have no manual. But playing on a real amiga like the one I just bought is quite fun.
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