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Dweller Dark

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About Dweller Dark

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    Depeche Mode Enjoyer
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  1. If you are referring to "it would require participants to have the relevant books or access to digital copies", I'm saying that participants would either have to have the physical book or access to a digital copy, or access to something like Project Gutenburg if the normal means are unavailable (IE, if a participant is unable to get a physical or digital copy due to financial issues or in the case of a banned book). Leveraging Project Gutenburg and similar things would be beneficial for that purpose.
  2. Even though I haven't been reading that much lately because of general tiredness, I enjoy discussions about books. And I've noticed that, aside from the "What are you currently reading?" thread, there isn't anything like a book club for the forum. At least nothing too in-depth akin to "The DWmegawad Club" thread, but for books. So I'm curious if there's interest in one, and ideas that we may have for how it could function. My general ideas currently are: A traditional book club thread where participants decide on a book and read through it in an estimated time frame, and then discuss it in detail. Ideally, at least for a slow reader like myself, the time frame would account for the slower readers first and foremost. A larger time frame would also give participants time to re-read or revisit parts of the book they may have been confused about on an initial read. A book club thread in which participants read a book of their own choosing and then discuss things once they've finished their choice of book. Although I'm not sure how this could work without spoiling books for other participants, perhaps spoiler tags would need to be used frequently. While I don't have a clear idea here, it could be beneficial to have offshoot threads for books that are worth greater discussion on their own. Books that have so much to talk about that would/could derail the main book club thread, for example. "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski could be an example, where there are so many layers that the discussion would go on forever. Ergodic literature in general could be it's own separate thread due to how complicated it is. Although I'm the one proposing a book club and would very much like to have one on the forum, I admit that I'm not confident I have the skills to plan and organize such an activity. I could do it, but it would require participants to have the relevant books or access to digital copies, someone to plan and organize things, etc. However, this post I've made is to gauge interest from all of you on the topic of having a community book club thread on the forum, so the organization and planning would be discussed later. If you have interest in such a thing, please feel free to share your opinions, other ideas, and potential resources on this thread.
  3. Does the current HUD support modification (like NUGHUD does)?
  4. I've been considering making a version of one of these levels, but I want to understand the size of both maps for reference when I start doing the mapping.
  5. I was wondering: Would it be possible to turn the fullscreen HUD into something approximating the GZDoom fullscreen HUD (the one with the medpack/armor sprites on the left)? I think it would be cool if the sphere sprites could replace the medpacks if picked up and be animated.
  6. I'd say it's inexperience with forum etiquette or immaturity combined with whatever the poster may be going through mentally. Which could describe someone of any generation. On the topic of status updates, I think it would be helpful if they showed up on the right-hand sidebar somewhere. I think there's a little bit of space that could be used somehow, or things already there that could be adjusted to fit them.
  7. That's pretty much how I feel, though I think my logic is a little bit screwed sometimes. But I know I'm capable of pulling something off if I think and try hard enough, even with indecision and frustration getting in my way. I am kind of capable of being positive and supportive to others around me, though I often run into things like not knowing what to say or how, and self-doubt in whether my responses are genuine feeling or just going through the motion for the sake of another person. To some degree, I've become less positive and supportive along with being way less social, making it more exhausting for me to express. Maybe I have imposter syndrome going on in my head or something.
  8. Love the profile pics! I'm a big DM fan

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Woody101


      If you like them then you will love my Doom Episodes :-)


      Search for Woody World 

    3. Dweller Dark

      Dweller Dark

      Alright, I'll check them out!

    4. Woody101


      I'm not sure how to message you, it seems to be disabled, maybe message me? 


      In any case, this will make it easier:


  9. I don't express this often, but I appreciate that you said this. I'm aware it'll be difficult for me to follow your advice sometimes, but I can at least try to and I will take you up on your offer to talk if I'm struggling too much. And I was wondering, if you have/had concentration issues, how do you deal with them? Are there any methods that might work for me that you know of?
  10. That might be true, I feel. It could also be trepidation, lack of understanding, and/or the way some games can be overwhelming with choices or game mechanics, now that I've had time to think about it. In that kind of sense, maybe it's hard for me to feel interested enough in a game if I'm dealing with one of those things and so I end up getting nowhere. The latter two might be the worst to deal with, since I never get anywhere if I don't have a strong grasp on the game (immersive sims and isometric RPGs seem to be what I have the most difficulty with). I guess that's also my problem with reading books, too. Music, on the other hand, is hard to just sit there and listen to completely. But it's the least difficult thing behind gaming and reading, activity-wise.
  11. I guess I'm not one to share strong, existential feelings about myself, but I think I'm at a point where I need to. I've been having a lot of conflicting feelings and opinions about myself and I sort-of feel comfortable and safe discussing them here. I know I might need professional help in the long run, but right now I just need to get how I feel out there and figure out what to do. I expect that I will probably have advice telling me to seek out professional help, but if you have similar feelings and/or personal issues and know how to deal with them, then that kind of advice would be very helpful too. For one thing, I'm always uncertain if I'm welcome in social spaces, such as here or other communities. To an extent, I've largely withdrawn and become less social and open from them because I do end up feeling unwelcome even if it's just my brain telling me so and not an actuality. I'm not great at effectively communicating how I feel or what I need to properly understand things, and I think I communicate simple things in a way that's less understandable to anyone but me. I also tend to just do things and I often feel regret about some of them. (And I sometimes feel regret for bringing up something like this because I'll be feeling better the next day or the next hour.) I'm often ending up as an observer to a community rather than an active participant. Also, the feeling of being an annoyance comes into my head too. Another thing that's been in my head a lot is whether or not I'm someone who feels strong emotions. There are a lot of things that I know I should care about, but I just don't feel strongly about them. I can feel happiness, sadness, anger, frustration, etc, but it doesn't feel as strong as I expect unless it's a really specific circumstance. There are times where I believe I should care and speak up about a thing because it's what others do or it's something that many others believe should be talked about (such as major world events), but I just don't do it. Even if I actually do care to some extent. And while I doubt this is the last of my personal issues, I often have difficulty concentrating on things and sticking to one thing. I think about one thing I want to do, like play something or listen to something, but I either don't do it at all or I do one for five minutes and the other for five minutes and get nothing done. Like I want to play the games I have installed, but I install other games frequently thinking I'll finally get into them, and then I don't. I buy music, but then I spend a lot of time watching Twitch or YouTube or fiddling about with a game that I want to play but know it'll take years to focus my attention and motivation on it. I do also have motivation problems, so I'm curious if it's all related somehow. I will admit, I do feel kind of hesitant to even discuss these feelings and thoughts in a forum like this, but Doomworld has always been a relatively decent community even if I'm not sure where I fit into it (besides liking the Doom franchise).
  12. I can't say I have a particular favorite cover, but I like these ones as a newbie to Depeche Mode:
  13. A couple of Depeche Mode albums (Violator, Songs of Faith And Devotion) and Iron Maiden's "Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son" album: I never really listened to Depeche Mode other than the Personal Jesus song, so I ended up getting Violator and SOFAD based on what the fanbase had suggested to others in the past.
  14. I found Red Faction 1 to be a bad experience overall, but the dynamic destruction was cool while it lasted.
  15. I know, but I want to do it in order. I do have it installed because I'm using the Et Tu mod, so I could easily start it after FO1.
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