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Laz Rojas

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Everything posted by Laz Rojas

  1. Update: I have been very sick for the past month. I don't think it's covid because I don't have any typical symptoms. But I've been extremely weak and my skin is crusting and flaking and peeling. I really have no idea what I've got. I haven't been able to look for lawyers yet but I intend to sue Los Angeles county for at least $100 million. Most of you are outraged and indignant over the account I wrote which Dynamo posted here. Believe me when I say that account barely scratches the surface of all I endured and that was inflicted upon me for those ten months. Put in a supermax prison and designated a threat to society and treated as such, and all because the detectives and the doctor fabricated a completely fraudulent medical report on day one that falsely claimed my mother's skull was severely fractured from blunt force trauma and that I had beaten her to death. I was arrested based on this alone and charged with "inflicting grievous bodily injury". All of this bullshit was completely discredited ten months later by the medical examiner's autopsy, which showed no physical injuries at all and determined death was natural and caused by a swarm of strokes from my mother's dementia. They maintained the charade for those ten months. Each time they called me to court, they kept claiming my mother had many broken bones and that I must have beaten and abused her for years. They even went so far as to claim that my mother and I following a natural, organic diet for years was "unconventional" and my keeping her on such a diet constituted "the willful inflicting of physical harm" according to the statute. Can you believe this? Here's just one example of the kind of things I went through. I was put in a small cell with two other inmates in the men's central jail at one point for just one night, and they spent all night tormenting me, making little cigarettes out of toilet paper and lighting them and throwing them on me and forcing me to constantly put them out. I wasn't able to sleep at all that night for fear of what they'd do to me while I slept. This is just one example of what I suffered thanks to the malicious actions of the police and the prosecution in my case. Why these motherfuckers would do all this still blows my mind. They're not just corrupt and evil, they're sadistic sociopaths. If any of you had been their victim you'd want to hunt them down and slaughter them and wipe them from the face of the earth. But I am going after them legally, including personally suing the detectives and the doctor. I won't stop until I've completely destroyed them. Payback is going to be a bitch.
  2. Even as I type this, donations continue to come in. I know I've said it before, but I have to say it again, I am absolutely floored by all the support that has come from this community. It is really incredible, way beyond anything I ever would have expected. My deepest gratitude to all of you, and especially Dynamo, who may have single-handedly changed the course of my life for the better.
  3. My bail was set at $170,000, which put it out of my range. I was also designated a threat to society, and a restraining order was placed to keep me away from my mother -- needlessly, of course, since I was in jail the entire time and she was transferred by them to another hospital (which I didn't even know about until after I was released). Even now, I still can't wrap my brain around everything that happened. It defies logic as well as justice. They did just about everything they could do to me except kill me. And I still don't know how the main culprits behind it thought they could pull it off and keep it going. Like me, they must have known the autopsy would reveal the truth and destroy the fraud. Whatever their intentions, they essentially shot themselves in the foot at the end and left the door wide open for me to file a hall of a lawsuit. On that front, one lawyer who deals with wrongful imprisonment said he wouldn't take my case -- because my case involves more than just wrongful imprisonment. Wrongful imprisonment can be when cops pull you over thinking you're DUI and put the cuffs on you, then release you the next day. My case, he says, involves a lot more than that and includes civil rights violations, so I need to find a lawyer who deals with civil rights cases.
  4. Twenty-four hours later, and I'm still floored by the outpouring of support and donations that I've received from this community. I raised the goal of my Gofundme campaign yesterday because the original one had been exceeded, and now less than a day later the new goal has almost been reached. Absolutely astonishing. Words cannot convey my gratitude to all of you. This is truly extraordinary. On the legal front, I've been advised that I should retain a civil rights attorney, and that seems the best course of action. There are lawyers who specifically handle wrongful imprisonment cases, but I believe my case involves a great deal more than just wrongful imprisonment and should be taken as far as it can go. My arrest led to a violation of all of my rights, including my being dispossessed of intellectual property, and I'm sure the implications of it stretch across a wide range of things. Could be a landmark case, for all I know.
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