My bail was set at $170,000, which put it out of my range. I was also designated a threat to society, and a restraining order was placed to keep me away from my mother -- needlessly, of course, since I was in jail the entire time and she was transferred by them to another hospital (which I didn't even know about until after I was released).
Even now, I still can't wrap my brain around everything that happened. It defies logic as well as justice. They did just about everything they could do to me except kill me. And I still don't know how the main culprits behind it thought they could pull it off and keep it going. Like me, they must have known the autopsy would reveal the truth and destroy the fraud. Whatever their intentions, they essentially shot themselves in the foot at the end and left the door wide open for me to file a hall of a lawsuit.
On that front, one lawyer who deals with wrongful imprisonment said he wouldn't take my case -- because my case involves more than just wrongful imprisonment. Wrongful imprisonment can be when cops pull you over thinking you're DUI and put the cuffs on you, then release you the next day. My case, he says, involves a lot more than that and includes civil rights violations, so I need to find a lawyer who deals with civil rights cases.