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Everything posted by Scrabbs

  1. visual novel and maybe erotic
  2. My favorites are Half-Life Duke Nukem 3D Sonic 3 and Knuckles Deus Ex Max Payne 2 Castelvania SOTN Left 4 Dead 2 Mother 3
  3. Man I can't wait for Mother 3 to be translated. Any day now bros!
  4. I am the smartest and strongest man on the planet, no I will not provide any proof.
  5. Those games are the reason my favorite song is Goldfinger by Superman
  6. I just bought a trailer and I'm renting it out to a recovering addict who can't get good housing anywhere else, it's actually sweet. Their parole officers who do unannounced check-ins are like my unpaid property managers.
  7. Galaga, used to play that at the movie theater with my dad. He would control the ship and I’d shoot think the highest level we got to was 16.
  8. Got a saturn and replayed the original trilogy (and knuckles route in sonic 3) via Sonic Jam. Still happy to say sonic 3 and knuckles is still the greatest 2D platformer ever made, nothing compares. Been playing Symphony of the Night and love that too.
  9. Simple, people who were kids when they first played Halo are now old enough to post. I wonder how long until people start defending pubg and Fortnite? I’m guessing 4-6 years, maybe less. I mean it’s weird to think Halo CE is as retro as Pac-Man was in 2001
  10. here is the modern day equivalent, this dude is great.
  11. It’s part of my job, I’m a pro
  12. Seeing goatse is like seeing an old friend from childhood
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