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About TiberiumSoul

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  1. i just heard the news. rest in peace Tiberium

    1. DoomPlayer00


      Wait, what happened?

    2. Misty


      He passed away in his sleep from health complications.

    3. DoomPlayer00


      oh :(

      Rest in peace. Always sad to hear about a community member's death.

  2. would it be possible to get a kind of 50/50 fusion between "base punchy" and "bipack"? I like the muted colors of bipack, but i also love the blues and greens in base punchy
  3. Counter point, 128px humans, that use downscaling in their actor definition.
  4. Question... could one contribute sectors to be added to an overall map, i feel like i could manage that far better than a full on map... if you'd like to give some ideas for me to attempt
  5. i should point out the track has meta looping enabled meaning in slade you'll see LOOP_START and a timestamp, do not mess with that... at all. the song loops perfectly ingame
  6. IDK if you're still looking for music but give these a listen, credits are included in the zip, i tried to do a full suite for E1, but it was a challenge getting the songs to line up for just these three, and the remixes i wanted to smash together just didn't line up no matter what i tried, so i only ever managed these three triple mixes... tibstriplemixes235.zip
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