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About kwc

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    Canadian McGoo
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  1. Good. We have pizza and events every once in a while, I’ve picked up on ping pong, it’s a good way to unwind after work and get some of that excess energy out. So far my place is pretty good about work-life balance, checking glassdoor also confirms to me it’s not a fluke. Sometimes they bring beer and snacks up to the office :)
  2. You can’t directly correlate the quality of the game with how much A-ness it has, and for better or for worse, a lot of people are attracted to games with high levels of A-ness. Some folks think that AAA games stink, as they have triple the A-ness of a whole indie game. I don’t know if you can really judge a game by its A-ness though, even though you can sorta sense the A-ness. It’s a case by case A-ness sensing thing, gotta feel it out first.
  3. I don’t feel like I’ve seen enough to predict if it’s gonna be any good or not, but I have the impression they are still going to be messing around with the franchise formula, and that is a positive imo.
  4. That’s great news, OP. Is this a new job for you? I guess it’s a good time of year for landscaping in a lot of places.
  5. Is that your section? Tbh I think if there is a strong hint for the invulnerability sphere it would help a lot with the perceived difficulty of that start. Allowing the player to know that the powerup is there may help make the encounter feel less hopeless and more goal-oriented.
  6. Tbh I think Cold Open is a great map01 title already. I'm cool with this, would be nice to have these maps polished to shine their brightest
  7. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Arlene_Sanders
  8. The background section here shares a bit of history: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doom_Wiki:Departure_from_Wikia This thread in particular could help directly answer your question as to why some people dislike the other wiki:
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