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About ShadowRunner

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  1. That's right, I'm leaving!

    Over the past 5/6 months I've recieved nothing but crap from you people.I turned out to look like a joke,admins seem to like to fuck with me. That just ain't right Imo.I've tried releasing maps, and getting some bad comments in the end.I will never be a successful mapper,I will never be a respected member according to more than half of you.I could enjoy myself on a Half life server then take crap from most of the morons like:Ralphis, UltraViolet, Ubik, BlackFish, DoomBoy as the bastard he is,and alot of the assholes in my right mind who treated me like complete dog shit.I honestly do not feel like I should stick around anymore because of this and you people will just never learn to respect me.What the hell am I supposed to do? I don't know, you tell me.I'm not thinking twice about this and don't try to stop me either.Goodbye and have a nice life in hell.

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Ralphis


      Let's see now...

        Cacodemon Leader
        Skunkboy Kyle
      Great, only three left

    3. læmænt



    4. Cyb


      For this idiotic act of melodramaticism you're banned, SR. Enjoy!

  2. http://www.media.ebaumsworld.com/index.php?e=fredrykphox.wmv

    After watching that, I do believe he is the Gargauntan Retarded.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Ralphis


      ShadowRunner said:


      After watching that, I do believe he is the Gargauntan Retarded.

      Wrong. Fredryk Phox is awesome. But I give the Shadowrunner award of "This is one retard who wastes too much time on the internet." to...


    3. Fletcher`


      Hellbent said:

      Wow, and I thought I made disturbing home videos....

      you do.

    4. Coopersville


      I found it quite disturbing, having watched about a minute of it without sound.

  3. I just wanna do this for fun, so place your votes now.

    1. Show previous comments  52 more
    2. lupinx_resurrected


      I dont hate anyone here, heck..after a while I forget what even my greatest enemys did here.

      EDIT: no I dont hate you either ravage:)

    3. Arckra


      insertwackynamehere said:

      And so is that fear_and_loathingpi guy. They both joined after him, and still thought they were better. That can get annoying.

      Now now, fear_and_loathingpi is one of my buddies. He's quite harmless, so you don't have to worry about him. Its one of those all bark and no bite sort of things.

      And to SR: You're not bad at all, you just do some silly things. ^^;

    4. lupinx_resurrected
  4. My friend at school was talking about Aod2 in production with Bruce Campbell in it. I dont know if this is true but would kick ass as I just recently watched Ed2 and Aod yesterday for the first time(slow I am).

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sharessa


      Psyonisis said:

      Bruce Campbell's next starring role will be in a movie called Bubba Ho-tep (site). I saw a preview for it while at the local artsy theatre, and everyone in the audience produced an audible gasp when his name was mentioned on the screen. Watch the trailer, it looks hilarious!

      WTF, I could have sworn that came out a year ago.

    3. Job


      Danarchy said:

      WTF, I could have sworn that came out a year ago.

      It did. However, it didn't have a particular open release day in all public theaters. Instead, it moves around the country showing at various theaters at various times.

    4. ShadowRunner


      Well thats kinda confusing and weird for a movie to do that, although i cant find a date for it in Orlando.

  5. Like it says, post your favorite midis with links.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. DooMBoy


      Danarchy said:

      Man, how do people do that? I'm 20 and I still can't find a job.

      I'm 21 and jobless, I feel your pain.

    3. lupinx_resurrected


      Ultraviolet said:
      Let's talk about skateboarding in this one and midis in the other one.

      LoL you suxors.

    4. manjar



  6. Who here skateboards?

    Also, this thread can be used for pictures/videos of those who skateboard to show others their tricks and stuff.

    Also: Once i get my new deck and bearings, I'll be making some videos of some invented tricks related to Doom.

    Lets start off with this.

    Do you skateboard?
    Have you invented tricks?
    Willing to film and show it to us?

    Then post in this thread.

    1. Show previous comments  49 more
    2. ShadowRunner
    3. Ultraviolet


      You might say some criminals like to skate right through the legal system.

    4. Quast


      Poland sucks.

  7. Look im sick of seeing that big underlined link to me being owned by Ralphis. Sure it was funny for a day or so but now its just stupid.

    Maybe a title like: The Retro one would be great. Maybe I passed 1st grade could do well too(since i've nailed typing grammer just about right). Just please change it to something else!

    1. Show previous comments  75 more
    2. Fletcher`


      lupinx_resurrected said:

      Awful spelling. :(

      No, that's how you spell huzzah.

    3. Grazza


      SR has indeed got his title changed: that final "ED" has now been added. Yay!

    4. læmænt


      Grazza said:

      SR has indeed got his title changed: that final "ED" has now been added. Yay!

      Yay for historical accuracy!

  8. It took him 2 months,but he finally replied to the whereabouts in Florida(our state.Turns out he lives in the apartment complex i moved out of a couple of years ago(i now live in a two story house with my parents,only 14 so i got no job).I don't know bout you guys,but i feel special.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kid Airbag

      Kid Airbag

      I dunno, I'm kind of glad not a whole lot of you live around here.

    3. insertwackynamehere


      Sephiroth said:

      who the hell is cadman? what is a cadman? is he a really cool guy that everyone likes? a jerk? hitler's uncle's best friend's ass panda?

      tell me who or what is a cadman


      OK, I'm over it :D

    4. DooMBoy


      ShadowRunner said:

      i feel special.

      Well, you most certainly are! Don't you let anyone tell you otherwise, because you are special and unique...just like everyone else.

  9. Ahem,Just a few days ago it came to my attention someone tryed to im me by displaying weird fonts,breaking thru the Accept message,and trying to force connect me and recieve files.
    I stopped using Xblackdagger89X

    Just today i added the new screename i was using which was Xdoomgod89X to my Vbhome.

    Just 5 minutes ago,he Struck again.

    Every time this happened,Aim would crash.
    Ive scanned my computer and found nothing wrong.

    I believe its someone from Doomworld.
    Someone around heres going around trying to Infect me(Maybe others) without us knowing who it is.

    Ive only gotten a short glance of his name which has XH3xor(something something)

    People,if this has happened to you,No matter what instant messanging service,Let me and the others around you know before he strikes again.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sharessa
    3. SyntherAugustus


      Ralphis said:

      Prank thing

      - Ralphjis

      I smell a shadowrunner'ed version of what happend a year ago.

    4. Kid Airbag

      Kid Airbag

      BlackFish said:

      I smell a shadowrunner'ed version of what happend a year ago.

      Yeah, he's the new you.

  10. Youve seen the 1001 threads before.
    Now its the 1001 Doom Catch phrases.
    Ill start off.
    1.I bet you a Frag!
    2.Good lord what kind of mapping level are you on,i can hardly read this!

    Next please.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. zark


      ShadowRunner said:

      Bahh..Cant you guys have some fun!!!

      Fun? Fun would imply there would be some kind of enjoyement had out of listing the "1001 Doom Catch Phrases". Inserting a large spiky object into my rectum sounds far more "fun" than this.

    3. fraggle


      ShadowRunner said:

      Youve seen the 1001 threads before.

      in here?

    4. Coopersville


      "...He's just standing there..."

      Here comes the night train!


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