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About LateToDOOM2020

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  1. I decided to recreate an old map (Nuke Town) from Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 that I really enjoyed back in 2010. I am sure I am not the only one who liked this map! I made an attempt at creating this WAD and while its not an exact copy I think the layout that is accurate enough to have that small fast paced multiplayer combat. What I had done to play this is I used bots. I put details on how to setup bots to play against in the notes with the WAD. I found this much more fun by using mods to add different weaponry too. Below is the comparison of the original to the one I tried to make. . This is for DOOM 2 E1M1 It can be downloaded here - NUKETOWN.zip This will not work for single player this is only designed for multiplayer. I dont expect everyone to find this the best map ever but I thought since I created it I may as well share it in the case that someone may find it fun too. If you think you can make a better one with more detail please do I think that would be really fun! Happy Weekend Everyone
  2. I have a Christmas Wad where you play as small as a Doom guy under a large Christmas tree surrounded by various presents, popcorn tin cans, Lego Blocks, Christmas Lights and Ornaments etc.. I thought it sounded very fun so I need to keep working on it someday. I haven't finished it because im better at playing wads than finishing them.
  3. Hey I like it! Plenty of surprises and I had to be prepared for it. Too difficult for me to get through in 7 min though!
  4. I liked the wad, simple and small sometimes those are the best wads to play. The first door had some weird transparent sides maybe missing texture? Its not the typical Laboratory or building or outside layout, its like a mix of different places so I like the design and choices for textures.
  5. This is a great wad I am enjoying the playthrough and creative map designs. The aesthetics and view of the environments is really good. You make killing that Cyberdemon look EASY! Good play through
  6. Im on map 6 so far. I realize Theres no way to kill all the monsters with just ammo for this wad. I rarely am put in situations like this where I have to figure out alternate ways to fight the demons and its really cool because it creates new situations. Im loving this map!
  7. Nobody laugh but its quite difficult for meπŸ˜‚ I got past level 1 but level 2 I'm low on ammo and no where to run. Maybe playing with a mouse and better keyboard setup would help... I like the orange, melting font, music . Exciting theme for Halloween ! Question though. Can I jump? I assume that's what "limit removing" means here right?
  8. I enjoyed it. I always like small wads that are not entire series or large large maps to just find something new for a quick playthrough. It crashed on the third map for me but maybe I should try it in GZDoom and see if it runs level 3 so I can finish it. PS I liked all the Imps in the first level!
    I put 5 stars because I found it enjoyable. No it does not have super detailed design but it does have details that make it an enjoyable game play. the way textures line up perfectly for example buttons on a washing machine and the railing for the stairs is very clever and Its cool to see the use of textures in this way. I enjoyed the lack of linear game play and the lack of typical puzzle solving. You sneak around the houses and with uncertainty what is around each corner you find that the monsters keep coming out of nowhere. The houses give you cover to protect your self and its cool to see the little details in each house. There is more than enough ammunition and you wont be able to pick up every item. Its very fun to play doom in this more relaxed free roam style. To those who have played many doom levels and have high expectations you may dislike this map but for someone like me who likes the older style of maps its very enjoyable.
  9. That maze looks like a nightmare! @jpsplat What you said makes sense about the hit scanners. I guess I will just have to kill every monster on the map then! I Think it would be cool to have a maze the size similar to the original but with more towers and small pockets of open areas with some buildings etc.. All difficult to get to yet rewarding. @thestarrover Agreed I hope to see more cool maze maps😁
  10. Yea I'm still having fun with this maze. I have been on maze 2.0 now I abandoned the original map because I was bad at navigation lol. @jpsplat Did you make it so the player cant get to the top of the tower? I killed 3 of the spiders but when I try to get to the top I die almost instantly. I would think its archviles but I die before even catching on fire. On another note the tower is fun to fight around. The spiders have a delay with their plasma balls depending on your distance. So You can lure monsters on to a pathway where they will try shooting you and move out of the way causing 50 plasma balls to hit them all at once. Very devastating attack using the tower.
  11. My bad yes I can go up just like the image you showed. I guess it works fine on Woof doom thenπŸ‘πŸ˜Ž I think I just misunderstood. Its actually a smart idea just to get a peek only without breaking the game play. Thanks I will look at it I did not ever know there were so many doom ports!
  12. @jpsplat I am using Woof DOOM because my poor computer cant handle running GZDoom. When I try to go up the stairs and full speed running I hit it like a wall. I will look up crispy Doom and see if I can play with that.
  13. My progress is not impressive but that's okay I don't want to suffer that bad lol I had an observation going through marking all the dead ends and continued going deeper until I find more dead ends. Theres a spot you can see where I begin to hit many dead ends all at one time and it is limited to an area. Its a petty cool visualization to see where an area is cut off from the rest of the maze. Also is it just me or does anyone have difficulties going up the new stairs? I cant get up
  14. Thank you for making our torturous game play experience of being stuck in a maze forever more improved and enhanced with an update. πŸ˜‚πŸ€˜ It looks good. One thing I notice is making it possible to walk on the maze walls causes the entire map to become discovered. Its good to see the entire map but it also makes it difficult to know what has been explored. I guess its a trade off you could say.
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