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Everything posted by lunchlunch

  1. Zzul Bases MAP01 UV-MAX in 1:30 zz01l130.zip MAP02 UV-MAX in 6:37 zz02l637.zip MAP03 UV-MAX in 8:53 zz03l853.zip Okay, I reread the welcome thread and saw that filenames are supposed to be 8 characters. If I've somehow screwed up the formatting or something again, please let know why it's not accepted, I'd like to be able to start submitting demos.
  2. Zzul Bases MAP01 UV-MAX in 1:30 Zzul01LunchDemo_130.zip MAP02 UV-MAX in 6:37 Zzul02LunchDemo_637.zip MAP03 UV-MAX in 8:53 Zzul03LunchDemo_853.zip I had previously posted the MAP02 demo but I think it got missed so I'm posting it again. Safe to say I won't be recording a demo for MAP31.
  3. @eharper256 No, the imp surge has not changed on UV, it's just less chaotic on HMP. I took the time to implement and balance the lower difficulties so I'd recommend anybody having trouble with this map drop down to HMP.
  4. @matador Thanks again for playtesting. Yeah, good thinking, I plan on doing this. I have like twenty-four other "palettes" I've come up with, some of them more experimental than others. Some palettes just inspire me more than others and those are the maps that get finished. @Biodegradable Thanks for the video. I'd suggest playing on a lower difficulty instead of raging through it though.
  5. The 10x10 Project is a modest set of ten BOOM-compatible maps made as mapping exercises in which I restricted myself to using ten stock textures and ten stock FLATs in each (with some universal textures such as switches, doors, DOORTRAK, lights, etc.). Pistol starts are intended but I won't put a gun to your head. Starts out at Plutonia difficulty then starts worshipping Killer5 and Insane Gazebo later on (but still easier than their stuff). In addition there is a secret map that will probably be unpopular. Credits: Cyberdemon sprites by Captain Mozzarella, INTERPIC and M_DOOM by Pixel Fiend. Playtested by KineticBeverage, Maribo, Matador, and about a dozen /vr/ anons Tested with: DSDA DOOM Uses UMAPINFO Software Rendering recommended, and if you're a psycho that plays with translucency off, turn that back on DOWNLOAD 10X10
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