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Custom Longplay

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About Custom Longplay

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  1. Project Brutality 3.0 - Doom 2 - Map: #365 - Abandon Nukage Plant - [4K60ᶠᵖˢ] - [100% Secrets]
  2. Project Brutality 3.0 - Doom 2 - Map: #364 - La Gran Alameda - [4K60ᶠᵖˢ]
  3. First 8 Maps from the Megawad Doom 2 - [Project Brutality - Nostalgia] - [4K60ᶠᵖˢ]
  4. Project Brutality 3.0 - Doom 2 - Map: #363 - Slugger - [4K60ᶠᵖˢ]
  5. Project Brutality 3.0 - Doom 2 - Map: #362 - Experimentation Subject - [4K60ᶠᵖˢ]
  6. Good map from you with many difficult opponents. I simply proceeded tactically without running at them. Project Brutality 3.0 - Doom 2 - Map: #360 - Doom: Eviluation - [4K60ᶠᵖˢ]
  7. Enter this into the Google search function! doom how to make an archway Or the video will certainly help you!
  8. Here are the videos of the first 4 maps! Doom 2 - [Project Brutality - Alpha Sector] - [Custom Map] - Map 01 to Map 04 - 100% Secrets
  9. I didn't even think the idea of the 30-second limit was that bad. It's just important that you're made aware of it. I have now played through all 4 maps and can only say that I had a lot of fun! Thank you...
  10. After later difficulties with the map, I just marveled at how beautiful this map is. Great work. I also wrote something about it in my comment. Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Map: #359 - Demonic Impulses - [4K60ᶠᵖˢ]
  11. Short and sweet without frills. I really enjoyed it. I wrote something about your map in my comment. Project Brutality 3.0 - Doom 2 - Map: #358 - Phobos - [4K60ᶠᵖˢ]
  12. I left a small impression in my comment on your map. Very nice little map from you. Project Brutality 3.0 - Doom 2 - Map: #357 - Frantic - [4K60ᶠᵖˢ]
  13. I have written something about this map in my commentary! Otherwise I can only say, thumbs up for this map! Project Brutality 3.0 - Doom 2 - Map: #356 - Venom Vendetta - [4K60ᶠᵖˢ]
  14. I have written something about this map in my commentary! Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Map: #355 - Vogel im Käfig - [4K60ᶠᵖˢ]
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