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About danidf96

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  1. I gotta give a mention to this great episode by @Arsinikk, just the presentation of the thread is telling of the quality in here.
  2. After figuring out what a complevel was after 6 years of playing doom i finished the wad and i gotta say that was extreamely memorable. Without spoiling anything map 07 is quite the journey to say the least particularly the visual aspect. The wad really captures that 90s feel in the atmosphere and visuals but really improves it with well executed (and hard af) enemy encounters, i also specially loved both of the dehacked suprises in the secret map. Loved the wad overall and can't wait for more, i'd love if the second chapter would use the dechaked weapon more to add a little bit of spice to the normally more monotonus gameplay of Doom 1. Also what is e3m6 supposued to be?
  3. I got to map 08 but i can't finish the map. After i press the botton near the spider mastermind and the one that appears at the bottom of the stairs it triggers a sort of door sound. After that i'm pretty lost, nothing seems to open or trigger after that. Any help please ? I'm playing in dsda doom
  4. Sorry for the bump, i'm just curious about how the progress on this project has been going. Or if there has been any progress at all.
  5. Perhaps the best year in Doom's modding history, what a time to be a doom player, and to close it off with Eviternity 2... Simply perfect
  6. Is there any way to add thumbnails to wads that don't have one? I'm playing memento mori and the launcher isn't finding the wad on idgames so it won't show any thumbnail and it is starting to bug me. I'm trying to add the intermission screen as the thumbnail but i can't find the option.
  7. If anything at least the spritework is good
  8. Este proyecto va duro de cojones, mucha suerte a todos los participantes
  9. +1 for DOOMKID.WAD by @Tarnsman super solid maps and a good use for the amazing midis made by Doomkid.
  10. Wtf is your pfp man!?

  11. Finally two of my favourite games put together, good luck to all the mappers.
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