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Difficult for all the wrong reasons: - Not enough amunition, at least when pistol starting. - Very few medikits; it's common to fight a tough fight with 3 % of health and no medikit in sight. - And there's a hitscanning chaingunner on every. Single. Corner. This turns the gameplay into a boring quickload fest.
Nice, tight level design. E1M8 was an amazing puzzle map. It's surprisingly difficult for a Doom 1 WAD, but for wrong reasons: constant ambushes, monsters teleporting right behind you. Also, there is a serious lack of medikits. Fights with 5 % health and hitscanners all around are common. Still, it was quite fun.
Skillsaw is a genius. This is a legendary megawad with amazing level design, unique visual style and tones of new ideas. Levels are very non-linear, mostly arena-like. After every ten levels you lose all your weapons and start over, making berserk packs much more useful. One complaint: There's just too many teleporter ambushes. Brutal compatibility: The map pack is playable with Brutal Doom/Project Brutality, only with some minor graphical glitches, except for around three maps by the end of the game that contain too many monsters for the scripts to handle. Had to iddqd through a few encounters on those maps because FPS dropped to single digits.
Pretty good megawad with a slaughter-ish second half. It has balanced difficulty, with most encounters being fair and playable. Very few ambushes! Also, it's surprisingly good with Project Brutality, for its powerful weapons and enhanced enemies. Only the two secret levels were too difficult to play with PB and in two more levels I had to iddqd through the beginning to get the monster count down and the framerate up to two digits. The rest was fine and entertaining because the gameplay was much faster than in vanilla.
Yes, this is a legendary megawad. Yes, there is a lot of positives to say about it. But I can't ignore the button madness present in many levels. In the second half of the game this gets utterly insane - you WILL spend most of the time bashing and shooting every inch of every wall to find yet another hidden switch to be able to progress. Many switches open hidden doors in an unrelated location on the other side of the level without even telling you. Some levels have switches completely invisible and one of them even hides switches in random decoration sprites like trees. I'm sorry but this was no fun and in the end it ruined the entire megawad for me.
Crude, simple, yet surprisingly inventive for 1994. There's a lot of switches and the layout is very non-linear and sometimes quite confusing. In one level I had to idclip to the exit because I had no idea how to get there otherwise. Overall, this was a nice nostalgic experience. Difficulty: easy. Mods: Project Brutality 3, UDV.