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Everything posted by Biodegradable

  1. Considering just how old the game is combined with the fact that it's not nearly the cash-cow some people make it out to be these days, being "Free To Play" now; I don't think Valve has much incentive to actually fix it beyond this point. Thanks to the source code leaking in 2020, I don't think they really can. The TF2 community can mitigate the problem a little by using custom community servers to combat the bots, but I think they're shit out of luck if they think Valve plans to wage a never-ending arms race against the bot programmers. It's sad, but TF2's been around for almost 20 years. Its time has well and truly passed, and I'd say it had a pretty damn good run for a game of its ilk that none of the thousand of imitators every publisher keeps farting out these days will ever live up to. TF2 was a watershed moment that captured lightning in a bottle and made a huge cultural impact on gaming, independent animation and internet culture. It was one-of-a-kind, but it was never going to last forever. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
  2. It's finally here! Glad to see it all done, you guys. This has been one of my favourite projects to playtest in recent memory. :^)
  3. Very spicy little map, fam. There was some interesting challenges to the use of cramped spacing, but at no point did I feel like you were being unfair. Very curious set-pieces, sector layouts and texturing. It's good old-fashioned fun!
  4. And I forgot your username used to be "lolmcswagger". How time flies.
  5. Need to blow the dust out of your memory cartridge, fam. DW's been running on Invision since 2017.
  6. Damn, I've been catching up on the near-month's worth of posts here since I took a bit of a sabbatical from Doom and holy shit; you guys have been getting wacky. Never change, Doomworld!

  7. @obake @Berubaretto @tonytheparrot @Dewzan I'm not avoiding your map, I just don't have the time to wrestle with a 1400+ demon-infested slaughtermap at this time. I'll try and tackle it over the weekend for ya.
  8. Someone hand me the popcorn, this thread's taken an interesting turn.
  9. It served as a repository for all the worst posts, a kind of cringe peanut gallery for people to laugh at. It still exists, it's just not public anymore and still used as a bin for garbage threads. Some people are nostalgic for it, others literally only visited this website because of it. Ling decided years ago back in 2017 after the forum update that it was no longer necessary and he wanted DW to move on from that kind of toxic mindset and to stop playing in the filth.
  10. Good to see this project isn't dead. I was a little worried for a bit there and I kind of stopped paying attention after a while. I look forward to finally seeing it all compiled.
  11. Yes! DW Max is a year-long project, so you have until January 2025 to submit a map.
  12. Friday night, baybeeeee! Pizza, a movie and then catching up on my playtesting with some late-night Dooming.

  13. AND it's great to practice for learning how BFG scanners work, as well as two-shotting Cybers.
  14. It's the best video game adaptation I've ever seen. It's a real credit to the showrunners that they went about crafting their own story utilising the lore rather than trying to adapt the existing storylines from any of the games. I was pretty cynical at first, especially because I thought the ghoul bounty hunter character looked more like just a nose-less bloke with a horrible sunburn, but the show's internal logic as to why that is and how to portrays ghouls in general was really interesting. The show's pacing is definitely a bit quick and could benefit from some more breathing moments, but its ability to keep you intrigued throughout is commendable. I'm really pleasantly surprised with the amount of love, effort and attention to detail that was put in by a team that are clearly Fallout fans. I can't wait to see what happens next. :^)
  15. Here's a tower of Frank Miller comics I finished reading recently. I fucking love Sin City.
  16. @Hebonky I tested yours a while back and forgot to post it. Pretty aggravating at points, but everything works and it looks awesome fam. Sorry I haven't been around, guys. I've been busy with work and other life commitments and haven't had much room for Doom lately. I'll test all the other maps I've missed in due time.
  17. My only claim to fame is being a useful lab rat mappers can torture with their work, and that happened on accident by just hanging out and playing WADs on the forum frequently for the past 3 years. As some mentioned earlier, you get out what you put in. Just keep doing your thing by making your mods, participating in community activities, playing WADs and volunteering a helping hand on a project. You'll find your place here just like the rest of us over time.
  18. I'd been on a bit of a Doom sabbatical for a few months, so this was a fun one to come back to. Nicely done, fam. I can't resist a good OTEX techbase map.
  19. I've been away too long. Cracks knuckles. Let's go play some WADs. >:^)

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