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Naked Snake

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About Naked Snake

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    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!
    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. Hi, BigBadGangsta here (BBG if you prefer), I decided to throw this WAD together on a whim when I remembered I converted the TNT Evilution midis to MP3s using some soundfonts well over 10 years ago now. Somehow the Doom Depot is still up, so I snagged the tracks I needed, downloaded SLADE and slapped this together. So yeah, I joined Doomworld in 2001, now in 2024 I am releasing my first WAD. It's pointless, nobody will care, but here it is regardless. It should pair well with the OG MP3 music WADs, I assume they're still out there. I may have released an incomplete version of this some time in the past, if so I can't remember. Testing on this was approximately about 5 seconds long, I skipped to a few levels and it seems to be playing the right tracks. If that isn't the case then I am bad and dumb, sorry. Thanks to Harvey for being my long-time friend and encouraging me to finally do some damn Doom thing. Thanks to Ralphis for being a good friend and getting me up to speed on what I needed to do. Thanks to DSM and Scuba Steve for my fish avatar that I've used forever. Thanks to the Doom community for sticking together for decades now, I hope at least one person enjoys this silly thing, if so then that makes it worth it. Keep on Doomin'. Full credit for the actual soundtrack (from doomwiki.org) - Jonathan El-Bizri (Biz), Josh Martel (Null), L.A. Sieben and Tom Mustaine, with some Doom II tracks by Robert Prince being reused in a few levels. Files available from https://www.doom2.net/doomdepot/music.html https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uxf5k3xtkvswky889otbr/tntmus.wad?rlkey=lz222u1rqi53rk7wypf6bpxle&st=40opp6tz&dl=0 For the sake of posterity, this is the original "bigbadgangsta.txt" included with my MP3 conversions on Doom Depot - INFO ===== Well, I did it, I converted the TNT Evilution midis to mp3 format. I encounted some problems with some of the midis, so if they sound different, then they were converted using my SB LIVE! soundfont. STUFF I USED ============== Silverspring soundfont 8MBGMSFX soundfont from my SB LIVE! card Midisyn Razorlame MADE BY ========= bigbadgangsta CONTACT INFO ============= e-mail : foxstang1@bluefrognet.net AIM : BigBadGangsta150
  2. It definitely weirded me out seeing reports of this hack on Twitter, thankfully the passwords are encrypted.
  3. RIP I guess, SA was a fun site for a long time but I dropped off in the mid-2000s and never really looked back. Never was a forum member, seems like it was a happening joint back in the day.
  4. I am so stoked for this, the Metroid II remake seems neat and I have yet to play it but looks like I'll have to in order to whip myself into shape for Dread. Might be time for a Super Metroid and Fusion replay too.
  5. I love Blood and was pretty happy when NDS was able to re-release it, it was one of my favorite games back in the day, the humor was great, the levels were fun, the weapons were satisfying.
  6. I like them both but Mega Man X was pretty solid and X2 made some major improvements to the gameplay of X1. Never really got into X3 as much but I played the hell out of the other two. I didn't make the transition to the PS1 games either so anything X3 is pretty much unknown to me beyond glancing at the TvTropes pages maybe. The original NES games were a bit too hard for me but I can see why folks really like those games. The GB games were also pretty hard, I'm not the best Mega Man player out there. They definitely deserve their place in the Classic Canon of Great Games though. Without them the X series wouldn't have come about and I thank them for pioneering the series and concept.
  7. UT99 and 2003 / 2004 are pretty fun, I never really played any of the newer ones so I can't really say much about those. I recommend the Operation: Na Pali mod for UT99 because not only does it add a fun single player campaign but it adds the ability to change out between Unreal 1 and UT99 weapons individually, power-ups, and other stuff, it's pretty much a mandatory upgrade IMO.
  8. Well, I'm old as shit. Decided to treat myself to a bolt-action .30-06, was looking at a Birmingham Small Arms sporterized Mauser, it was $300 last time I had went but was now $375. Next to it was a rifle that had almost the exact same lay-out (21" barrel, iron sights on the barrel), but the sights were better and it had a scope. Apparently the scope and ring combination is worth $200, so after paying $351 after tax for the whole shebang, turns out I got a great deal. The scope is a Weaver El Paso K4 fixed telescope (not variable) and it has a pivoting mount so I can drop the scope out of the way to use the iron sights. Perfect deer and bear rifle. It is a Savage Model 110, made in the US, made in Chicopee Falls, MA.

    Side 1

    Side 2

    Scope pivoted

    Scope locked in

    If my research is correct, this is possibly from the first year of production and may actually be the 5656th of this rifle ever made.

    1. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet

      Very nice. And 26 isn't old. In fact, that's two years younger than I am :-P

    2. ReFracture


      Nice, I like my Savage 110 .270. Need to get out and shoot the damn thing more though.

    3. Naked Snake

      Naked Snake

      Mike.Reiner said:

      Nice, I like my Savage 110 .270. Need to get out and shoot the damn thing more though.

      If you go to a public range and see dudes shooting .30-06s, save their brass, you can reload it into .270 cartridges.

  9. http://wnyt.com/article/stories/s2677899.shtml


    I met this crazy asshole on an IRC channel. One day he admitted to me that he had an illegally sawed-off shotgun and an illegally possessed handgun (he lives in New York, like me, and New York requires a permit to possess handguns). Another user of the channel pointed me to his public profile on the website the channel is dedicated to. On his profile was longitude and lattitude coordinates to his house (seriously? seriously.) and pictures of said illegal guns. Little did I know that the CETME .308 caliber rifle pictured next to his illegal handgun was in fact a fully-automatic machinegun and not a semi-automatic rifle.

    I promptly LOL'd about his stupidity and proceeded to paste his public profile in several channels and one person, who was a member of both channels, took notice and LOL'd along with me. During this time, we noted several very disturbing comments and an attitude that suggested that he and his father believed national chaos was imminent and that if it came about that he was going to be free of moral scruples. This was the impetus for us to report him to New York state authorities. We compiled as much evidence (IRC logs, URL of pictures he removed from the HTML of his profile but did not actually delete them from the image host, and his IP / hostmask) and he reported the guy to New York's crime tip line.

    As they say, the wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind fine, and as the weeks rolled into months, we wondered if the cops had forgotten about it or something, but then today he got an e-mail (the cops periodically e-mailed back and once called him) saying that they had executed a search warrant at the address provided and had recovered machineguns, sawed-off shotguns (the one he had shown us was clearly visible in the police evidence photos that the news article I read) and pistols. Turns out his father had used a Federal Curio and Relics collector license, which allows you to have elligible firearms shipped directly to your home, to transfer the pistols. However, to do so legally in New York with handguns, you must have a handgun permit, which neither of them had. The machineguns were built from lawfully-acquired parts kits, which are typically built by hobbyists into completely legal semi-automatic firearms (by law, the receivers must vary enough to not accept fully-automatic parts).

    I am very pro-gun, I do believe it should be legal to own fully-automatic firearms and it is legal in around 40 states to do so (NY not being one of them) but I also believe that ignoring unjust laws is not a moral way to protest them. It saddens me this young man has been arrested for violating laws that should not exist, particularly the law about "collapsible stocks" that New York has, but at the same time, I cannot pity him too much, he and his father knew full well that they were breaking various State and Federal laws and he was callous enough to make this public for ANYONE that Google searched his IRC nickname (first result, actually) to find.

    EDIT : technically they haven't found him or his father guilty, just charged him...but as far as cases go, they just don't get any more closed than that.

    1. Show previous comments  52 more
    2. Blastfrog


      Considering [PROTOTYPE]'s recent creepy knife thread, should we turn him in to the Romanian authorities? :P

    3. Bank


      What a bizarre definition of justice you have.

    4. GreyGhost


      Sodaholic said:

      Considering [PROTOTYPE]'s recent creepy knife thread, should we turn him in to the Romanian authorities? :P

      He could become their contribution to a Syrian peacekeeping force, that's assuming the UN Security Council manages to resolve its current deadlock.

  10. I was at a nearby gun shop to pick up some ammo for my AR-15 when I noticed a sporterized Carcano (modified for hunting as opposed to the original military configuration). The Carcano is an Italian-designed bolt-action rifle, most infamous as being the type of weapon used to strike down JFK, and this tragic incident apparently gave it an undeserved reputation as "cheap Wop junk" (excuse the slur). Well, as a result, most sitting in gun shops are marked for low prices and sold as unshootable due to rumors that they are unsafe (they aren't) or are generally poor quality in general (they aren't).

    This particular example is somewhat uncommon. It is a Model 38 in 7.35x51 Carcano, a cartridge intended to replace the 6.5x52 Carcano (they share the same case, 7.35 is merely modified to accept the larger diameter projectile). It was manufactured by an Italian state-run arsenal known as Terni in 1939, the first year of a production run of only 2 years (1939-1940). After 1940, they decided to re-adopt 6.5 due to supply issues. Thus, they stopped making Model 38s and started making them in that pattern, yet in 6.5, calling it the 91/38. A lot of 7.35 Model 38s were given to Finland as aid against the Russians, which probably confused the hell out of the Finns. "What do we do with this rifle that shoots ammo we don't use?" so they just ended up giving them to people who MIGHT NEED a rifle as opposed to ABSOLUTELY NEEDED one.

    I figured it would be a neat piece to hang on my ammo cabinet, so I asked the guy if he would take $50 for it instead of $75, he did, so after filling out Form 4473 and getting a NICS instant backround check run on me, I walked away with it in about 5 minutes.

    Right side

    Left side

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Csonicgo


      Sodaholic said:

      Do unto bronies before they do unto you.

      I think the Spongebobbies are the ones that will snap first.

    3. printz


      Planky said:

      My favourite bolt action will always be the karabiner 98k.

      Heh, I made the same association when I read bolt action (that, and the Wolfenstein games).

    4. Blastfrog


      Csonicgo said:

      I think the Spongebobbies are the ones that will snap first.

      What I meant was kill them all before they make you join their ranks of ponified evil.

  11. Yesterday my uncle stopped by to work on his car. While we were working, I noticed my grandpa's old .22 in his trunk. I commented on it and picked it up and he was like "oh yeah, you can have that, I don't really do anything with it anyway and I can't take care of it". I was pretty happy, I wanted it but I didn't want to bring it up. My uncle had sanded the stock down ages ago but never refinished it, so my buddy grabbed some stain and polyeurethene and refinished it. I got the metal cleaned up as best I could, looks a lot better. Now all it needs is a magazine.

    It is a Mossberg 350KA, made in the late 1950s until the middle of the 1980s. It's pretty over-engineered for a .22, built way tougher than it'd ever need to be.

    My AR-15 upper receiver arrived today, it is a Del-Ton A3 with M4 feed ramps, 16" chrome-lined barrel, mid-length gas system. Pinned and welded (fucking NY) Yankee Hill Machine muzzle brake with "agressive end". The carrying handle is from DPMS. The lower receiver is Aero Precision, the lower receiver parts kit I used was from DPMS and the A2 stock assembly (stock, tube, buffer) is from Model 1 Sales. It seems like it will be a really fun gun.

    And it continues to grow ;-P

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. printz


      Do you have a vault to stash all those guns?

    3. Naked Snake

      Naked Snake

      printz said:

      Do you have a vault to stash all those guns?

      Nah, just a metal cabinet for the guns and a wood cabinet for the gear / ammo.

    4. Xeros612


      Not a bad collection! Could use a few handguns of course. :P
      Certainly puts my "collection" of two Mossberg shotguns to shame.

  12. On July 31st, I turned a quarter of a century old. Go me! As a sign of my decrepitness, I spent most of the day sleeping after I got home from work in the afternoon.

    My mom decided to take me shopping for clothes for my birthday, so I got three pairs of shorts and two shirts, which is all I really needed. I thought XL would be right for me but these things are fucking tents on me, but since I work in a restaurant, I don't mind. Loose-fitting clothing can be the difference between burned skin or not.

    A friend of mine got an old wood gun cabinet for me from some guy he knows, it could only hold 5 guns and had really, really tiny shelves, about a little bigger than a shotgun shell box. Needless to say, I had no use for a wooden gun cabinet when I have a metal one. However, the size and double-sided set-up were perfect to unclutter my room. After knocking all the old shelves out with a hammer and pulling the nails out of the thing, which took forever, my friend hooked me up with some old spare 2x8 boards he had. We cut them to length and then cut about a blade's worth off one pair for each shelf so it would fit. The left hand (with your back to it) top side actually has a shim using a smaller scrap piece off the end of one of the boards and a part of the old shelf (waste not, want not, right?) Another spare piece was used to make the divider on the right hand side.

    I found an OLD carving of my name from when I was like, 10, so I put it on the door. My brother bought me that Winchester plate a long time ago but I never really had a place to put it until now. I also put up a Mustang logo (says 239) with some of the small brass hangers that were in the cabinet. The shotgun and pouch belt is hanging on a stronger hanger than was also inside it.

    And a "War Room" pic just for the hell of it :-P

    1. Sharessa


      Grats on the level up. 25 is about when it all gets fuzzy. You can't remember what year anything happened in anymore and sometimes you can't even remember your age. :P

    2. Naked Snake

      Naked Snake

      Danarchy said:

      Grats on the level up. 25 is about when it all gets fuzzy. You can't remember what year anything happened in anymore and sometimes you can't even remember your age. :P

      That happens to me for a few months after every birthday, I always forget that I aged so I always say I'm a year younger than I am :-P

    3. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet

      Happy birthday! Welcome to the start of feeling old.

  13. I got a Revelation 310C (Mossberg 500C 20 gauge made and marked under Western Auto's house brand name) a long time ago from my Uncle for free. It had a badly cracked stock that made it all wobbly, other than that, it was solid. I didn't have a good "before" pic, so I found one on Imageshack.





    Had to make a collar for the UTG forearm, my model is older.



    26" barrel was reduced to 18", the original bead was re-installed and it was ported in the style of this Mossberg 185KA 20 gauge bolt-action, 5 vertical cuts down the side. I plan on getting an OLight T15 1xAA model light and a CR123A battery tube for it. I am also most likely getting a Beamshot green laser for it.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. ReFracture


      Technician said:

      I have nothing wrong with people collecting guns for a hobby. I have four riffles and two hand guns. I'd much rather they admit to that instead of hiding under a zealous title as defense. One firearm is defense, any more is a collection.

      True, saying you have a gun hobby does sound better than saying you have 20 firearms for just self defense.. heh.

    3. Mr. Freeze

      Mr. Freeze

      Aaaaand the anti-gunners shit up another thread.

      Regardless, that shotgun sounds pretty good. Do you have a way of making videos? I'd like to see it in action.

    4. Naked Snake

      Naked Snake

      Technician said:

      I have nothing wrong with people collecting guns for a hobby. I have four riffles and two hand guns. I'd much rather they admit to that instead of hiding under a zealous title as defense. One firearm is defense, any more is a collection.

      This is the only firearm I own with the sole intent of using it for personal defense of my home. The rest are for their utility or historical value.

  14. Yes, I got ANOTHER gun today...I am a little surprised myself, but the price was too damn good to pass up. It's a Romanian SKS, those go for $350-450 or more around here, I got this baby for $250.

    I modified it to make the bayonet seat in the stock

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Creaphis



    3. Naked Snake

      Naked Snake

      Mr. T said:

      Is that an SKS?

      Welcome to the first sentence of my post...

    4. SYS


      Ah the SKS... I was shooting with one of those yesterday. Was out with a group of friends. Buddy who has the SKS we call him Frank Castle as he is utterly obsessed with guns. Like somebody in this blog posting :D Bayonet while a neat touch, is pretty useless in that you'll likely never need it.

      Very nice rifle to shoot with. Found it to be really accurate, or perhaps too much CoD: WAW got me accustomed to aiming with rifles since I last went shooting. Made me wish I got my FAC, he picked his up for $199.50 + 12% tax.

      They also offer the SKS with 1120 CZ rounds for only $350.

      It's the Simonov Russian SKS: http://www.leverarms.com/

      Under the headings "New Arrival" and "Special" if you want to take a look.

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