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Everything posted by Zalewa

  1. Zalewa


    Large map, excellent in overall, albeit with some technical errors.
    Not too shabby. Map is split into arena fights with lots of monsters with some standard walk & shoot gameplay in-between. Difficulty is challenging, albeit doable, albeit very unforgiving if you make mistakes.
    A very classic Doom 1 episode, barren in visual department and relies on slaughtering enemies with BFG9000. Ok for a quick play, but just ok. There are some technical errors - some W1 linedefs that are copied and can potentially destroy stair sectors.
  2. Zalewa

    No Demon Left Alive

    This is a Tyson map with only demons and lost souls and lots of damaging floors. It's short and to the point with continuous, straight-forward action. Visuals are very basic and worse than in Doom 2 IWAD, but somehow they don't detract that much. 3* because this map is playable for reasons I don't understand.
  3. Zalewa

    Asbestos Queen

    Excellent mapset of relatively short (but not too short) maps with moderate difficulty. Map names are strange, but music is even Stranger (but not annoying). Good job.
    Massive map (1000 monsters) with 4 slaughter-fights, with the final one being most difficult - expect arch-vile + revenant + cyberdemon mix. Visuals - rock and tech-base with lots of water. All very good.
  4. Zalewa


    Overabundance of slopes, detail and flat shading with sector lights, that will drop your FPS. This is combined with difficult fights and most confusing triggers. Parts of the level open in unknown pattern and you must retrace your steps many times to figure out what opened each time. The text file doesn't mention the intended source-port. Still, the map is damn good and a lot of effort was put into it. Definitely one of those maps that show off what the ZDoom engine is capable of.
  5. Zalewa

    The Day of Chains

    Well done Doom 1 map. Tight on ammo and health, and thus challenging, but still fair. Very good visuals, and very good monster balance. It doesn't get tedious.
  6. Zalewa

    Doom: Damnation

    This is very simplistic in visuals, even for vanilla Doom, and uses abundance of high-health enemies, which promotes run-away gameplay rather than fights. You will definitely get some original Doom vibe from this, but the gameplay isn't just tailored that way. Some fights depend on causing infight, some others are just tedious. Please provide weaponry adequate to encounters! Music is a bit wearing. Some maps are better, some are worse, most of it is average with inclination towards the worse side.
  7. Zalewa

    Legacy of Heroes

    MAP09 is a library. And there are many bookshelves. And one of those bookshelves, which is the same as all the others, must be pressed in order to beat the map. Good luck with that! Apart from that - pretty and pretty fun, excellent visuals and continuous action (apart from MAP09). Definitely a must-play.
  8. Zalewa

    Killing Adventure 2

    My, my, this is not so bad! There are a few maps that leave much to be desired, particularly in the beginning, but most is quite fun to play. Garish texturing combined with vicious combat produce some abstract maps that promote reckless gameplay. They can get slaughterish at times, but the monster groups mostly consist of low level enemies and you always have enough resources and obvious secrets with powerups to deal with them. Nice.
  9. Zalewa

    Doom Redemption

    Excellently paced Doom 1 WAD with interesting levels, nice visuals and good trap ideas.
  10. Zalewa


    This is certainly a work of art. The unique blue architecture combined with nice shading and trypophobia walls create an eerie level that looks fascinating. At first. UV is unplayable - you get overrun and run out of ammo. HMP with double-ammo is doable, although still stressful with stealth enemies nibbling at you from unsuspecting directions all of the time. There's also some switch-hunting. Looks like the looks alone gave this WAD a Cacoward. I can't enjoy it.
  11. Zalewa

    Installation B

    A decent level, although with poor layouting that involves a lot of backtracking and stupid Hell Knight ambush in a thin nukage corridor. All places are tight, really. Difficulty is above average - it's doable but you should stay careful. There's some pump-action shotgun action on baron(s?) and hell knights.
  12. Zalewa

    Installation A

    This is a good map - well detailed, somewhat challenging (stay focused) and with good layout and visual cohesion. The only problem is that it's way too small. It ends before you warm up.
  13. Zalewa

    The Underground

    Unplayable, unfortunately. Get radsuit, run through lots nukage, keep falling down and retrying. Platforming in tight areas that needs to be repeated on trial & error pattern. ~ 10.2016
  14. Zalewa

    World's End

    A map of brown: brown imps, brown hell knights, brown rock walls, brown waste liquid and brown that is flushed down the toilet once you finish playing this. Deathmatchy layout. A poor map. ~ 10.2016.
  15. Zalewa

    The Catacombs

    A MAP22 knock-off with the same central room but different peripherals. Very unforgiving on UV, borderlines on masochism but isn't there just yet. The map fits in the area of "done sufficiently well". ~ 10.2016
    I agree with mallo. For a 20 year old WAD this is high quality, even given the WTF material. Fun ideas and excellent execution within the confines of Vanilla Doom. ~ 10.2016
  16. Zalewa

    Into Sandy's City

    Paul improved a lot since the times of this WAD. While not explicitly bad, it's rather primitive and abuses some copy&pasta and repeated patterns. Visuals are sufficient and stay on the original Doom level. ~ 10.2016
  17. Zalewa

    Kamikaze Suicidal

    There's a HOM in the starting pad but otherwise - excellent map. This is a fortress with non-linear progression, lots of detail and overall good looking environments. Gameplay is hard, but fair. I don't know why there are so many radsuits at the start if the nukage floors aren't damaging.
  18. Zalewa

    Blofeld X

    This pales in comparison with other works of this author, but in absolute terms it's still damn good. We can see the connected layouts that are trademark of this author, and smooth gameplay, but there's still lots to improve in visuals department. MAP06 is gimmicky, but in a good way and utilizes Doom features in ways that are not often seen to create an adventure style "tricks & traps" sort of map. The story unfolds in your imagination only - you're still the Doomguy, not James Bond.
    Brilliant. I would like if the more recent maps from this mapper offered some variety in style. This one is slightly different than all the newer ones.
  19. Zalewa


    Level with a central area that is operated by all 3 keys. You find each key separately and it is used to open the next branch of the map. Very good visuals, very good layout, very good architecture and very good, smooth gameplay. Difficulty is... low? Fantastic map, all in all.
  20. Zalewa


    Brilliant map.
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