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Everything posted by Zalewa
Very primitive map design that is somewhat playable if you force yourself. There are several labyrinths and where there are not the room design is boxy with monsters sprawled like sprinkles on a cake (whatever wherever). There are much better "first WADs" out there. At least I didn't find any technical errors. Better luck next time.
Well, I've went into it, reached the castle level with 300 monsters, got bored and killed them all with a cheat and then quit. Meeeeh... This WAD consists of bland areas, straight-forward progression (even with levels having multiple yet all mandatory paths) and overabundance of monsters. I'd suggest to replace all monsters with Centaurs but this would make the fights even more tedious. The jokes are not bad, though and "fire temple" level was better than the overall.
The first few maps can be off-putting but they really are not if you try to adapt and see their brilliance. The WAD gets even better as it progresses, with excellent visual design and well placed fights. Layout is built in a way that makes key progression points hidden in plain sight, so keep your eyes open or you may get stuck.
That's not a bad map but it uses some action elements that make your eyes roll. I mean the monsters invasions from teleporters. The crusher puzzle is fair but you need to pay attention. Music gets weary, detail is okay, the super shotgun is provided much later than when you start to feel that you want it.
Layouting could be improved to not have the fights so straight-forward, but the level is good in general. Detailed visuals, no serious technical errors (there are some misalignments), good weapon and difficulty progression. There are many maps better than this one, but this one leaves bright hope for some fun "MyNextUploads".
Reminisces a bit Doom 2 IWAD maps. It's technically correct, even if some sector heights seem to be a bit odd, but in general visuals and layout are okay. Gameplay is simple and easy, even given the fact that you have to fight high-grounded revenant with puny weapons. The "boss" is completely skippable. Not bad, in overall, actually.
Very tedious. The main color theme is white, gray and brown, and everything here looks very old and tarnished. The WAD attempts at realism and the result is not that bad. Fights are fine when they happen. What's wrong is the layout of activator-activatee pairs. You're constantly running in circles trying to figure out where to go next. Some progression can be hidden almost like secrets. This is an ambitious project that has its merits but also flaws.
This map doesn't suck because it's difficult. It sucks because that's all it is. Play this on HMP and all that is left are 3 simple rooms with cheaply copy-pasted architecture. Visuals are fine; even if you'd remove the voodoo doll light beam effect they do their job nicely. The final battle is RNG hell on UV - I beat it without the secret megasphere and no freelook, but had to rely on monsters mercifully offending each other and arch-viles getting stuck in one place.
I don't know where the map looks better - in game or when opened in Doom Builder. It's pure geometry porn. I beat it on HNTR and it was hard, but doable no matter how you go through its non-linear layout. UV is harder but still reasonable; you just need to carefully consider where you're gonna go. Beforehand knowledge certainly helps. If you approach this HK & baron & spiderdemon fight with no BFG then better pray to RNG gods and charge towards the switch that gives you more space.
This WAD gets better as you progress, but the initial maps aren't very impressive. The non-linear layout is fine, albeit the connections are lengthy. The maps suffer from a lot of flatness and give off a "Doom 2 architecture mixed with Doom 1 texturing" vibe. Some textures are strangely aligned. Fights are rather easy. The maps are playable but you mostly want them to end. The 3 (or 4) final maps start to be fun, but then the WAD ends.
Given some less blandness this could look like something that came out straight out of Doom 2 IWAD. It's not bad by any means, as the gameplay is just fine, if mostly easy. Layout is semi-open and allows non-linear exploration. The visuals lack, though. The map is full of STARTANs. Architecture could use some more detail and maybe somewhat tighter spaces to allow more challenging combat. Strong 3*.
Difficult to rate because there's good and there's bad. The bad is the sameness of all areas - concrete of different shades of grey with computers in the walls. The layout involves a lot of running to and fro, but is manageable. The good is the action - some areas are a bit harder than average and there's lots of stuff to shoot in general. Maybe more condense architecture would create a better map? It's somewhere above average, but I give 3*.