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Everything posted by Zalewa

  1. Zalewa


    Feels good, man. 5000 monsters. Took 101 minutes to beat in 2-player coop. Apart from 1 mass caco invasion, the monsters are laid out evenly as the level itself is big. Many times there are provided means to gain advantage over the horde. Just stay observant.
  2. Zalewa

    Fast and for Doom

    5 short but intense levels with nice, interconnected layouts and very good visuals that are almost free of detail clutter and rely on clean texturing and simple but interesting architecture. I would say that difficulty is hard, but not too hard and overall it's great fun. The music choices are meh for me but they are not annoying and I won't let it affect the score. Playthrough recommended, especially since the WAD is very short and can be beaten in less than 20 - 30 minutes.
    Mellow map that plays much like a Doom 1 E1 level but uses Doom2 chaingunners and Hell Knights. Easy, short, good layout, good visuals. Not bad. It would be a good opening for a larger WAD. I don't understand why ZDoom is required (or at least the text file states so). There are no advanced features used as far as the eye can see.
  3. Zalewa

    Running Late

    Short but excellent WAD. Visuals are very detailed with no surface left unscathed. The gameplay occurs mostly on a single, flat level. The action is near constant, with some fights putting you in tight spaces. All of this sums up to a WAD that reminds me of Agent Spork or UniDoom design, but that probably stems also from the replaced color palette. The "met a nazi" traitor plazma marines are used here too, but they are taken down a notch. While still fast and hurtful, they aren't used in ways that would cause much annoyance. Playthrough recommended, especially since all maps can be beaten in less than 30 minutes total.
    This WAD is like box of chocolates - you'll never know what you'll get. Unless you will because I will tell you. If you run this in a port that supports MAPINFO, you will start in MAP30 that is a "pick the level" map, Quake 1 style. You get 49 portals, each with a 512x512 pixel screenshot, map number, author name and designated port (vanilla, boom, limit removing, g/zdoom). Once you complete a level, you return to the hub and you can pick another map. This is excellent! You also carry over weapons between maps, which gives you a choice to whether you want to play each map from pistol start or carry the weapons over. I preferred to carry the weapons over, but it's apparent that all maps were designed with pistol start in mind as having access to BFG spoils the difficulty level of many of them. The maps are divided by the MAP30 hub level. By this I mean that all levels before MAP30 range from very good to mediocre with some very few bad apples here and there, while all maps after MAP30 range from mediocre to really poor. MAP50 is the only one in this range that I'd recommend playing, and even then the scripts seemingly broke for us in multiplayer and we got stuck. I can recommend playing all of the maps in the lower range (before MAP30), apart from the few mentioned in the list below. The particular hall of shame: MAP06 - not only it's the usual TimeOfDeath slaughterhouse, it's also a jokewad map with obnoxious "music". Avoid. MAP09 - this map is actually very impressive and it's not actually bad. The level is huge and it has only one monster in it - a cyberdemon. Once you kill it, the remainder of the level is switch puzzles, teleporter puzzles, crusher puzzles, etc. In other words: expect Tomb Raider gameplay. MAP13 - very plain, very 1994. MAP14 - This is a good map, but it's very, very confusing in its layout. I could not find the exit. MAP19 - slaughterhaus with poor visuals/architecture/geometry MAP24 - an abstract map where you will fall into pitch black pits of death. The text file also deserves some criticism. Formatting is all over the place and you must rely on your editor wrapping the lines properly. There's one line with 810 characters in it. All in all, I think it's a pretty successful compilation with majority of the levels being playable and enjoyable. There are better community WADs out there, with stricter quality control that will give you a more balanced experience in overall.
  4. Zalewa

    A Walk In Hell

    Was there a texture limit imposed here or what? It's all red rock. Shooting is straight forward, geometry is the same irregular shapes with height variation that only slightly goes up and down. The map is very short and not boring, but it's very, very basic.
  5. Zalewa


    Nothing spells meh like recycled IWAD geometry. And it's recycled a lot. The level is crampy, plain in visuals and the combat stalls at times.
  6. Zalewa

    Withering Graves

    A graveyard/mausoleum level built only out of Doom 2's stock textures. Weapons stop at chainsaw, shotgun and chaingun - there's no SSG as far as I know. The level is short and mostly not difficult. A nice map, all in all.
    MAP01 - MAP03 - 4* MAP04 - MAP05 - 1* MAP06 - 2* Verdict: 2* Maybe subsequent speedmapping sessions will produce better results?
    Normally, Doom 1 maps that were foolishly created with complete disregard to Doom 1 slower pacing can be fixed by spawning a super shotgun. Which I did here. It didn't save this WAD. This is an utter disaster - not only the same maps are repeated just with different textures, most of the existing maps are pure IWAD plagiarism. This is not a tribute or homage, this is plain replication of the geometry. The maps are ugly and boring. The taking away of weapons after every map just pressures to use IDFA. The only good map in this WAD is E2M6, which I can recommend playing but still, don't expect much. The others should be avoided.
  7. Zalewa


    The maps here are quite long, or rather I should say that they take longer to beat than expected when you notice that the monster count never goes above 150 (I think). Despite the low monster count, the maps can be challenging to beat. It's not the quantity that matters here but how it's used (she never said that, though). Layouts feel very organic, but not in a chaotic way that would spell "hey bro, let's make some interconnected layoutz out of random geometry". The maps are very coherent and good looking and they play very, very well and despite some unobvious triggers you rarely feel lost. A great WAD.
    At first you lull yourself into the simple but fun Doom 2 replica, play through a few maps, think the WAD is fun and then ANAL FUCK TO THE FACE HAPPENS! (just imagine how that must look). I think that maybe playing it on a difficulty level lower than UV would make the experience more smooth and less crushing as I can't recommend UV unless you like retrying a lot. I still have no idea how you're supposed to survive being suddenly surrounded by an army of arch-viles.
  8. Zalewa

    Back to Phobos

    This map really does flip a switch on a time machine, but the reality you'll find yourself in will be warped. On one hand this map feels like something that could've come from the IWAD, on the other you see bland ceilings and Doom Builder's "auto-misalign" feature - especially on corners with right angles, and in some straight walls with trim textures too. Difficulty is easy, action is constant and the map ends quickly. In the end - it's not bad, it's okay and that's it.
  9. Zalewa

    Bloody Rust 2

    Splendid 6-pack that does what it says: provides a rusty environment to fight in. All maps have interesting layouts with lots of odd angles and architecture that provides visuals true to the theme. Gameplay is good for the first 3 maps, but after that it seems as if the fights are orchestrated not to fight them, but to avoid them. Moreover, you seem to be playing a game of attrition here - some enemies are positioned to slowly wear you down as you pass nearby and you should calculate the odds everytime you need to pass through. That would be easy if you'd knew the map layout beforehand. There is very little ammo so don't rely on being able to easily shoot everyone. I'd say that difficulty is high, but doable. The usual DeHackEd iffrit monsters are present here but somehow less annoying than in some other WADs.
    A pretty successful speedmapping with all maps being of at least decent quality, and most being just simply good. The final few err a bit on the difficult side, where you might get numbed and tell yourself "Oh, another death. Whatever." But really, good visuals, interesting gameplay, a bit tight on ammo but still, mostly fair.
  10. Zalewa


    Steers much to the "realism" side but manages to stay right in the gameplay department. One gripe is that all maps look very samey. But otherwise there's nice attention to detail as the WAD tries to mimic infrastructure buildings. Action is constant but rather mild. There are also some blue pinky recolors that will spit water (?) at you.
    This WAD is sort of split in half. The first half, which consists of maps 01 - 05 is, well, nice. The maps look decent, the gameplay is full of action, the difficulty is moderate as you're constantly being provided with lots of health pickups. Despite this, the fights manage to be engaging. Tha latter half is different. The maps still look decent, but they become more and more straight forward. This is also visible in the first half, but the second consists of tunnel levels where you go forward and forward and pump rockets into enemies that arrive at you from 128 unit wide tunnels. And this drags on. These maps sport 900 enemies, each, but they are all threatless and die quickly. The last map, MAP10, is somewhat better, as it is set in a Doom2's MAP15-like city with loads of room to roam freely and allowing you to beat the map in the way you'd like it. It's still rather easy. Not a bad WAD, but it has lots of filler and wears you out after a while.
    This WAD starts out nice and then with each map it gets stronger and stronger. Each single map in this WAD is of topmost quality, with very good looking architecture, thoughtful gameplay and good music choices. While keeping the difficulty level high, it also manages to keep it fair. You will never find yourself in a RNG situation here. It's one of those rare WADs where MAP30 doesn't shy away at casting hordes of enemies at you while having multiple spawners but at the same time it's beatable in a single run! Do pay attention to your ammunition, however, as there's "just enough" of it. Control your shots. Make each one count.
  11. Zalewa

    Green Inferno

    Short, but very nice looking Ultimate Doom with smooth and constant action. Rather mild in difficulty level, but very playable nonetheless.
    Holy fuck? A '96 WAD that beats many contemporary ones. Good gameplay, detailed visuals, interesting room architecture. Excellent!
  12. Zalewa

    Fiskmaps I Descend

    This is a nice map with nice lighting effects and Agent Spork's feel but then it ends quickly.
    A definite blast from the past. The further you play, the better the maps become. E1 is plain and boring and didn't age very well. It's worse than the IWAD's E1 in terms of quality. E2 and E3 stand in contrast, though, and are very, very nice. Be warned however that this WAD doesn't stray from the usual Doom 1 tedium and you might wish for more rockets and more BFG ammo. The levels look quite good with attention to detail, although they are built using mostly flat architecture that consists of corridors and convex rooms. There aren't any technical issues and all textures are well aligned. The only design failure lies in inescapable death pits. I rate this with 3 stars because the WAD in its entirety is really something that you'd play just out of curiosity to see how the WADs of the 20th century looked like, but still there are levels here that stand strong even today.
    As for a megawad that was made in fewer days than it has levels - this is quite good. As for a megawad in general - well, that's a different story. It's very apparent that the maps precisely follow the author's visions and this leaves nothing to complain about. The problem is the one that affects many other Doom 1 WADs: the tedium. E3 is the best at avoiding it here and therefore the best in overall, but E1 and E2 leave you pumping monsters with puny weapons. You will get a rocket launcher and a plasma rifle, but there's very little ammo. Thus, the enjoyment is mixed and the overall score is average.
  13. Zalewa

    Temple Palace

    From text file: So I ran it in Zandronum but the text file also says: Is that the reason for all the "YOU FAIL IT" symbols? The map is short like MAP01: Entryway, uses Entryway's music and the only challenge it offers is at the very beginning where 2 chaingunners attack you in the first, tiny room. The visuals are technically fine but that's it. There's no other merit whatsoever.
    Is this a jokewad? The visual detail is "sufficient" but that's pretty much all that there is. You collect 3 keys, you navigate a blue compwall maze that is not drawn on automap (I just used IDDT) and then the level ends. There's nothing to play. If it was still possible to rate WADs 0 stars, then this one would get it.
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