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About digithead100

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Crap! I'm terribly sorry about that. Thanks for pointing it out. fixed version- pumh-update2.zip
  2. @Lorcav Thanks. I think the midi Emperor Spoon made might be a better fit, given the theme of the wad and everything. Would you mind making the change?
  3. Thank you. Yeah, I had some trouble finding a midi for this and just went with some stock Heretic music. If anybody has any suggestions for music, I'm all ears. As for the stairs, I got a little ahead of myself and just drew a lot of stuff. It was only during playtesting that I realized how awkward it was. But at that point, I was too lazy to go back and change it. Let's just say its part of the challenge :)
  4. Map name: Moment of Truth Map Number: 29 Mapper: digithead100 Prompt: Arena Music: Atcoty by Kevin Schilder(from Heretic E1M9) I got a little carried away with the kill count but since its map 29, I figured it would be okay. All feedback is appreciated. mot.zip
  5. If dmh094 is opting out, I was wondering if I could have a crack at map 29(assuming you haven't already made something for it). Maybe make something similar to Going Down's map 15?
  6. Thank you. The no-clip glitch happened to me a few times during playtesting as well. I don't really know what to do about it though. I mean, technically its a problem with the engine, right?
  7. @Lorcav Thank you for your feedback(and your kind words). That backpack thing is something I never noticed. After realizing that, I checked and found that you can get the yellow key that way too. Whoops. It should be fine now. As for the mastermind fight, I didn't want it to be too difficult. You have to be a bit lucky with the crushers in order to avoid her fire. Having the option to just bum rush her with the plasma and kill her(if you saved up your cells) is probably fair. You're spot on about the luck of ammo in the final fight though. That's something I went back and forth on. You also really need the secret BFG in order to kill those cybers. So I think instead of the BFG being a secret, it should just be in the final arena. I put a bit more ammo in there too. Also, I made the switch for the third secret a bit more obvious and put a megasphere in there. The supercharge and berserk you mentioned are now optional as well. So yeah, hopefully the map is a bit more balanced now. Let me know if there's anything else. pumh-update.zip
  8. Map Name: Power-up my heart Map number: 11 Mapper: digithead100 Prompt: Collect power-ups Music: Find my eyes by Petter 'Thyrbse' MÃ¥rtensen(the guy who made the midis for Hell Revealed 2) I think I went a bit overboard with the difficulty. Its tough in kind of an annoying way. Bit of trial and error required. Its definitely doable though. Let me know what you think and I'll alter it accordingly. Screenshots pumh.zip
  9. Is it like a recent thing or was it something people were saying even in the 90s and early 2000s? I think decino was the first person I ever heard use this term but I'm not sure if he's the one who came up with it.
  10. @RastaManGames I was thinking that maybe you might have accidentally changed something when you had it open in Doombuilder, causing the map to be rebuilt. If that's not it, I have no idea why those slime trails might be showing up. For me, it looks fine. The area guarded by the mancubii looks like this.... I suppose it could be worse but I'm disappointed to see a glitch like that. Sorry for the trouble.
  11. Okay, I made a few changes and added a bit more ammo. Hopefully, it plays better now. As for the slime trails, I think it must be a nodebuilder issue. When you did your playthrough, you opened the map in Doombuilder, loaded the resources and tested it, right? Well, you must have been using a different nodebuilder to the one I used. Make sure you use ZenNode-Fast(no reject) and it should be alright....hopefully. I'm not really sure. If that's not the problem, I don't know what it could be. God, I hate slime trails. Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/31i1008mvc008pc/pamn-update%28DU%29.wad/file
  12. @RastaManGames Sorry about that. No idea what happened with those slime trails. Map looks completely normal on my end. I'll look into what the issue might be. Hopefully it can be fixed. There actually is a small arrow on the table indicating that you're supposed to jump over the railing. Maybe I could make it more obvious. With regards to the ammo, yeah it is a bit light. The thing is, there's a berserk that you missed in that area with the 2 big trees. With the berserk. you can punch out all the pinkies and save ammo that way. But, maybe I could be a bit more generous, especially with the shotgun shells. Anyway, thanks for the feedback.
  13. Phew, here it is- https://www.mediafire.com/file/qvkevck4zkjbcz5/pamn%28DU%29.wad/file Map Name: Pinkies Ate My Neighbors Author: digithead100 Music: Heretic-The Great Hall Ports tested: DSDA-Doom Difficulty settings: Yes, but I didn't put a lot of effort into it. Just removed some archviles for the easier difficulties. Multiplayer stuff: No Description: Its a little gated community with around 3 houses. Lots of Doom cute although its debatable if any of it actually looks good. Apart from the title, there's no other reference to Zombies Ate My Neighbors. I've never even played that game :) Notes: This map is NOT blind playthrough friendly. So make sure you save a lot during your first run or else you'll think I'm some sadistic douchebag. The final fight is kinda tough but definitely doable. You can even cheese it if you want. I didn't think much of the texture pack at first but it actually is pretty decent :) Screenshots This is the main area. This is the inside of one of the houses. This is a toilet. This map contains a few of those. Been trying to improve my toilet architecture.
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