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About Majin

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    eldritch monster
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  1. me too, 90% of new games just have to include open worlds even when it isn't needed
  2. yes but i stick to mostly source maps now, hoping for s&box to come out soon so i can start mapping for source 2
  3. i like maps that try immersing you into it's story and setting. i never liked maps that were purely for gameplay only. i like shortish adventure maps where you navigate interesting locations, especially unique ones outside of doom.
  4. banban is kino, it unironically entertained me for hours, even if it was ironic.
  5. i never really put much thought into it but looking back i think all my starting rooms have some things in common. they never have danger in them, i treat starting areas as safe zones because being thrusted into action is annoying to me, sometimes i like to sit there for a minute testing the settings or immersing myself in the setting. they usually give an introduction to the theme of the level, has a vantage point to see the rest of the level and sometimes includes a secret.
  6. I am goig to follow you bc you are nice like mice

  7. water levels usually come from a desire to change how movement works but only within the confines of a level or 2, so it's very underdeveloped. they also just suck, like having to swim slowly, going to surfaces to get air, no challenge in how you navigate spaces, it's just boring and repetitive.
  8. complete utter gemmie of a user, hi

    1. heliumlamb


      h (i hope this comment does not count as An Content im stayin at 666 contents for a good while)

    2. Majin
    3. heliumlamb


      them Forty-Eight Glup Shitto Funko Pops aint gonna collect themselves

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