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About RiviTheWarlock

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    mbf21 enjoyer
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  1. === Planar Havok Episode 1 Alpha 2 Hotfix 1 === * Small code tweaks and fixes * Bullet casings / shells now despawn after a period of time * Map 5 balancing updated on HMP and below * Removed Fred Clegg Hotfix has been bundled into the Episode 2 build... speaking of which... Episode 2 Screenshots: Episode 2 is about halfway done, currently around 2.5 maps and 25 - 30 minutes of content. 1 new enemy will be introduced in the first level. I am also still taking feedback on Episode 1, so feel free to report any bugs or balance suggestions, though any minor tweaks will probabily be bundled with the Episode 2 build and released alongside it. No definite ETA on Episode 2, but it should be done by the end of the year at the latest (hopefully). I do want to step up the gear with this project, because at the current rate it will be released by 2030... Expect another update when I have some screenshots to show of Map 9.
  2. I accidentally posted this in the wrong section and I can't figure out how to delete it which is honestly fitting for this project.
  3. Some goofy slaughtery levels for the Doom 2 IWAD made by me and @Major Arlene. The highly anticipated sequel to Speedweed 2023. Made for a discord group. Custom stuff based on the Planar Havok dehacked code. They have not been extensively playtested or balanced. Feel free to play in whatever is the most fun, but the maps were made with pistol starts in mind. Download "Speed Weed": Doomshack Mirror Requires DSDADoom or any MBF21 friendly port, -complevel 21. Screenshots: Maplist: 01 - Hemptagrams by @Major Arlene 02 - Clusterfuque 03 - Smonk Temple 04 - Go Read a Fucking Book 05 - Say Gex 31 - The Descent 7 32 - the wizard police are after me Credits: // Mapping Major Arlene Rivi the Warlock // Weapons - Rifle Sprites based on Chopblock's work, touched up by a1337spy, Hyperultra64, and Sledge. - Axe Port of Xaser's Axe from Heartland Sprites by Neoworm - Shotgun Sprites by Captain J - Chaingun Sprites by Doomkid // Monsters Mini Archvile Sprites from Kaapeli based on the Helion Green Chaingunner sprites by id Software, edited by Peter Lawrence https://www.youtube.com/c/PeterLawrenceYT/ - Monster Code and Sprites from Xenaro et al.'s Hordamex Melee Revenant Cyberbaron Suicide Bomber https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/130154-hordamex-10-is-out/?tab=comments#comment-2516808 // Other - Gore and Casing Code from Smooth Doom MBF21 by Alaux https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/133318-smooth-doom-on-mbf21-dsdhacked-standard-edition-v5-and-classic-edition-v3-released/ - Warning sign and map 31 inspired by GOODWAD https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/135456-mbf21-goodwad-speedmap-compilation-final/?tab=comments#comment-2636680 // MIDI Title - Sweet Castle from Omori Intermission - sea shanty 3 Map01 - Oops All Bongo by Jimmy Map02 - Streetwize from Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Map03 - Jazz Castle from Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Map04 - Title Theme from Doom 64 Map05 - Closer by Nine Inch Nails Map31 - Snake Eater from Metal Gear Solid 3 Map32 - Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears
  4. Well it's all complevel issues so the map is kind of fucked. Unless you want to arduously go through and make everything a self-referencing sector, and even then that would break the light bridge effect. The entire map is using Boom features because that was the intent of the map. I don't remember the comp level ever being specified, and a I obviously can't check that original version of the post. Of course it could just be I fucked up and made the map in Boom w/o thinking about it. Either way the map is probabily going to need to be withdrawn from the project.
  5. I rarely check DW, have the fixes been made or should I fire up Doombuilder?
  6. === Planar Havok Episode 1 Alpha 2 === Google Drive * Updated cloud textures * Fixed missing block line on a railing in MAP01 * Changed final fight of MAP03 * Removed Fred Clegg
  7. This is comically damning even. How did you stop if there are instances after 2017?
  8. Thanks for playing! I'll be sure to fix map01, but map03 is intentional, they're meant to keep you from just running to the exit once you trigger the final fight. If other people find it clunky as well I'll try to find a different solution.
  9. ==== Planar Havok Episode 1 Alpha 1 ==== IWAD: Doom II Target Port: DSDA Doom Tested Ports: DSDA Doom, GZDoom, Woof(?) Complevel: 21 ==== About ==== Planar Havoc is a MBF21 map set about the ubiquitous Doom Guy and his adventures through the multiple planes of existence in order to bring his pet bunny daisy back from the dead. His quest has gotten him thrown in jail on the Skystation E764, but there's a conveniently placed vent that he could easily break open... Using MBF21 and extended states, Planar Havok includes a revamp of the classic Doom 2 arsenal. Your wimpy pistol has been upgraded with a powerful rifle, and your chaingun has been overcharged. You'll find a special new replacement for the chainsaw alongside an upgrade to your shotgun. The classic rocket launcher and super shotgun have been left untouched, but who knows what happened to the plasma based weapons... Plenty of custom foes, both old and new, await you on Skystation E764 as well. I have previously made very difficult projects, but this is much more accessible than my slaughter work. I'd consider it slightly easier than Episode 1 of Eviternity 1 for reference. ==== Settings ==== Jump: No Crouch: No Freelook: Please Don't WARNING: If you're using GZDoom ambient occlusion will ruin some map effects! ==== Included ==== Episode 1: 5 Maps (~45 minutes of playtime) Episode 2: COMING SOON Episode 3: COMING LESS SOON Episode 4: COMING EVEN LESS SOON Episode 5: COMING NOT SOON Episode 6: COMING VERY NOT SOON ==== Downloads ==== Google Drive ==== Screenshots==== ==== Credits for Textures ==== - 32-in-24 Tex - Mechadon's Box-o-Skies - Ancient Aliens, lupinx-Kassman (cloud textures, all white) - Ozonia (inspiration) ==== Credits for Various Assets ==== - Sprites based on Chopblock's work, touched up by a1337spy, Hyperultra64, and Sledge. - Sprites by Neoworm - Sprites by Captain J - Sprites by Doomkid - Sprites from Kaapeli47 based on the Helion - Port of Xaser's Axe from Heartland - Monster Code and Sprites from Xenaro et al.'s Hordamex - Gore and Casing Code from Smooth Doom MBF21 by Alaux - Edit of Porphyry Nodes by Alan Pollack and TNT Interpic ==== Credits for Music ==== - Title - Intermission from Golden Axe 2 - Intermission - Shop from Waterworld - Map01 - Briefing 2 from Star Fox Assualt - Map02 - DarkIce Mines from Star Fox Assault - Map03 - Press Garden Zone Act 2 from Sonic Mania - Map04 - Stage 7 from Battletoads and Double Dragon - Map05 - Sigma Fortress from Megaman X
  10. I'm happy to have worked on this project. Arsinikk always runs a tight ship and has helped me tremendously in actually getting vanilla maps to work. The content here is pretty fun despite me not being a huge fan of the Hell Revealed series.
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