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Jacek Bourne

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About Jacek Bourne

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  1. I added a new map with the mbf21 limits. This is the largest even square with this size of room I can get. 50 x 50 can't be expanded on with this design unless the map size limitations are fixed. If I could use the whole space available then I could do 100x100.
  2. I came back to it about a year ago and got it on my first attempt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtDujFI58OQ
  3. Don't be closed minded when it comes to what people like. While you may not enjoy this map, I know many people who do. Also, there are fairly consistent ways to beat this map. Either your strategies don't work or you aren't executing them well enough to survive. If I were you I wouldn't rag on any particular map design style as it will always end poorly. Instead, you should either try the map again and see if you can figure it out or just accept that you won't be able to enjoy every style of mapping regardless of it's quality. Nobody can enjoy everything.
  4. 1. Do whatever I want. No restrictions. 2. Make it work. 3. Make sure all fights can be beaten consistently. (Since platforming is movement based. It can always be done consistently since there’s no randomness) I think all gameplay should, at least in theory, be possible to beat consistently. So I balance all of my designs around that by testing them and modifying them until I can do so. I also don’t really like restrictions of any kind. Everything should always be on the table. That doesn’t mean everything will always be used but no game mechanic or idea I have will not be considered for use.
  5. Dimensions New Sunder Dance On The Water These are the hardest mapsets considered humanly possible that I know of. May not be reasonable to uvmax the hardest maps of each but most certainly possible for a human to do.
  6. Most of the time I won’t add exploits but what I do with them is the same regardless of whether I made them or someone else found them. If an exploit is possible, then it is a trade off. If, it lets you deal with something faster then it will also be harder than the section is normally. If it allows you to do something safer then it will also have to take longer than the usual methods. I like this kind of design because it treats exploits in the map as game mechanics and balances around them meaning that knowing the exploits doesn’t exactly make the map easier to speedrun or trivialize encounters. Instead it just broadens your choices to deal with fights while maintaining the time or difficulty balance.
  7. Let me put it this way. I noticed that you didn't mention decohack or mbf21 in your original post so I asked about one of them which led asking about the other. I wanted to know if you knew about these tools and if so, why you chose zdoom over them. This is the reasoning behind my questions. I'm not interested in some random bullshit about conversion. You seem to be much more concerned with some perceived idea that I'm interested in forcing dehacked on you and thus have reacted quite dramatically. My short statements have been met by paragraphs as well as some rather dramatic statements. I'm not interested in whatever conversion nonsense you stated above. I just wanted my questions answered. Although the answer I got is more detailed and less encouraging than I expected. And no I'm not going to speedrun your wads as your last post has rather turned me off the idea.
  8. Not in mbf21. You can add new stuff in mbf21 and considering the listing of formats you named, this is one yet to be tried. Don't be so dramatic. If you prefer to use zdoom based ports that's perfectly fine. I'm just making sure you know all of the options available to you as zdoom ports have only one major drawback. That being the generally poor demo compatibility. But if you don't care about that then it won't matter which you use. Just don't expect as many people to speedrun your wads.
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