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About Xulgonoth

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  1. Okay, I played around a bit more with the wad in GZDoom. Turns out I was wrong. Last time I tried this, I saw that if I set the compatibility to any preset other than default, all the new floor types and linedef flags break, and the only way to make them work is by playing with the default preset, which removes stuff like infinite height, blockmap, and other fancy stuff an average PrBoom/DSDA user would be used to. So my conclusion was that something break when all these classic features are removed, the berserk starts moving, the map breaks and since it's unreasonable to try to dig through all the compatibility flags and set something custom for one silly wad, it just wasn't compatible. But that's not the case, I looked through the flags and it turns out that what makes the other presets not work is just a singular flag called "Disable MBF21 features," which is... honestly hilariously simpler than I expected. So you just set it to "MBF (strict)" or something, pop this one flag disabled, and it should work. But it doesn't, it's not a problem of GZDoom not supporting MBF21 (my apologies for the accusation), it's a problem of GZDoom just... being weird. So the real problem is this: the naughty berserk pack in question that manages to break the whole map is sitting right on top of an impassable linedef, as seen here: Since it should be completely stuck, the conveyor belt shouldn't be able to move it, and on DSDA-Doom's cl21 it doesn't. But in GZDoom, it always gets moved no matter what. Why it does that, I have no idea, I don't even know if it's a bug or a feature, really. Also, since I'm here... @Caleb13 Yep, it is. Sorry for the delayed response.
  2. @apichatpong It's a GZDoom thing. I only figured out this berserk thing was a problem long after the idgames release, but what happens is that you're getting the berserk pack that's sitting at the beginning of the conveyor belt that one of the secrets teleports you into. GZDoom's default compatibility preset somehow messes with the collisions, the berserk fails to stay put as a result, and it just goes off to be teleported to the beginning. It's annoying, but I have no idea which compatibility flag does this, and since GZDoom still has no preset for MBF21, I just consider this wad to be incompatible with the port. Maybe if GZDoom ever introduces an MBF21 compatibility setting and actually properly starts supporting MBF21, this can be resolved, but that's up to the devs.
  3. I'm so sorry, let's just collectively decide to blame this little blunder on Xizzler, I'm sure he won't mind.
  4. Hi. Turns out me and my team of "clones" fucked up and you start in place of a voodoo doll in this RC. Here's a fix: skibidiggido_xy_startfix.zip
  5. Okay, forget about the last submission, it's been updated with a bunch of cool new sections by 3 more mappers. I'll also actually make the submission form proper this time. Also, thanks to @Cynder_Thief and @akolai for their playtesting. Map name: Skibidiggido XY Authors: Xulgonoth (lead), Mapper X, Oxymoron, The Xizzler, xXx_Majster_Braňo_xXx, Gargax the Executioner, GexFan24464, XmarX Music: Mr. Bungle - Ars Moriendi Restrictions: All of them. See Notes. Download: skibidiggido_xy_rc2.zip Notes: Skibidiggido XY (emphasis should be put on the 'Y') comprises of 9 separate sections, each one being its own map with all restrictions from the first list and exactly 1 restriction from the second list. The Full list of sections is as follows: Patch notes: Here's a relevant list of changes being made during the second mapping session (on the 9th of March 2024):
  6. In all fairness, it would be highly thematically appropriate for someone to do that.
  7. I'm sorry, but that just doesn't really feel within the spirit of the project. I know it's been a long staple of these Claustrophobia/Containment/Congestion/Constriction/Circumscription projects to allow for unplayable areas outside of the restiction, but I think those were always decorative. Voodoo closets and control sectors are a bit different in that they add functionality to the map, so there isn't much of a reason to allow them to be outside of the restricted area, because they are integral to the level. Just like there's no reason for them to be exempt from the line or sector restriction.
  8. Map name: Skibidiggido X Authors: Xulgonoth (centre), Mapper X (top right), Oxymoron (bottom right), The Xizzler (top left), xXx_Majster_Braňo_xXx (bottom left) Music: Mr. Bungle - Ars Moriendi Restrictions: Yes Notes: If I could comprehend the concept of feeling sorry, I probably would be. skibidiggido_x.zip
  9. Nice project, I'll see what I can conjure up with @LSC Lasico. Isn't that all the more reason to join? I'd encourage you, I've learnt a bunch myself by simply seeing others' way of handling the creative process and what they can arrive at that way.
  10. Catastrophe is perfectly playable on cl9 and should be on cl2 as well. There are some stuck enemies but as far as I can tell, that's a mapping error, not a compatibility issue. Industrial is very different, but much more hilarious, the whole map is completely playable even on cl2 from the beginning to the end, it's just not finishable. If you don't want to deal with Legacy, I recommend GZDoom on any compatibility other than strict.
  11. MAP57 UV-Max in table-filling 20:59 junk57m2059.zip
  12. Sorry for the really late reply, I think I was talking to @bofu about this slot on Discord a while back? I'm not sure, it may have been another one, and I have no idea if he's interested in taking it, but if he's not, you're absolutely very welcome to claim it. And speaking of finishing this thing, I think I need to come to terms with the fact that I'll probably need someone more active and competent to at least co-lead this through the finish line. I'll be honest, I've kinda been losing control over my life lately, haha. But yeah, I can think of a couple people I'll ask privately about helping to carry this project, as I've been admittedly kinda failing to do that over the past several months.
  13. Sorry I took so long, here's the updated version: Callisto Mansion_1.3.zip I kept the regular exit as is, but a couple weeks ago I cobbled together a little expansion with a secret exit. I think I may have made some other bug fixes, but I honestly don't remember, I made this late in the evening and forgot to post it the next morning. So there's a good chance there's more bugs than there was before, but I have no idea. As for @Firedust's question:
  14. No offence taken. But you know, I hear this exact phrase a lot, I don't know who said it first, maybe MtPain27? In any case, I guess it's easier to see for some people than for others, because I really do wish this style had caught on. At this point I feel like I've played all of it and nobody really wants to make more, which is a bit of a shame.
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