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About Sonny666

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  1. Limit-removing slaughter for the whole family to enjoy
  2. I have to agree! I was honored to be one of the shots this time around, but I felt like it would have sold it a lot more if my floating pyramid thing was used as a screenshot.
  3. I caught the stream. Was excited to see someone playing it so early. Hope you’ll get around to my map at some point!
  4. They visit once every century to continue their vicious cycle of harvesting blood from their terrifying ritual of mass human sacrifice. Put a stop to their ancient antics once and for all in DBP51: Deadly Ritual! (MAP10)
  5. didn’t realize the techbase slots were all taken and map07 was reserved, that’s a bummer for sure… it’s fine anyway because I had too much on my plate. The textures and example map look amazing though
  6. I’ll give it a shot, count me in. Will mess around and let you know in a couple of days if it’s possible or not for me at the moment. Could take 07 (if that’s possible)
  7. co-starring on a certain sequel (shots are very much in progress)
  8. Kind of hard not to. It's literally impossible to make any friends in this community.
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