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About MattFright

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    invite me to plutonia projects

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  1. This looks amazing!! If you eventually port it to work with dsda & other ports i'll definitely give it a play
  2. Later on i did yeah, it was cool. Though it is pretty confusing if you activate both switches like i did and walk around in the darkness
  3. This was a really really fun map!! Played it on UV and it was just the right difficulty for me. Here's a demo (2 or 3 deaths iirc) if you wanna watch it: matt-orca.zip I absolutely loved all encounters. Every arena felt very readable from the start (probably a lot due to the texturing/geometry simplicity), and despite most encounters being pop-up ambushes in a way, i felt fair every time and i could adapt to it just fine (i even first tried that really nasty secret room!), and the encounters themselves might've been simple but i found them extremely fun. I also really enjoyed the whole vibe and feel of the map, like you're exploring this mystical but ominous magical cave. As far as single map releases go, this one is definitely up there for me, especially as of recent. :)
  4. am i able to claim two spots? if so i'd like to claim map12 and map22, if not then only map22
  5. Not exactly something you'd use by itself but i just found out about the Mid Texture Repository. Also gonna update the OP to include this because this is awesome
  6. Very good for a first release!! Here's a demo: danger-mattfright.zip A few positives: -The encounters and rooms were pretty varied!! -Rooms all looked distinct, pretty impossible to get lost -Different texture schemes for each area without looking like a disjointed mess Points of criticism: -If you watch my demo you'll notice that i ran out of ammo around the mid point just before the red key and had to punch out a revenant and an imp (without berserk!!). I'd add a little more ammo in the corridor with the barrels to make up for the revenants being there. -In the dark berserk room there could be just a few more points of reference to navigate in the darkness (like a lit up wall or ceiling light, nothing wrong with the room itself being dark) All in all i enjoyed it, nice job :)
  7. Very pretty and comfy map!! I'm a bit rusty so i'm glad difficulty was a bit chill (although i got some consecutive nasty revenant homings and almost died at one point). I'm a bit techbase biased but i loved how it looked too, especially with all the little details like one gray computer panel with a flashing yellow light carved onto it, the diamond shaped lights with diamond shaped sector lighting, and ofc all the geometry and texturing too. Nice work :) It's not a 100% or anything special but here's my blind playthrough demo on UV: decomission-mattfright.zip
  8. Decided to put all my released maps listed out on my About Me here on DW... Still a very short list but i hope to at least double it still this year!

    1. Daytime Waitress

      Daytime Waitress

      Very much appreciated - love being able to find all of it in the one place.

  9. I didn't have that view of them before but, you have to admit, every other author and lots of their friends creating over two pages of argument over one or two things someone said in a 30 minute video doesn't exactly speak humility. This way of reacting to it is the definition of shooting yourself in the foot (i'm 99% sure nobody would even have paid any attention to those two phrases if it wasn't for all of them bringing up how offended they were by them).
  10. 2nd map i'm working on for my community project! I wanted to make a 3rd but turns out vegetation alone makes my maps take twice as long to finish :p
  11. Lost souls only count towards the kill count in GZDoom
  12. I think you can explain the reason it's illegal to use that symbol nowadays and not defend the very obviously unfair and nonsensical application of a law never intended to affect videogames to, well, affect videogames. I don't even think it takes a lawyer to tell you that legal precedents matter a lot, and "why do you care so much about it?" is the last reasonable thing that you could say about it.
  13. For anyone interested in joining: I've started an MBF21 community project! Or well, i already did 15 days ago, but the deadline is October 1st so there's still plenty of time for it :)

    You can find a link for it here, and/or check the Trello workspace (which will be frequently updated) to see how the progress is going and who's joined so far. Below are a few screenshots of the two maps i made for it so far, to showcase the theme of the project a bit better:









    And reminder that i have a discord server!! And it has a channel for this project there as well if you'd prefer that.

  14. @RiviTheWarlock Recorded you a demo. Not to be rude but for a MAP01, the map that you said should be the shortest and as a sample map i think this ticks all the wrong boxes. Way too many enemies (or way too claustrophobic for this many enemies), no breathing space between fights, too grindy, and generally not what i expected this project would be about. I also saw your difficulty specifications in the google docs link and i'd suggest dialing this back as a moody project rather than a Scythe 2 clone on cocaine. It'd fit the project way better, you wouldn't have to worry about arbitrary definitions/interpretations of high difficulty balancing, and would probably fit everyone's expectations of this premise a lot better. If this project has to rely on overwhelming fights in extremely dark spaces i think i'll be pulling out. EDIT: I think i will be pulling out either way, sorry. The resources seem to be just the entirety of 32in24tex without any trimming down (so kinda overwhelming and not terribly cohesive) and people are probably already working on maps so it's too late to change that.
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