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About LVENdead

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    your old pal

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  1. Honestly I think you might have some goals already. If you're needing to get an ID to get a job, then you need to start figuring out a plan for getting the paperwork you need so you can start on that. Having a job means you'll have some semblance of a routine, and having money coming in means you'll start to build a mechanism to do more for yourself than just "get up and play games all day". Keep this in mind: You're probably not the only person running up against the same blockers as you are currently facing w/ regards to getting a job. This means it's very likely that there is a way forward AND that there might even be specific guidance out there for it.
  2. It took me a minute but I finally got around to coming back to this map and I'm glad I did! I honestly think this represents some of your most rich, visually complex mapping that I've seen yet. It's absolutely gorgeous with a fantastic eye for detail almost everywhere you turn. Very nicely done! Gameplay-wise, it was a nice casual exploration/adventure map that I didn't find particularly difficult at any point. I've seen you do prickly combat before and this felt like most of the fights kind of eased back from that a tad. Most of the AVs in this map being stationary meant they didn't really put much pressure on you if you had good cover, which most fights do. I liked the weaker Cyberdemons which allows you to use them without making any of their implementations a grindy endeavor. Great stuff, I'd play more maps in a set themed like this.
  3. I was 7 when I got my hands on Doom shareware. I do remember understanding the difficulty settings - I played it on ITYTD while my dad played on HMP, and we were aware he was playing on "hard mode".
  4. I did end up picking this up and don't regret my decision so far. It does seem like quite a large game for a shooter, and by and large I'm liking the gameplay a lot. What I really like is how critical maintaining good positioning and anticipating and then moving well before you get overwhelemed is so important to staying alive in combat. I do think hit feedback could be WAY better - all I tend to know during combat is that if I'm under fire I can expect to take somewhere between 5 and 5000 damage and it's kind of hard to know how badly I'm getting lit up until either I just have a second to glance down at my health or of course until I die. I also do personally struggle with the number of secrets and how almost...overwhelming it can be to enter an area and see there's now 12 secrets on top of the 9 you managed to overlook in the previous area and for me gameplay kind of grinds to a halt even though I generally like secret hunting. At least the multifunction meter exists or I'd have serious FOMO that would be hard to reconcile.
  5. I had some time to dive back in for maps 9 and 10. I was hoping to round out the final episode in one video but it took me a while to work through these. These maps are at a challenge level that I like quite a bit, where it feels like it's approaching the cusp of when I'd have to start TRULY grinding it out with savescumming. These are the fights that I feel like make me better at the game. There are some effective combat puzzles here and some real harrowing slaughter, but it tends to be very pinned back and the flood gates don't actually open until the very end. My only regret is that I did not have more time set aside for this session today.
  6. Fun fact - myolden toyed with the names "Conjure Celestial" and "Finger of Death" for this WAD as well but ran into copyright issues when WOTC showed up to his house and threatened to pin him to the wall with an immovable rod if he didn't change the name. He stuck it to them by choosing "Simulacrum" which is too generic to copyright, ultimately having the last laugh and apparently creating what looks to be an absolute banger of a WAD that I, as it so happens, can't fucking wait to play.
  7. Is there a ballpark of how long the EA campaign is? I'm normally a "wait until official release" kind of guy with EA but I'm just looking for any excuse to pick this one up anyway. Just wondering is it like...4 hours or 14 hours or what?
  8. But I bet it can't even compute pi
  9. Just finished up episode 2. This was a big increase in difficulty and many fights were absolutely frantic. The highlight for me was Yumheart's map which felt like it kept you at the brink almost the whole way through. The fight at the end of taviow's map took me many attempts to unravel but it felt good when I finally beat it. Here's the episode 2 video:
  10. Fun demo of my map (map 4)! You had me believing for a minute you were actually gonna pull off your first attempt where you stirred up the entire scrum at once :)
  11. First four maps in the books. This is a fun WAD with a lot of character and everything comes together real well so far. Between the textures, color palette, music, custom monsters, and each mapper's own style, it's got a nice balance of cohesion and variety. Map 03's finale kicked my ass, and in the video below you'll see me go through various stages of frustration and feeling a bit defeated until I finally broke through. Bit of an incongruent difficulty spike IMO but it is what it is, if I had any recommendations it would just be slight tweaks if even that. Anyway, check this video out if you want. It's got timestamps if any of the mappers want to see a blind run of their map.
  12. Hey y'all big congrats on the release! I know this project was a labor of love so I'm very excited to dive in when I have a chance.
  13. Hey! I had fun with this little map. Skellingtown is a fun place I recommend everyone pass through if they have the time. I did have a weird issue where the yellow skull door wouldn't open - maybe has something to do with it being tagged as a switch door with a 0 tag, but I'm not positive on that. Source port was DSDA. Here's a video of my run if you're into that:
  14. Well no shit. How could I not love crap like "HELLO ME - MEET THE REAL ME"
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