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About TheMagicMushroomMan

  • Rank
    Depressed Asshole
    Forum Staple

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  1. I just wanted to let you guys know that I love you all. Thank you for being there for me, for reaching out to me, and for being concerned. I will be back soon to reply to all of you individually, and to respond to personal messages. Please do not think I am ignoring any of you.


    This community is good for me and it was a mistake to leave. All it did was leave me feeling lonely. It would have been healthier to remain here with my friends instead of withdrawing and leaving everyone to worry about me. I am very sorry for doing that. I normally would not do something like that, but I have been recieving punch after punch from every direction. I already have severe issues with depression and what I've been through lately made me suicidal in a way that was beyond what I can tolerate. I am hoping that things get better.


    I am very lucky to have all of you, I consider you real friends, and you are more than usernames and avatars. You are real people who have made a real impact on my life and my overall happiness. I am proud to be a member of this community. I never guessed that joining a forum about an old video game would have a real, positive impact on my life. I hope I have brought laughter and joy in return. I would really like to get closer to all of you. If I have ever hurt your feelings, I am sorry, and if I have ever made you smile, I hope to do it again.


    I will see you guys soon.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. indigotyrian


      I'm just glad you're here, Mushroom Man.

    3. PsychEyeball


      I didn't see a post from you in a while and I was starting to be worried about you. I'm happy to see you're not in as dark a place as you were in a few months back, but I just want to echo the word that the world is a better place with you around. 

    4. HorseJockey


      Glad your doing well Mushroom Man.

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