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Everything posted by TheMagicMushroomMan

  1. It already logged all your info when it mounted to your PC. All the kids these days need is your IP address to get your internet banned and steal your identity. They make it look like the wad came with a free DVD but in reality it's using the DVD drive to scan everything in your computer. That's why I always recommend people to use Windows XP, it's the only 100% secure operating system.
  2. You're good my man, only the first paragraph is a response to your post and I wouldn't be mad at you either way. I agree with you, so I hope you get why I wouldn't want anyone getting confused and thinking I'm supporting the healthcare system. It's not even a healthcare system, it's just another "The System".
  3. I live in America as well and paid $0 for therapy and $4/month for prescriptions (for Prozac that didn't work). I also pay $0 for my dental work because I'm such a bought-out propaganda-huffer that I learned how to use the internet to find something I can afford even if I'm broke. I'm only phrasing that in such an abrasive way because because I said nothing that defends the American healthcare system, nor have I given any kind of money to the American healthcare system that equals the amount I spent on my Blockbuster subscription in 2007. Actually I'm just kind of cranky today. Either way the fact that I live in America as well puts your anectdotal experience against mine which brings us back to my point: it works for some people, for other people it doesn't. I'm sure free counseling sucks compared to anything you can pay for, and personally I believe that there is an over-reliance on antidepressants that are of questionable quality. I know that's a divisive topic, I don't have any qualms with anyone who feels differently. But nobody forces you to take those, and you're free to be upfront from the start if you don't want to. Even if all you get at first is someone mediocre to talk to, there's probably still a better chance of trying to end up helping you rather than hurting you. You can always keep trying if you're determined to try. Should it be better and are other developed countries offering much better free healthcare and is the reason behind all this because of our healthcare system? Yes, yes, and yes. But who is going to deny that? In a discussion about the U.S. health system, I get that it's inevitable that the conversation has to turn into left vs right at some point, and it's understandable and almost unavoidable in this context, not a result of people wanting to argue. But both the most hardcore republicans and democrats I know in real life would rather have their taxpayer dollars go towards helping suicidal people and people with legitimate problems rather than the dumb shit it goes towards now. Most people in real life don't want other people to be depressed and kill themselves. Changing subjects, not directly responding to anyone (somewhat an answer to the original question): When you're depressed It's very easy to become a part of The System. Even moreso if you have a drug problem, because The System is rigged like a morbid and expensive carnival game. If you're depressed, you're more likely to be poor and vice-versa. If you are either one of those, especially both, you're more likely to be on drugs. If you're poor, depressed, and on drugs, you're more likely to commit a crime (not talking about murder or robbery or anything violent in this case, just a very boring and common crime most people couldn't even give a shit less about). If you commit a crime, you go to jail where you are charged a fine from the money in your wallet. They take your cash, minus the fine, and put it on a pre-paid debit card. Then you go to jail, where you can post bail for a large sum of money. Then you go to court, where you are charged more money. If you want a lawyer, that costs a lot more money. If you want a public defender, you can't get one unless you are virtually penniless. They still charge you for a public defender, so you're paying either way. You won't know if you can get one until you apply for a $50 fee. The DA will offer you a plea-bargain called "probation" where you pay a monthly fee to be drug tested even if your arrest had nothing to do with drugs, a fee for them supervising you, all your court costs and court-ordered fines and restitution, mandatory donations to charity, fees for any classes they order you to take, and community service (which can be opted out of at a fee of $10-25/hour), and you pay your fees through a service that charges a 5% fee. If you can't pay your fees or if you piss dirty when they hand you the cup, the punishment is more probation and more frequent piss tests, which means more fees because they charge you for each one. They can also charge you with "violation of probation" and "contempt of court" for breaking your end of the agreement, and there's a fee involved with that. Once you're back at your job (actually you might lose your job on account of being in jail and your probation officer showing up to your job and informing your boss that you're now a convicted fellon requiring supervision) you can begin to work to pay back your $10,000 in court fines and probation fees, and community service, and kick your heroin addiction on top of all that (don't worry, they offer you rehab for a daily fee). If you do this, you can sometimes have the case dismissed for a fee. If you can't then you go to jail, and then when you're released you've lost everything you own and you're still in debt, but at least you're not being watched anymore, so why not go back to shooting up? You wanted to kill yourself to begin with anyway. At least there's no motherfucking fees. Wall of text because it's a wall of shit. Not a direct summary of my current situation, but it's a mixture of things from the present and past that realistically could have happened in that order to give an idea of how the justice system works. But I'm proud to say that I'm doing alright. I'm more confident now than I've ever been. Gotta do what I gotta do, and there's nothing I can do about it, that's just the way life is. It sucks but sometimes it's the truth. I know it's made me both tougher and more compassionate. I believe in helping those who need it because I know there are other people out there in my position, and I'm at a rare point in life where I can really say "I don't deserve this shit". I didn't hurt anyone and the financial "damage" the "victim" incurred was extremely minimal compared to the assault I'm receiving. I've made mistakes but I've been a good person in life, to my friends and my family, and I'm smart and I've worked hard in life even though I've been suicidal. It would be easy to feel sorry for myself, but I find I'm at my weakest when I do that. Instead, I tell myself that I can handle it and become stronger. That's what gets me through life - not my personal mental health score, but knowing that I can improve it. If I can do it I'd like to help other people do it too.
  4. The simple act of recommending therapy to someone suffering from mental health problems is a reasonable and responsible thing for a friend to do. Much better than the burnt-out "just try LSD/shrooms/weed trust me bro" people I encounter on a regular basis. And that's coming from someone with a 15+ year history of depression and drug use, who had zero benefit from therapy. It would benefit you more to unlearn the conditioned response to get angry at people trying to help you and instead say "I already tried therapy, it didn't help".
  5. I had a negative experience with therapy around the age of 18 but I know people who had the opposite. And they certainly don't live with "cops in their head" like one post here implies, which is quite frankly insulting to me, insinuating that people with therapists become mindless drones reconditioned to become fully reliant on therapy in order to survive. I've seen the same thing said about Alcoholics Anonymous - that it doesn't work and everyone in AA becomes fully dependant on the program for life. Nobody I know in therapy or AA, or even the military, has been reconditioned to such an extent and I only know of one who remained in therapy after they felt their problems were solved well enough to get by. Honestly some posts here come across as though people don't want to empathize with people who had success with therapy. It's very simple: it works for some people, it doesn't for others.
  6. I thought 2016's multiplayer was ass. It just isn't satisfying to kill other players and the whole thing felt like an obligatory bolted-on multiplayer mode from the PS360 era when every game was required by law to include a multiplayer mode. Snapmap was pretty much ass too, way too shallow to make anything
  7. One time my boss gave me a 20% off coupon for a pizza, it was expired but it was a nice gesture that somewhat made up for the fact that he shut off my water and electricity for three days because I only put in ten unpaid hours of overtime one week compared to what I normally do.
  8. They aren't going to fix something that isn't dying just because of Internet Petition #463,857,747. They might fix the problem eventually, but it sure as hell won't be because of this. Also, what dasho said.
  9. Big Screen Capture Industry hates me for this so don't tell anyone, but you can save money by recording your computer screen with a flip phone.
  10. You're overthinking it, there are literally twelve year-olds here that are capable of at least basic ZScript ability. It's just a matter of reading, you don't need to be God of Computers. It seems opressive at first but you'll figure it out if you dedicate some time to learn.
  11. I'd chalk any media talk of a specific "WWIII" event up to fear-mongering, which is always going to exist even when the situation is dire enough to not need exaggerating. In the USA alone in the past decade you've had fear of attacks from North Korea, fear over terrorist attacks by ISIS and every other recognizable terrorist organization, fear involving China, Russia, and even paranoia over a civil war. It's very easy to show politically/geographically ignorant people pictures of tanks and blown up buildings in order to make them believe the world is going to be nuked before they get their morning coffee. These situations are all definite problems obviously, and the fear of escalation is understandable, but WWIII is a worst case scenario, which is what sells. If nothing was going on, the media would still find a way to discuss an imminent WWIII.
  12. That's a dalmatian, damn people these days are dumb.
  13. Maybe certain maps, but as a whole it was fine the first time I played it (after Ultimate Doom). The new stuff outweighed the occasional level design problems. I did think TNT was mostly a slog, though. Same for a lot of the Master Levels.
  14. Doom 3 BFG Edition, Mighty Doom, Doom (movie), Doom: Annihilation, The Scorpion King 3.
  15. I understand you're angry, but these threads on Doomworld are really hurting your chances of being re-elected. The people will remember what you've said when no-nut November is here, please consider your country I beg you!
  16. I remember using Military Man's weapon to kill Business Man.
  17. Nah it always sucks when that happens. I think everyone has some game or movie or whatever that actually means something to them for one reason or another, and it sucks when it doesn't turn out to be what you wanted. My favorite game of all time, and the only one that I was ever sentimental about, was MediEvil on the PSX. A remake/sequel was a wet dream for us MediEvil megafans (there was even a forum that housed all seven of us) for like 15 years, none of us expecting it to actually happen, and a ruined orgasm when the remake actually did happen and kind of sucked. In fact, myself and the other six just gave up after that and the forum closed down. Now I couldn't care less what they do with the series (possible incoming TV series apparently, for some reason). For what it's worth Doomslayer's characterization is just übercringe, that's one thing they could have kept in their nerd fantasies and out of the game! No more Doomguy talk! Doomguy angry, sound ape like Grungo!!!
  18. Yeah, I think an "open zone" (the kind of term I guess critics would use to describe the sandbox style we're talking about) set-up would work well for the setting and gameplay. You could have, let's say eight, large separate zones with their own setpieces and visual style. This would give room for the new dragon-flying shit and the armored cores, incidental combat with hordes of enemies, etc. while still preserving the ability to have missions that people would expect from a NuDoom game. Of course, I would expect side quests and all that shit if that's the kind of design we're getting. To be honest, I don't really care much either way. 2016/Eternal were both more or less 8/10 modern game experiences, and that's still fine in my book. I think the lore is silly and the plot is uninteresting and implemented in a forced and lazy way, but that isn't as big of a deal in these games compared to other games. If it was something like Bioshock or Half-life, I'd be pissed, but Doom in general is almost always a gameplay-first series, with Doom 3 being a slight exception. It also kind of ties into what I'm talking about - the plot in Doom 3 was good enough, but if it had a great, memorable plot like Half-life or Bioshock to compliment its setting and atmosphere, it would probably be viewed a lot differently. Instead, nobody really cares or talks about the plot in it. But that's the one game in the series that would have benefited from a knock-out story. As long as the new games have a decent atmosphere it's good enough for me. I think DE started to get a little carried away with some visual and environmental design choices, which did hurt its atmosphere, but not to the point that it couldn't be corrected. I could accept one game like that, but anything more would be pushing it. Even with the dragons and mechs, this still looks a bit dialed-back to me. I think they're referring to "modern game design trends" not "we did a lot of acid that night so we're not sure how to solve the puzzle either but it was the 90's so we kept it in the game" design trends. It would be cool as shit if it was an actual HeXen-style puzzle adventure, but they're undoubtedly referring to some kind of variation on the open-zone/sandbox/open-world idea that's just standard in modern games, or even just selling the fact that the levels are more spacious. I'm not saying any of that to be smart or condescending, I know there are a lot of people here, especially senior citizens (30+) that don't keep up with modern games at all and might not understand what's likely being insinuated.
  19. That used to be my least favorite song on Foxtrot, now I think it's hilarious. I still have trouble getting through The Battle of Epping Forest though, damn song has more lyrics than an entire Eminem album: I never really liked Selling England as much as the other Gabriel albums. Firth of Fifth is 10/10, Moonlit Knight is 8-9/10, After the Ordeal is a nice break, and I like some parts of Cinema Show. Epping Forest is a perfect example of Genesis being an acquired taste as it would drive most people bonkers, More Fool Me doesn't exist, In Your Wardrobe just kind of gets old, and Aisle of Plenty is just there. I feel like people give the album too much credit for Firth and Moonlit Knight. Even then, Firth has some lyrical problems to the point where the band flat out admits the lyrics suck. I don't really think they're that bad, though. I'd say Foxtrot>Nursery Cryme>Trespass (personal favorite of mine)>Trick of the Tail>The Lamb>Selling England>Wind and Wuthering>Sussudio
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