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Everything posted by TheMagicMushroomMan

  1. By gameplay, I meant thing like enemy placement/enemies used/pacing/switch hunts/etc. But 4-8 definitely have an impact on gameplay!
  2. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/37-doom-speed-demos/ This is what you're looking for.
  3. Wrong section bud, this is for submitting/discussing wads and mods.
  4. I would advise against that first part, but it's your call captain.
  5. Glad to see I'm not the only one who values atmosphere and music a lot!
  6. Well, I'll start with Heresy :) Don't feel bad if your maps don't get a lot of reviews. Here's some advice I can give you that might help: Give your map a unique name to make it stand out. Take good screenshots to show off your map as best as you can. Make a title pic for the map/wad so you can post it with your map. When posting your map, make your post concise, but descriptive. Avoid typos and make your post look attractive. These are some things that entice me into trying out a map/wad. The more effort someone puts into their post, the more effort I assume they put into mapping. :) @P41R47 gives good advice too
  7. Rank the following ten map qualities in order from most to least important: 1. Gameplay 2. Atmosphere 3. Texturing 4. Geometry 5. Music 6. Item Placement 7. Difficulty 8. Map Layout 9. Story 10. Map Size/Length ^these are examples, they aren't in any order
  8. Hey buddy! Is Heresy the map you're talking about? I'll play it and give you a review tonight :)
  9. Zappacino has a smoke break on magic mushrooms.
  10. @Belphegor The most important thing here is that both your maps and your posts show you have a lot of passion. Even when mistakes are made, effort and passion are undeniable. I will play any maps you release in the future because of that.
  11. Cool. Funny how people who get away with murder often end up going to prison for unrelated things further down the road. (Looking at you, O.J.)
  12. Seconding Rekkr and Hedon as well as Shrine 1&2, great recommendations.
  13. An absolute legend, one of the most influential guitarists of all time. Rest in peace, Eddie. Thank you for the wonderful music.
  14. You know, maybe you should listen to @P41R47 and stop derailing and bumping and double posting the fucking thread with things that don't matter and have already been discussed. It's done, nobody cares. Poor @Belphegor. Your maps show that you clearly know how to use the editor properly, and visually the maps look nice. They could use a bit more imagination, but aesthetically they are more than adequate. The main thing you need to work on, as I said before, is the layout. Your placement of enemies doesn't always make sense and some battles feel kind of awkward and random/incidental. Work on building up intensity and flow in your maps. I was confused by your placement of keys, because as Zolgia said, I ended up finding keys without having seen the doors they open. It was awkward and further put a dent in the polish and layout/flow of the maps. They were still far from being terrible, and if this is a first or second attempt at mapping, you did pretty great, much better than when I first opened up an editor. Try messing with height variation and making the maps a little less modular. With some TLC and polish, the maps can go from a 5/10 to a 7 or an 8. Really good effort and potential though.
  15. @P41R47 That's actually a great idea for a community project, you should do it! :)
  16. Wasn't this on the last map in Swim with the Whales? @P41R47
  17. I understand what you're saying. I said I would give a detailed write-up later. I at least said that the maps are decent visually, but the layout could use some work. @Zolgia108 criticisms might not have been too descriptive either, but his points are valid. He at least stated why he didn't like it. The thread got derailed because a certain member was using heavy gameplay mods, and then acting like the maps were too easy. Then he claimed the mod he uses is aesthetic only. So that isn't honest criticism either. Then he made a jab at Zolgia, insinuating he didn't like the maps because he isn't good enough. No one is trying to dictate what mods he uses, but it invalidates his points about difficulty, and therefore it isn't any good to the author of the wad. @Belphegor again, I will test your maps more thoroughly and let you know what I think. Also, no offense @P41R47 because you're nice and I like your posts, but don't you think you're just further derailing the thread?
  18. You can't just write Mick Gordon an expect a reply. He severed ties with Bethesda anyway. Just use music that isn't copyrighted. That's the best thing to do. I take it that's part of the reason the filesize is so bloated. Right now, don't worry about music too much. Focus on your maps. The trailer of the fourth remake still has all of the problems that the other trailers show. Again, my advice is to start small, make a single, polished map, learn how to use the editor properly, learn what makes up a good map, etc. Otherwise ten years from now you're going to be uploading a trailer of "remake 18 of Rescue of Earth". What I'm saying is that this is probably a lost cause, Earth isn't getting rescued. Try rescuing a smaller planet first.
  19. You guessed correctly, although I vaguely recall hearing about an album he released that was actually good. I could be wrong though. I probably am.
  20. Truly sounds like an aesthetics only mod. Wait, I'm sorry... Truly sounds like an aesthetics only mod.
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