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Everything posted by TheMagicMushroomMan
Thank you so much for such a detailed reply. You've likely convinced me that I shouldn't do this. I do think it would be better to learn the hard way and make maps from scratch. I have ideas that would go to waste if I just spent my time improving maps from 1993. As dumb as it sounds, I never stopped to think about what a waste of time and imagination it would be. The fact that you wrote 30,000 DECORATE lines is fucking insane, and if it makes you feel any better, I greatly enjoyed your improved maps, especially in Plutonia. You really made it feel like a jungle, I was so impressed. I mentioned it in one of my posts above as one of my inspirations for wanting to do this. But since you are the one who improved the maps, I'll take your advice and trash this idea. Thank you for taking the time to give me your view on things, I really appreciate it.
Share pictures of your city!
TheMagicMushroomMan replied to TheMagicMushroomMan's topic in Everything Else
Stunning scenery there. I live in Florida, the only place in America where it doesn't snow. No hills, no mountains, no deserts. Lots of beaches though. I also have to go far to get a change of scenery. It's the oldest city in America, considered by many to be the most gothic and haunted place in the country. The atmosphere here influenced me as a person. -
Alright, I guess it's a no-go. Knee Deep in ZDoom, to me, doesn't feel anything like OG Doom after map01. Map03 was such a confusing clusterfuck I gave up on it. People play OG Doom all the time, I'd like to make it all pretty. I'll try making the maps from scratch, because apparently this is an issue, even though people steal resources from other games for their wads. I've seen resources from Doom, Doom 2, Doom 3, Duke Nukem, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Blake Stone, Wolfenstein, Quake, Quake 2, and about a thousand other games. But apparently modifying Doom maps is immoral. This anger isn't directed at you, I appreciate your feedback. But the rules here seem hypocritical. Again, none of this is directed at you, I appreciate your honesty. This site needs a sticky that clearly lays out what is allowed when making a wad/mod.
Share pictures of your city!
TheMagicMushroomMan replied to TheMagicMushroomMan's topic in Everything Else
Thanks @Murdoch I hear New Zealand is quite beautiful, just like your picture. Also, Greymouth sounds like it could be the name of a map! -
Share some pictures you've taken of your city! I live in Saint Augustine, Florida. Took these pics a few years ago.
Get it to attack the archvile!
That's what I'm too stupid to understand. If that's the case, how is it that the Brutal Doom remasters are allowed? I've seen other edited Doom maps, so I don't fully understand. If someone could explain, it would be appreciated. If the maps were altered, would it be legal, like when modified textures are used in wads?
I'm still learning how to use an editor, I was wondering if you guys would be interested in a touched-up version of Ultimate Doom. No new rooms or encounters or anything, just the original maps with touched up lighting and decorations, maybe some new music...shit like that. Would anyone want this? Am I allowed to just make edits if original Doom maps here and share them? I'm not going to be uploading it to the id archive or anything.
What is your most hated demon in Doom?
TheMagicMushroomMan replied to doom_marine666's topic in Doom General
That fucking crackhead marine enemy in Scythe 2. -
The Ancient Gods - Trailer and Release Date
TheMagicMushroomMan replied to AtimZarr1's topic in Doom Eternal
Looks good, but I feel the art style department is taking a few too many liberties in regards to the game's style. I already felt that Eternal should have been at least as gritty as 2016, but they keep taking it more and more into some kind of weird high fantasy realm. It just doesn't have enough grit and atmosphere for me. Just my opinion, don't shoot me. I wish they would use the maps more effectively to convey a plot, rather than collectible story exposition cards. It just doesn't feel like Doom to me. -
Devils Pass, my 5 map first try at mapping!
TheMagicMushroomMan replied to donevan427's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Looks much better than most "my first map" wads, good job! Third shot reminds me of Maskim Xul. -
Three's a Crowd looks awesome, thanks for reminding me that I need to play it.
Go to the archive and download what you want? Use the search the bar to find wads.
Erebus is probably the most surreal map in the original Doom. I never knew you could strafejump to the exit, instead of firing a rocket at the wall.
Controller Doomers - how's it going?
TheMagicMushroomMan replied to PsychoGoatee's topic in Doom General
I know the pain, asking on Steam about using a controller on any PC game, especially an FPS, is a sure-fire way to bait out the most elite of the elitists. They're so elite that if you give one of them a controller, their k/d ratio in the newest, hottest Call of Duty game that their parents bought for them drops from a self-reported 7.5 down to 0.05. A true sign of being able to adapt to any situation! -
Funny Protips and other Game Over messages
TheMagicMushroomMan replied to Pixel Fiend's topic in Doom General
DEATHSUB: "You are proof God has a sense of humor" DEATHSUB: "Your inferiority complex is totally justified" DEATHSUB: "You have delusions of adequacy" DEATHSUB: "I don't have the time or crayons to explain this shit to you" DEATHSUB: "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo." -
The thread was removed, other users warned you about bringing up certain topics/personal drama that really doesn't need to be brought up. It's just a warning, nothing to worry about as long as you don't do it again. Anyway, I'll try your map tonight, glad to see you're still at it. Out of curiosity, do you use Ultimate Doom Builder, or something else?
Doom Modpacks (or wads combining gameplay changes and maps)
TheMagicMushroomMan replied to Maldito's topic in Doom General
Ultimate Torment and Torture Golden Souls 1&2 Adventures of Square Jazz Jackrabbit Doom ZDCMP 1&2 Pirate Doom Preacher Threshold of Pain 1&2 Struggle Void and Rainbow City of the Damned Apocalypse Maskim Xul Action Doom 1&2 Harmony Hedon Winter's Fury -
Can Someone Send Me A zip Of All Doom 2 Textures?
TheMagicMushroomMan replied to Excalibird's topic in Doom General
Download the TOR browser, you can use this to access the dark web, where you can buy and sell illicit drugs and guns, hire a hitman, purchase child slaves, watch live murder videos, and download a zip with all the Doom 2 textures. If you fucked up the iwad, reinstall it on Steam or GOG or wherever you bought it from. If you downloaded Doom 2 and the texture files are missing, you pirated it. This topic makes no sense. As others said, it seems more likely that you made a mess of the files yourself and now you want to fix it, but you don't own Doom. If someone can find a Doom 2 iwad on the internet with all the textures missing, I'll give you twenty dollars. -
Zombieman is Skippy Mancubus is Anita Bath Sergeant is Mister Love Archvile is Mike Rotchburns Spider Mastermind is Yolanda Squatpump Cacodemon is Dr. Wheat Faartz Baron of Hell is Paul Twocock Hell Knight is Hitler Mussolini Arachnotron is Lord Brain Lost Soul is Chris P. Bacon All of these are real names