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Everything posted by TheMagicMushroomMan

  1. Most of the time, but plenty of places, including everywhere I have worked (at both apartments and hotels), have mainly offered a dwelling instead of outright payment. Sometimes these jobs might offer getting paid under the table, which is illegal and not beneficial for your future to be clear, but I think it's still an improvement over having nothing and potentially being homeless.
  2. The only advice I can give you is that the longer you wait to try to get a job, the less likely you are to get a well-paying job that you enjoy, and the scarier it's going to be. I'm not a psychiatrist, but like I said in your previous thread, it seems to me that your biggest problem is likely depression. I think you should seek help in whatever way is available to you. I can tell you that having a purpose in life has prevented me from committing suicide. It doesn't even have to be a purpose with a paycheck, just one that contributes something to somebody and puts a roof over your head.
  3. It's definitely habit-forming for a lot of people, and potheads are by far the most irritating lot for me when it comes to drug users. I don't know a single junkie, crackhead, methhead, or dustsniffer that talks about their habit half as often as the average pothead. They make it their fucking identity, put up bumper stickers, buy 420 clothes to advertise their hobby to everybody. They ask you if you smoke, you say no, then they bug you asking you for a connection. The poor fuckers will beg for roaches, it's pathetic. They'll sit there and talk to you about their bomb-ass sativa they grew themselves even after you tell them you don't give a shit, and a lot of them spend more money on it (almost every pothead I know pays for medical marijuana card + renewal fee + raw weed + edibles + vape devices + cartridges + pipes + bongs + other weed-related shit like CBD gummies + miscellaneous shit like papers/blunt wraps/pipe cleaners + memorabilia) than most crackheads could ever dream of. Remember, I'm talking about potheads not people who smoke weed. Physical dependancy? Virtually none. They just have no desire to even slow it down because they would have no identity without it. It just becomes a lifestyle that they think is so awesome that they feel the need to talk about it 24/7 to everybody they know. I use a THC vape at night to sleep. If I smoke during the day, my day is ruined because it is goddamn boring and my least favorite drug I've ever used. And yes, I've tried the strain you're thinking of recommending, it's all the same to me. And yes, I've tried CBD. None of it does anything for any of my problems, phsical or mental, other than helping me to sleep because it's goddamn boring. It also smells like shit, but at least vapes solve that problem. Benzo withdrawal is by far the worst, followed by alcohol, which is just as dangerous but doesn't carry the duration of benzo WD. Opiate withdrawal is highly unlikely to kill you unless you already have something seriously wrong with your health to allow yourself you die of dehydration from shitting and puking to death. Even then, that death wouldn't be quite as direct a result of WD from benzos. Choking on your vomit while sleeping is much more likely to occur while using than while withdrawaling. You aren't going to sleep, and your gag reflex isn't going to be impaired unless you already have other problems. It could kill you via high BP/HR, but once again, this is unlikely unless you already have problems. The risk of death from opiate WD is absolutely miniscule compared to using, and realistically the risk is only going to be there for heavy H/fent users. The opiate crisis certainly exists, but is blown out of proportion for political reasons, even though it doesn't need to be as it's already scary enough for anyone who has ever used. Take for example all the stories like "Jane accidentally touched a grain of fentanyl and it got absorbed through her skin and almost killed her" which are absolute bullshit, sensationalized stories made up to make a scary situation even scarier, because that's what gets attention, that's what gets votes - exaggerating the danger of something that's already dangerous. And that's what kills people, because once a drug addict realizes you lied to them, they tend to not believe anything after that. They just go into denial and say "it's not as dangerous as they say!".
  4. Custom Blood maps kind of represent peak Build Engine for me. Imagine if Blood had a community even a fifth of the size of Doomworld.
  5. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I've come across as obnoxious lately. I've been feeling a little uninspired for a while, and I think my humor has been kind of grating and forced. I haven't played Doom in a long time and the forum seems to be a little uneventful in general for the past few months, so I don't have as much to talk about as I usually do. I'll do better.



    By the way, they were all hot dogs.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Daytime Waitress

      Daytime Waitress

      I've been in much the same boat as others in this thread: not Dooming as much and therefore not discussing Doom as much. Not giving as much to the forum and therefore not getting much out of it. Figured it was just where I'm at at the moment.


      But anyways, Mushy, we're gonna loves and 'preciates you whether your shitposting game is on point or not.

    3. TheMagicMushroomMan


      Well, I just bailed out of jail a few hours ago on a felony charge so I don't think I'll be spending much time on here in the near future anyway. But you can still support me by praying to whatever being you believe in that I get probation or community service.


      [Update - Looks like I'll be getting probation, so hopefully I'll still be around to sit at the lake's edge and watch the forum stagnate some more.


      Also I didn't mean to post this as a reply to this status update, I got a little confused apparently writing a few things at once, sorry about that! But yeah, I guess the forum is in a bit of a slump between the software issues, the more-redundant-than-usual redundant threads, etc. Hopefully I can find some time for Doom again once this shit is over!]

    4. Daytime Waitress

      Daytime Waitress

      Sounds like an absolute nightmare scenario, man, and puts "the forum feeling a bit off" into perspective.

      Don't know if Johnny Law won't screw you, but I do know that...


      >Hopefully I can find some time for Doom again once this shit is over!


      Doom's always gonna be there for you, and so's this community.

  6. Honestly I think the confirmation e-mails not working is probably the biggest issue. I'm sure a lot of people probably just said screw it and gave up (I know you can contact Mordeth or something like the pinned thread says to do, but as evidenced by all of the threads OP is poking fun at, most people seem to scroll right past the pinned threads). I've gotten used to the profile page workaround so none of it actually bothers me, but it's concerning that the forum seems to be breaking down more and more.
  7. It was just a reskin of another mobile game I can't even remember the name of. I'm glad it doesn't exist anymore, fuck Mighty "DOOM" and its microtransactions and bullshit arbitrary energy meters. Can't even use the excuse "It's just a mobile game" because I recall playing DOOM RPG on my iPod Touch 3 well over a decade ago, which was a cool game that actually allowed you to play it without having to pay money to restore a goddamn energy meter. All they did was take another piece of shit microntransaction-hell mobile app and slap a DOOM skin on it. You want the real "DOOM In Name Only"? Look no further than this mighty turd. Also, I respect the fact that you enjoyed the game even if I don't respect the game itself, but you gotta back up that claim of it being "a huge part of Doom" because as far as I can tell, most Doom fans either hate it or haven't heard of it!
  8. I'd have to think about it for a while, but the least fun I've ever had with playing on the hardest difficulty was probably over a decade ago when I decided to try playing through some CoD games. I had already played through MW/MW2 on one of the higher settings, but max difficulty was extremely irritating and felt like it relied much more on luck instead of any kind of actual skill or even relfexes and reaction time. It significantly lowered my opinion of the series and really hammered in how uninteresting the combat design in general is.
  9. The test went okay. I do have malaria, but the syphillis is strong enough to kill it. Rolling your balls up and down a hill all day has its benefits. Since they already had a sample of my blood, I went ahead and paid extra for the IQ test. It was 6004, which seemed a bit off, so they did some investigating and found out that there was IQ residue from someone else's blood in the syringe that was bringing down my score. I have to go take it again tomorrow. Besides the obvious embarrassment that comes with being naked in front of a bunch of strangers, it was a painless process. They put you to sleep before they stick the camera up there, and they'll even send you a link so you can share the video on Facebook.
  10. I'm surprised it took so long for someone to point this out. OP, I'd recommend a mapset called Heretic (HERETIC.WAD). It's pretty different than DOOM 2, but it's great anyway. Just be warned that the last two episodes are very hard and somewhat shitty, but it's balanced pretty well because you lose all your stuff after every episode. It has around 45 maps.
  11. Zero Master sold me some of these and they work pretty good.
  12. Every Youtube/Twitch streamer ever, I feel like everyone is speaking another language when they talk about these people. Sometimes I watch videos of people here testing maps, but that's it.
  13. 1. Just because the game is on a website with the word "abandonware" in its title doesn't mean the game is abandonware. It absolutely is not. Konami, as far as I am aware, still owns the rights to the series, an active series at that, with multiple new games being released. By your definition, almost every game that wasn't released in the last two generations is abandonware. It also is commercially available, you can buy the Silent Hill HD collection from the Microsoft Store. 99% of the time the word "abandonware" is used, it's a load of shit. 2. Just because someone already uploaded the sounds on a website doesn't mean it's legal. Someone already uploaded GTA V on The Pirate Bay, that doesn't mean it's legal for me to share it with other people. Someone also uploaded the soundtrack to every Final Fantasy game on the Galbadia Hotel, so what? Normally I wouldn't be bothered to answer, but for someone who takes this topic seriously, you are seriously confused. I have no problem with it whatsoever, but I'm just letting you know your answer to Andromeda's question is illogical and incorrect. Edit - I apologize, I reread my post and I didn't mean to be so abrasive. I believe SH3 might as well be freely available to download due to its age, inavailability, and all the other reasons why most people don't have moral problems at all with downloading ROMs. It's just that it still doesn't make it legal, which is what Andromeda was asking about. I think he was asking more out of concern for the forum/service's rules, which I think is completely valid since things like this could technically get the forum itself in trouble. Highly improbable, but most people would rather stay on the safe side. Many Doom mods and wads already contain things that are legally shady or outright illegal, and I don't think anyone really wants to push the envelope any further. I appreciate you taking the time and effort to upload it, either way.
  14. I'm claiming the "There was a thread here. It's gone now." joke before anyone else!
  15. I don't want to do any of this political talk, it's pointless. Go to the dentist or you will be miserable. I am missing most of my molars at 29 years old due to neglecting my dental health from the time I was 12-21 years old and exacerbated by drug use. My thought process was "why bother when I'm probably going to kill myself anyway". Now it's more like "this pain makes me want to kill myself". The pain will only get worse. Wait until you're dealing with multiple infected and broken teeth, abcesses on your gums and in the roots of your teeth, not being able to eat anything that isn't pudding. Wait until you talk with a lisp because of your missing teeth, wait until you look in the mirror and realize your mouth droops to the side when you shut your mouth. Wait until your face swells like you've been beat. Wait until your gums bleed constantly due to gingivitis. Wait until your dentist hands you your dentures or your partials, and wait until you feel like a complete idiot buying denture cleaner and paste from an aisle in the store that's meant for senior citizens. Look at pictures of what having no teeth does to your jawbone and know that you'll look just like that if you keep neglecting yourself. Wait until you see a cute girl, and then remember that your breath probably smells like dogshit. And when you do find a girl, wait until you have to tell her your teeth aren't real. I can tell you that getting nine of my teeth removed was nothing compared to the pain caused by any one of those things. Go to the dentist. If you hate capitalism, go to a chairty place that does volunteer work. That's what I had to do. Your cavitities will not heal just because you start brushing your teeth, they will only get worse until your teeth are repaired or removed. Get toothpaste without fluoride in it if you're that paranoid. Use some baking soda. You're smart enough to figure it out. What you are doing is absolute grade A stupidity, and I have no problem telling you that because I was just as stupid. Your excuses are just that, excuses. If you don't want to suffer physically and mentally, do something about it now. I'm telling you, straight up, your thought process is really stupid and you're fucking up your life, setting yourself up for more depression. And let's be real, you aren't too happy about yourself if you're not even taking care of your hygiene. Looking at your other posts, it seems that the main problem is that you're just still immature. That's to be expected, you're 16 years old. But it's time to grow up and take care of yourself. Now or never. Cut the shit about being a good hostess to parasites. By the time you're 18, you're going to look back on that and cringe. There's nothing cool about not taking care of yourself. You'll only be reminded of how weak you were when you look in the mirror a few years from now. Otherwise, you'll hate capitalism and the "entire medical industrial complex" even more when the hospital foots you with a $5,000 bill over something you could have prevented yourself.
  16. And what a unique way to hide your taint! It's like a thong, but for guys!
  17. Back in the 2000's, some websites, like ones that listed cars for sale, or websites that offered people searches, were purposely slowed down in one way or another with fake loading screens and such ("Please be patient! We are conducting a personal background check that may reveal shocking information!") in order to appear more trustworthy to people who couldn't believe that a search that returns hundreds of results only takes a couple seconds in reality. They thought that results being returned so fast meant that the website was fake, so the people in charge of the websites actually went and really made them fake. That's what's happening here - a bunch of fake motherfuckers playing with our minds and prepping us for brainwashing. Gamers rise up!
  18. It's true that a lot of people are only interested in DOOM 2, but that doesn't mean you should give up. Instead, you should use WayBackMachine and go back to the beginning of Doomworld and post your maps there. People from back then are less picky and some of them haven't even played DOOM 2 yet.
  19. But how? Besides the small problem regarding legal rights/ownership of all those games, they wouldn't be able to really put a dent in the statistics even if their team was five times the size it is now.
  20. Hakros is an attention-loving hack that steals from other people while shitting things up so bad that you can smell him from a mile away. If he can't use someone else's work, he'll just use ChatGPT. This is someone who admitted to spending hundreds of dollars on stock art so he could try to pass it off as his own in his ridiculous texture pack. He didn't even comprehend, from a legal prespective, how he was allowed to use the textures. He's an idiot and a fraud, and unwilling to put in any effort into actually making something on his own for the community he obviously desires attention from. Someone give this poor bastard an AI-generated award and an ice cream so he'll hopefully move on and get a life.
  21. Like most people I happen to have a spare C195 laying around, so I'll probably give this a try later tonight when I can spare five minutes.
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