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Everything posted by TheMagicMushroomMan

  1. Thanks for the feedback, guys! Hopefully I will have something to upload today. I have a metal track I've been working on, kind of a combination of Sigil and Quake 2. Maybe that will work for you, @Deathclaw886? @Zillah, I like that idea, I'll work on something psychadelic/surreal but still heavy. Probably what I'll work on next. @P41R47, Thanks for the appreciation! I don't know where to start when it comes to MIDI, but I'll look into it, I've always wanted to learn.
  2. Of course I do. Obviously Doom Eternal is insinuating that the Doom Slayer inherited the power of the God Imp in The Sky May Be. He also suffered many trials and tribulations along the way, like have a thanksgiving without burgers.
  3. Would you mind sharing this blood fixer? I plan on playing TN shortly. And also, if you could let me in on some other Halloweeny wads, that would be swell! :) thanks!
  4. Looks pretty good Pezl, although at first I though this was another wad by the author of Dark Encounters/Dark Universe :p
  5. I wanted to know if you guys would be interested in a thread where I post free mp3s that I make. I would be open to requests. Just give me a genre/style and I will do what I can. I use Mixcraft as my audio workbench, I don't play any real instruments, but I can create something that sounds good. You would be free to use the mp3s in any wad or project you want, all samples and sounds used are royalty free. Just remember that they are mp3s only, I don't have knowledge with MIDI.
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