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Everything posted by TheMagicMushroomMan

  1. Nah, it was a shitty collection that consisted of 99.5% shit/broken maps (and duplicates of shit/broken maps), 0.45% mediocre maps and 0.05% okay maps. It contained copyright-violating material (which I have no moral problem with) that only adds to the shitty "throw in every piece of shit we can find" feeling of the CD. Maximum Doom is only unknown to people who aren't into Classic Doom, everyone here knows about it already. Most of them haven't played it, because there's little reason to unless you're curious/a masochist/Matt. It is not in any way a "good expansion". Just ask Matt. The CD is a curiosity and a meme, and a reminder of simple times, but it was never a quality product.
  2. Here's a dope one by DJ GPT: Verse 1: Listen up y'all, let me tell you a tale 'Bout a game that'll never fail Back in '93, it was the talk of the town Bringing chaos and destruction, ain't no slowing down Enemies everywhere, but I ain't scared Got my BFG, they better beware Doomguy in a thong, don't laugh He'll kick your ass, he's no one's underdog Cacowards and ai-generated awards Motherfucker, we're the lords Of the gaming world, yeah, that's right DOOMtime, we're ready to fight Chorus: One pac, two pac, three pac, four DOOM's the game you can't ignore Terrywads, supah-ass shawty shotgun Arch-vile got the dope, we're never done Call of Duty may be the hype But DOOM 1993, that's the real type Fart-powered meatball, that's just absurd DOOMkid's got skills, his enemies deterred Verse 2: Romero and Carmack, the masterminds Behind this game, they were ahead of their time With r/doom, we're still going strong DOOM's legacy, it'll never be wrong Sure, it was a good game for its time But even now, it's still sublime Sliding through levels, blowing up demons DOOMguy, he's got infinite reasons To kick some ass and take some names DOOMtime, it's never a game Chorus: One pac, two pac, three pac, four DOOM's the game you can't ignore Terrywads, supah-ass shawty shotgun Arch-vile got the dope, we're never done Call of Duty may be the hype But DOOM 1993, that's the real type Fart-powered meatball, that's just absurd DOOMkid's got skills, his enemies deterred Verse 3: Cocaine may fuel some shooters But DOOM's got something even better to offer A powerup to increase your score Satisfying, like never before Two holes, one pac, that's all it takes To defeat enemies and claim our stakes In the land of DOOM, where it's all about skill Not just some flashy graphics, that's the real deal So forget about Call of Duty, it's just booty DOOMtime, that's where it's truly groovy Chorus: One pac, two pac, three pac, four DOOM's the game you can't ignore Terrywads, supah-ass shawty shotgun Arch-vile got the dope, we're never done Call of Duty may be the hype But DOOM 1993, that's the real type Fart-powered meatball, that's just absurd DOOMkid's got skills, his enemies deterred Outro: So there you have it, the tale of DOOM A game that'll make your living room boom With its fast-paced action and classic style DOOMtime's here to stay, it's been worth the while EDIT Awh shit I forgot this was supposed to be a Christmas thing fucking AI giving me alzheimers again Here you go: Verse 1: Tis the season, for some holiday cheer But I'm not feeling jolly, oh dear I'm the DOOM hacker, straight outta r/doom My skills are killer, you'll meet your doom I'll sleigh through your system, like a cyber Santa Leaving no trace, I'm the ultimate hacker I'll code with speed, faster than Rudolph Leaving you clueless, like a lost elf All hail project brutality, my gift to you You'll never see it coming, I can sneak attack you I'll deck your game, with mods divine Bringing chaos and laughter, during this xmas time Chorus: I'm a cold motherfucker Cold, cold motherfucker I can code, motherfucker Code, code motherfucker You can't decode me, motherfucker Decode me, motherfucker Verse 2: I'll light up your screen, with my hacking magic You'll be left speechless, like a cryptic tragic My keyboard is my weapon, my fingers the bullets I'll bring down your system, like a ruthless culprit I'm like the Grinch, stealing all your data But I won't give it back, I'm a ruthless dictator So enjoy your eggnog, while I spread holiday fear I'm the xmas DOOM hacker, with a twisted cheer Chorus: I'm a cold motherfucker Cold, cold motherfucker I can code, motherfucker Code, code motherfucker You can't decode me, motherfucker Decode me, motherfucker Outro: So while you're opening gifts, with joy and delight I'll be wreaking havoc, with all my might All hail DOOM, the game of xmas terror I'm the cold motherfucker, you'll never error.
  3. I love how this has already become a meme in the community lol. What a disaster, that thing.
  4. No offense but this is not a very good review, or at least not one that needs its own thread. The map-by-map review format tells very little about the maps and is very vague. You name both the "best map in the wad" and the "worst map in the wad" as well as a map that is "tied for the worst map in the wad" when you've only completed 12/32 maps in the wad. One of the maps you pretty much didn't even review, and as Andromeda pointed out, your reviews for another two maps contain misinformation. It's also extremely redundant, with the term "DOOM2" being used 16 times overall, and "Hell Revealed" being used over 25 times. Sorry to be a dick, but your style needs some work. You also didn't need to post a link to dosbox, the .txt file, or stuff like [[[Free image hosting provided by the ImgBB website. Upload and share your images. ImgBB website]]] It almost makes the whole thing look AI-generated and is just odd. Also, I disagree with the fact that the visuals are "completely forgettable" - you haven't even completed half of the mapset. Some later maps are very memorable, albeit simplistic. And if you're finding map13 to be "atrociosly difficult", you're not going to like this wad.
  5. He lives here: 120 Conch Street. Teach this sick fucker a lesson.
  6. Exactly the same for me, save for the fact that I don't mind some light survival elements in some games, and I used to like Warcraft 3. I would probably add "most racing games" to the list too, as well as grand strategy games.
  7. It actually makes perfect sense, though, that Mayor Arlane has kidnapped the Cacowards, along with rj. Consider the following information to help you come to your own conclusion:
  8. I looked at it earlier (when the other thread was still open) for about 30 seconds and it seemed okay, but I didn't look thoroughly enough to realize it was a lazy AI fest. Here are my thoughts that are written by me, written by ChatGPT: To the Doomworld community, I am writing this message to address a topic that has been bothering me for some time now. As many of you are aware, there has been some buzz in the Doom community about a new website called The Doom Awards. While competition can often bring about innovation and improvement, I must say that I am disappointed with the direction this new website has taken. My main concern is the use of AI in the articles on the Doom Awards. As someone who has been a fan of Doom for many years, I believe that one of the best things about the annual Cacowards on Doomworld is the dedication and hard work put into the articles by the editors. These articles are not only informative, but also entertaining to read, and it is clear that a lot of effort goes into them. On the other hand, the articles on The Doom Awards are written by AI and lack the personality and charm that the Cacowards articles possess. While I understand that AI technology is advancing and has its uses, I believe it is not a suitable replacement for the human touch when it comes to writing. The articles on The Doom Awards come off as robotic and lack the passion and understanding of the Doom community that the Cacowards articles have. Furthermore, I cannot help but feel that The Doom Awards is simply trying to compete with the Cacowards rather than creating something unique and valuable for the community. The drama surrounding the launch of The Doom Awards and its attempts to discredit the Cacowards only solidify this belief. Doomworld's Cacowards have been a staple in the Doom community for over a decade, and I find it disrespectful to try and overshadow their achievements. In conclusion, I would like to urge the community to support Doomworld's Cacowards and the hard work put into them each year. While competition can be healthy, let us not forget the value and dedication that goes into creating the Cacowards articles, and let us not let a poorly written AI system take its place. Thank you for taking the time to read my message. -TheMagicMushroomMan and OpenAI Playground
  9. Add a single dead pixel to every texture and sprite in the game, remove the last five seconds of every song so none of them loop correctly, slightly increase or decrease the pitch of every sound effect, misspell every word on the menu by one letter, reverse the positions of the red and green lights on every switch, remove one frame of animation from every weapon, add more hair to Doomguy's arm, decrease the weapon firing speed by 10% for every weapon, swap the health of the Hell Knight with the Baron of Hell, add a single ugly seam to every sky texture, remove the last sentence of every story text intermission, remove the "%" sign from the stats screen, cut the "umf" wallhumping sound in half, change the order of the ammo display on the statusbar, make Doomguy's eyes look to the left and nowhere else, make the map end when pressing on the door to the exit switch instead of on the exit switch itself, replace every UAC logo with USA, reduce walking speed by 20% and increase running speed by 10%, but SR40 decreases speed by 40%, make every secret trigger twice, rocket blast radius alternates between -100% and +100%, plasma rifle uses rocket ammo and rocket pickups give bullets (labeled as plasma cells) blue armor depletes as it should but offers no protection, green armor gives a BFG, BFG requires 400 bullets to fire but only fires one tracer, archviles make imp sounds and hit the player several times at once for a maximum of five damage, barrels explode at a quarter of their normal speed but explosion radius is increased by 300%.
  10. Disrespectful little runt as usual. This news is awful. I was just looking Googling him yesterday because of Alan Wake. His voice was fucking powerful, his performance as Max Payne was one of the greatest displays of voice acting I had ever heard. I was also a fan of Rescue Me, I wish he was more prominent in the series. You could tell that he was a cool person in real life just because of his overall demeanor, even though he played angry and spiteful characters. This is a real punch in the gut, I felt this one.
  11. Unfortunately that is the case a lot of the time. I've seen a lot of people over the years throwing pity parties for themselves over their old work, not speaking specifically about this community. I think it gives them the illusion of improvement - every time they think their skill has improved, they start trash talking their previous work. They must get to the point where they can't tell with any certainty how much they've truly improved because they no longer have anything to use as a comparison. It's good to keep your old "shitty" work around, at the very least for yourself, so you can look at it and feel proud of how far you've come, and to remember where it all started. I think that people who do this don't see enough meaning and value in their own work, otherwise they wouldn't want to throw away their memories. Unless the work brings back negative memories, in which case it is best to toss it. There are exceptions obviously, someone might feel that their old work was just juvenile and embarrassing as opposed to just being amateur or crappy, or they might have a reputation that they're trying to uphold in general, or they might be working on a newer version of their art/project that they want people to see instead. There are many possible reasons, but I think you named one of the biggest ones.
  12. what you shoulda taken was a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself what the hell is wrong with me i was a smart young man with dreams and potentiol and now im a junkie putting poison into my body to get me wasted. trust me i never been addicted to that poison but i was addicted to masterbation. forced myself to stop for three days and i still ask myself what the hell was i thinking then.
  13. Amen bruv I keep tryin to tell all my homies that weed be disgraceful, why y'all think we got so many murdering raping and warfare on this planet all the sudden it aint a conspiracy its BIG WEED the world didnt use to be like this you damn right its a "getaway" drug ya pops a smart man I tell ya that right now from the heart glad he went strick on your ass ALL HAIL BIG PHARMA MOOD STABILIZERS A NEW BEGINNING FOR ALL and remember dont ever fuck with that hardcore shit like mushrooms or ya just end up smokin meth from a hoes asshole that shitll fuck you up for reals, fuck up your grammar and your spelling and punctuation and shit so ya just end up lookin like a judgemental lameass when you go on the internet and scream I TOLD YOU SO every time someone leap from the leafy green to the blue crystal and the white cookie and finally off a bridge cuz that weed got a hold of them
  14. 🎶 I struck flint and I created fire I went *urg urg urg* and the flames went higher Me go *urg urg urg* Me made a fire Me made a fire 🎶
  15. I don't really understand the connection between the two, could you explain? Also Fred Flintstone here has a grand total of 18 posts in three days. Posting often (although 18 posts in three days isn't even a lot at all) is participation, not spam. It only becomes spam when your posts are worthless and annoying.
  16. When I was in high school, this kid read his "book report" on Resident Evil 4 to the class, doing pretty much nothing other than discussing things like the chainsaw decapitations or the woman with the pitchfork in her face. The teacher actually didn't have a problem with it until he threw in a "it was fuckin awesome!" at the very end of the report.
  17. I voted "yes" since the poll is anonymous.
  18. I hope GTA VI makes fun of people I don't like so I can masturbate to the fact that a British video game developer agrees with my political views about Florida. That's the main reason why I play video games.
  19. It was a virginal cringefest where sweaty guys dressed like Naruto who haven't showered since World of Warcraft was released got a chance to hug women with big boobs dressed like elves who wouldn't otherwise give them the time of day. The other half of the convention was mostly a bunch of glorified advertisements. Not even actual trailers most of the time, just a 30 second clip of a black screen with shit like "The Last of Us Remake Part 1: Remastered - coming soon (eight years from now)". Then they get celebrities that seem to be (understandably) disgusted with what they're seeing and smelling up on stage pretending that they're a hip cool gamer bro while they play a malfunctioning motion controlled piece of shit. Even Daniel Day Lewis wouldn't be able to maintain character in such a grotesque environment. Shit like E3 makes me embarrassed to even mention the fact that I play video games. It propagates the unfortunate myth that people who play games are unable to act like normal people, because all the conventions and publicity surrounding the industry show off the most embarrassing people. I get that we're never going to have a Cannes Festival for games, but I think anything is better than this kind of bullshit.
  20. Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. You just can't win in a world like that.
  21. Even AAA has had some cool stuff the past couple years or so. The remake of Resident Evil 4 was even better than I hoped for. I think a lot of modern trends suck (used sometimes even in good games) but there's too much out there at any given time to ever really say "modern gaming sucks". I think people mainly mean that the industry and the aforementioned trends suck, which I mostly agree with depending on which specific thing we're talking about. Some of the most annoying trends occur in the G A M I N G community itself, for example these dumb cunts like Midnight who resort to attention-whoring tactics because they lack creativity, humor, intelligence, personality, looks, significant other, and probably some other stuff too.
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