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TheMagicMushroomMan got a reaction from Daytime Waitress for a status update, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I've come across as obnoxious lately. I've bee
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I've come across as obnoxious lately. I've been feeling a little uninspired for a while, and I think my humor has been kind of grating and forced. I haven't played Doom in a long time and the forum seems to be a little uneventful in general for the past few months, so I don't have as much to talk about as I usually do. I'll do better.
TheMagicMushroomMan got a reaction from taufan99 for a status update, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I've come across as obnoxious lately. I've bee
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I've come across as obnoxious lately. I've been feeling a little uninspired for a while, and I think my humor has been kind of grating and forced. I haven't played Doom in a long time and the forum seems to be a little uneventful in general for the past few months, so I don't have as much to talk about as I usually do. I'll do better.
TheMagicMushroomMan got a reaction from Andromeda for a status update, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I've come across as obnoxious lately. I've bee
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I've come across as obnoxious lately. I've been feeling a little uninspired for a while, and I think my humor has been kind of grating and forced. I haven't played Doom in a long time and the forum seems to be a little uneventful in general for the past few months, so I don't have as much to talk about as I usually do. I'll do better.
TheMagicMushroomMan got a reaction from Arrowhead for a status update, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I've come across as obnoxious lately. I've bee
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I've come across as obnoxious lately. I've been feeling a little uninspired for a while, and I think my humor has been kind of grating and forced. I haven't played Doom in a long time and the forum seems to be a little uneventful in general for the past few months, so I don't have as much to talk about as I usually do. I'll do better.
TheMagicMushroomMan reacted to Merry Widow for a status update, I really like the people here.
I really like the people here.
TheMagicMushroomMan reacted to Doomkid for a status update, Holy hell, the bots are out in force lately! Spam accounts, spam threads, giant viewc
Holy hell, the bots are out in force lately! Spam accounts, spam threads, giant viewcount bloats caused by what is essentially DDoSing with requests.. Between DW's own internal errors building up more and more and the weird spam "attacks" it's such a headache, so please forgive me for being absentee lately. Hopefully things get cleared up soon.
TheMagicMushroomMan reacted to Doomkid for a status update, Oh shit, 666 followers! \m/ (x_x) \m/ (if DW ever gets fixed maybe someone will actua
Oh shit, 666 followers!
\m/ (x_x) \m/
(if DW ever gets fixed maybe someone will actually see this status lol)
TheMagicMushroomMan reacted to The BMFG for a status update, Laughing my ass off at people complaining about those "React to # above you threads"
Laughing my ass off at people complaining about those "React to # above you threads" being locked when they didn't really bring much to the forums anyway, its not like the biggest loss in the world.
TheMagicMushroomMan got a reaction from Daytime Waitress for a status update, Woke up with a massive toothache on the right side of my mouth and a massive abcess o
Woke up with a massive toothache on the right side of my mouth and a massive abcess on my gumline on the left side. What other kind of Xmas joy will I recieve today? 12 unexpected boils on my ass perhaps? 11 ingrown pubes?
TheMagicMushroomMan got a reaction from Andromeda for a status update, Woke up with a massive toothache on the right side of my mouth and a massive abcess o
Woke up with a massive toothache on the right side of my mouth and a massive abcess on my gumline on the left side. What other kind of Xmas joy will I recieve today? 12 unexpected boils on my ass perhaps? 11 ingrown pubes?
TheMagicMushroomMan got a reaction from spineapple tea for a status update, Woke up with a massive toothache on the right side of my mouth and a massive abcess o
Woke up with a massive toothache on the right side of my mouth and a massive abcess on my gumline on the left side. What other kind of Xmas joy will I recieve today? 12 unexpected boils on my ass perhaps? 11 ingrown pubes?
TheMagicMushroomMan got a reaction from Naarok0fkor for a status update, Woke up with a massive toothache on the right side of my mouth and a massive abcess o
Woke up with a massive toothache on the right side of my mouth and a massive abcess on my gumline on the left side. What other kind of Xmas joy will I recieve today? 12 unexpected boils on my ass perhaps? 11 ingrown pubes?
TheMagicMushroomMan reacted to The BMFG for a status update, https://x.com/BmfgThe/status/1726748169755676796?s=20
TheMagicMushroomMan reacted to SleepyVelvet for a status update, 🎃 🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃 🎃
🎃🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃
TheMagicMushroomMan reacted to Mr Masker for a status update, I sincerely hope SHEYDE recovers from their car accident, broken legs and pelvis, liv
I sincerely hope SHEYDE recovers from their car accident, broken legs and pelvis, liver cancer, drinking problem, mistrust of doctors, mistrust of immigrants, screw overs from their (possibly imaginary) friends and budget issues which FORCED them to steal music.
Truly a tragic tale cursed upon all great artists, best wishes.
TheMagicMushroomMan reacted to Lila Feuer for a status update, Thanks for giving me the best laugh of the night I hope I didn't wake up my neighbor
Thanks for giving me the best laugh of the night I hope I didn't wake up my neighbor since I live in an apartment.
TheMagicMushroomMan got a reaction from baja blast rd. for a status update, I don't know if anyone has ever told you this but you make some really thought-provok
I don't know if anyone has ever told you this but you make some really thought-provoking and informative posts. I always enjoy reading what you have to say, a lot of it changes my prespective on certain things. You make high-effort posts that are educational without being condescending. A lot of times I don't really understand what you're talking about because I'm not knowledgeable, but I don't feel dumb when I'm reading your posts - a lot of times I'm able to learn. They say that talking to a smart person makes you feel dumb, but talking to a really smart person makes you feel smart. Thank you for helping me to learn. You're cool rd 😎
TheMagicMushroomMan reacted to Biodegradable for a status update, I'm in a weird headspace right now where I find computer programming fascinating, but
I'm in a weird headspace right now where I find computer programming fascinating, but I'm also very much reminded by my own limitations merely glancing at it. My brain simply isn't wired to ever understand it no matter how hard I try. Even a programming-based game like TIS-100, despite it coming with an instruction manual, just leaves me completely dumbfounded and even a little dejected. I guess I just need to accept I'm way out of my depth here, that computers will always be a mystery, and all the developers in this community making level editors and source ports might as well be wizards.
TheMagicMushroomMan reacted to Biz! for a status update, Hey, to respond to what you said. you're right, I could've worded it closer to my tho
Hey, to respond to what you said. you're right, I could've worded it closer to my thoughts, stereotyping something that people do based off of past experiences is bad. It just gets me frustrated when people say the same three things about doom 3 over and over again. I see where you're coming from and hope to use this as a future example and me to improve
TheMagicMushroomMan reacted to LoatharMDPhD for a status update, just be sure here, you are Sly Stallone right?
just be sure here, you are Sly Stallone right?
TheMagicMushroomMan got a reaction from Tomppa84 for a status update, Hey, for anyone waiting who is waiting on a reply from me via PM, I just wanted to le
Hey, for anyone waiting who is waiting on a reply from me via PM, I just wanted to let you know that I'm working on it, I always try to respond to everyone. But somehow I've ended up with like 20 conversations going at once, so it's gotten a bit chaotic. I also have a bad habit of reading a message, looking at random threads while I think up a reply, and then forgetting to reply.
Have a good day and always remember that you can try NordVPN by using the referral link in the comments section. It's like a condom for your PC, but even better at containing sperm.
TheMagicMushroomMan got a reaction from Biodegradable for a status update, Hey, for anyone waiting who is waiting on a reply from me via PM, I just wanted to le
Hey, for anyone waiting who is waiting on a reply from me via PM, I just wanted to let you know that I'm working on it, I always try to respond to everyone. But somehow I've ended up with like 20 conversations going at once, so it's gotten a bit chaotic. I also have a bad habit of reading a message, looking at random threads while I think up a reply, and then forgetting to reply.
Have a good day and always remember that you can try NordVPN by using the referral link in the comments section. It's like a condom for your PC, but even better at containing sperm.