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About johnfrinky

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  1. OK this one is for dsda. The reason I was able to get such a low time before is because without the complevel 2 parameter, the monsters in the 4 inside pillars were dead on arrival, saving all the time and cells needed to kill them. hr32-326.zip
  2. OK thanks guys! I forgot to add the complevel 2 parameter when recording so idk if it's valid for sda but I'll keep in mind for the future.
  3. Does this map 32 demo qualify as a UV max? I get all kill-able monsters (287/327) but exit with under 100% kills because I don't go around padding the kill count with the spawned monsters. hr32-308.zip
  4. I like the original sound of the plasma rifle and like it better than any of the several modified sounds I've ever heard
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