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About Mycomedes

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  1. I wanted to make one more update for my map #29. I fixed some visual stuff, added 50 health before the exit trigger and made it so the revenant teleports closer once the mastermind dies. I also fixed up that extra map I said I might add. It's pretty small and simple compared to my other one. Please put it anywhere you can in the wad. Map##: ??? Name: Bloodache Author: Mycomedes Music: "Straight From Hell" from Xenophage Alien Bloodsports File (For both): https://mega.nz/folder/nWpGEYxY#cpfIwAVSrYBhNaBzzMpcHA
  2. That wasn't supposed to be my submission, just a demonstration. I wanted to make a more normal OTEX style map for my entry, but I could also fix up that one if you want to put in slot 33 or something. Thanks for the consideration
  3. That is reasonable. Here's a cool map I made a while back. The format is doom2, limit removing. 1024books.zip
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