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About Biz!

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  1. thinking about starting over

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Biz!


      i made this account in middle school and i did some regrettable things, just wanna wipe it clean, y' know

    3. soss


      oh. Well, I wish you the best with your new account!

    4. 8088mph
  2. Seems like I come out of semi-inactivity (still gonna be less active) to see it finished! Congratulations to everyone else who worked on this!
  3. i'm tired of people antagonizing me because i look at the grey in everything, or because i'm something that they don't like, or because of a mistakes i admitted to that's constantly held over my head, or because i have shown interest in something. i don't know what i wanna be, what i wanna do, i know what I wanna do. become a computer engineer and start a company. where do i start, all that i can find is stuff on software engineering but i want to know hardware engineering too. why do ebay sellers shoot up the price of an old computer while it also being not functional, dirty, missing something, or shown in a youtube video. i hate living in conservative texas, i'm a gay teen yet i can't be open because i have subconsciously absorbed their 'act gay to be straight' personality and all my past shit and current personality is just plain creepy, not like they'd accept me in the first place. i explore my sexuality in middle school, it's held over my head, i explore my religion, held over my head. i'm so fucking done with it but i know suicide isn't the answer so i just live with it??? i don't know, i'm lost and my parents aren't any help. i have nowhere to turn to except the internet yet it is possibly the shittiest place to be raised on.

  4. Good suggestions here, here's my personal list: MBF21 (maps) Some way to control the player's friction (pretty sure this was in mbf, not sure if it retained your speed or not, thinking about movement mods w/ wolf3d or quake movement) Build-style floor/ceiling portals (self-explanatory) MBF21 (dehacked) Decimal values for state duration (wouldn't make a big difference for those cap their framerates, but would be fun for those who leave it uncapped) Items that can be picked up w/ custom message (not sure if i saw this in the 3dge docs or mbf21, but would be lovely, make the world feel more lively) UMAPINFO I'd love to be able to have a set number or disable difficulties all i can think of, pretty exhausted, see y'all later
  5. You could pick up Cave Story, it's an old indie game from 2004-ish that i'm sure can run on a potato pc. You could pick up the original free version on the Cave Story Tribute Site or get the newer Cave Story+ on Steam for a cheep price.
  6. doomguy is meant to be a blank slate, it depends on whether you celebrate christmas.
  7. romero is the only person to pull off "see you in hell" without it sounding rude


  8. not a huge fan of his content, however he does seem like a good person, if i ever do go to a quakecon i'd love to meet him.

  10. they've been saying that about half-life 3 for nearly 20 years (first announced 2006)
  11. I enjoy this update, I love the larger hud and original title screen! Shame that I still can't use 1080p software rendering.
  12. installing windows 11, wish me luck

    1. Biz!


      this shit takes too long

    2. Taw Tu'lki

      Taw Tu'lki

      Biz? Biz kimiz?

  13. IDSPISPOD: Makes you invincible! Oh wait...
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