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Everything posted by SCF

  1. Just to add my own experience to this: When I played the first beta I also ran into a few locations where enemies were blocking me from jumping down (I don't remember where else exactly). It wasn't a problem for me because I had an early rocket launcher, but I can see it being frustrating if you don't have that option and you can't go another way. Another thing I just remembered: there's at least one area that's hidden on the automap (I think it was in The Spirit World). I found myself having to rely on the automap a lot to find my way to key doors/unexplored sections, and I think having hidden passages may be a bit too much for a complex collage like this.
  2. Whoops, I messed up the map names, the stuck archvile is on Barrels O'Fun, not Gotcha. The one inside a small alcove supported by chaingunners.
  3. Gave the beta a go. Here's some comments: - I like the title screen, and medley you used for the soundtrack - Starting off with a blue armor gives you a big buffer to get through the early parts. Maybe even a bit too much, but better than the opposite for sure. - The Citadel: I noticed that both exits are accessible from the moat area, so the inside of the citadel is completely optional. With that in mind, the reward should make it worth exploring, and a supercharge feels a little underwhelming (especially since the Tricks & Traps segment next to it has two supercharges) - Underhalls: I almost missed the SSG here, maybe that alcove could be highlighted a little more (e.g. with the same computer panels the original has). - Bloodfalls and The Pit are right next to each other and both have a blue armor (although I didn't know how to get the former one) - Barrels O'Fun: the archvile is stuck in his starting position - The Catacombs: I couldn't find a way out of the pit with the baron in the bottom-right. The switch doesn't seem to be doing anything. - There's a couple non-hidden linedefs in the teleporter closets north of the Icon of Sin that show up when you get the computer map. This is everything I'd found when I reached the Icon of Sin (I went back for some of the segments I skipped afterwards)
  4. About my map (10): the top/left/right entrances are rigged to open the traps doors. If I understand the current layout correctly, the left side will be a blue key door. But once you have the blue key, there's not much reason to go back that way (unless you don't remember where to go, but the actual progression to the red key zone is directly west), so one of the monster closets will likely be skipped. I don't think it's gamebreaking or anything, but map10 might fit better in a more central location within a zone, so players are more likely to pass through it more than once. The other thing is that the player may trigger a monster closet while leaving, and then get ambushed from behind. That would only work, I think, if they're regular doors and not key doors, so monsters can open them too.
  5. Just to give a quick update: when I signed up I was in the middle of finishing a big Doom project, so I needed a break after that. I have some ideas, and I'll probably get started somewhere in the next few weeks.
  6. I for one appreciate the effort all the hosts have been putting into DWIL. I dont expect every map set to be up my alley, and while it's disappointing when boredom or fatigue ends a run before the actual challenge does, it happens. In hindsight, I shouldn't have played this one on the same day where I put an hour into this month's IronEagle entry (which had its own issues). Vetting potential wads beforehand would be good in theory, but I completely understand that it would put the host in an awkward position. More recommendations from other participants seems like the ideal solution, although there's the added challenge that I (and probably many others) almost exclusively play with pistol starts, so continuous play may be a completely different experience. Just because you remember enjoying something in a casual setting doesn't mean it's suitable for the ironman format. If length preventing is some wads from being used, I don't think it'd be a problem to only use the first X maps and count it as a survival if you complete those. Even if most players wouldn't even get that far, it's more approachable when you know you're not in for a potential 3 hour haul.
  7. tributequilt2_scf_map10.zip Pretty straightforward recreation of the central area. The yellow key isn't in the hardest-to-reach place, but putting it in one of the pain elemental closets would make it weirdly asymmetrical. If you think the two radsuits are too much, feel free to remove them. Since the closet triggers are linked to the east/south/west exits, those will all have to be connected to another room to make sense.
  8. Category: 1 Dead on: MAP01 Kills: 72/90 DWIL_24-06_DTPACK_SCF.zip The appeal of Ultimate Doom wads continues to elude me. I try to play them in good faith and I'm rewarded by having to chaingun a baron on the first level. It makes me play sloppy because the prospect of 1-2 hours of that makes an early death seem preferable. At least the single map I saw looked nice.
  9. Dead on MAP06 at 57:42 Category: 1 Difficulty: UV Kills: 80/130 DWIE_24-06_Post_SCF.zip I knew impatience would kill me eventually, and by this point I was pretty tired of it anyway. I don't want to be overly negative about these 90s wads, but playing them in one sitting and constantly getting stuck on obtuse progression (like secret doorways) is pretty draining.
  10. I'm only halfway through, but I'm having a great time so far! I don't know if it's already been reported, but I ran into a softlock on map 15. From one of the higher floors of temple, you can run off and make it to this plateau: And from there, you can fall down behind the fence where the invuln is and get stuck.
  11. Category: 1 Difficulty: UV Dead on: Map 2 Kills: 205/251 DWIE_24-05_Kmega1_SCF.zip Endless cramped corridor mazes Obtuse progression Barons everywhere Yeah, I was ready to throw in the towel before I even finished the first map, so when it gave me the choice between dying or sitting there firing rockets for 30 seconds, I chose death.
  12. The internet was still very niche in 94/95, but another way people got their hands on things like Doom WADs were magazine CDs. I still have one of those, dated mid-94, that came with a handful of custom maps, as well as a copy of DoomCAD. I remember experimenting with the editor, although I was too young to make any real finished levels.
  13. I don't think a redo is necessary either, it's not like I was playing carelessly because I was expecting an easier wad.
  14. @NaZa: The correct complevel for each wad is listed twice in the post, but just to avoid any confusion: the essential info section only mentions complevel 2. Suspended in Dusk Category: 1 Dead on: Map01 Kills: 13/119 Bauhaus Category: 1 Survived in 60:28 DWIL_24-05-SCF.zip
  15. Category: 2 Difficulty: UV Survived in 31:54 DWIE_24-04_Slith_SCF.zip I made it to map 4, but I was enjoying the wad so I played through it casually and then had another go at it, and made it out alive on the second try (after another map 4 death).
  16. Category: 1 Dead on: MAP03 Kills: 8/291 DWIL_24-04_dvii_SCF.zip Possibly the stupidest way I've ever died in an ironman, all to save a few rockets.
  17. This is really creative. I love the supercharge river, waves, and rain. And the crusher section in map 2 is legitimately just a cool setup in its own right. I wish the HUD text wasn't so hard to read though, even if it's true to the original (missing) texture.
  18. Has this ever happened to you? You're at a party, and all the cool people are talking about Doom. You're a bit of a Doom afficionado yourself, so you try to join in, but then someone brings up the influential slaughter wad Sunder. Everyone starts discussing the intricate fights and foreboding architecture. When you sheepishly mention that you haven't played it, they all look your way with sneers on their faces. Shunned for the rest of the night, you return home sad and alone. It's not your fault. You really do want to play Sunder, but you're a busy adult with a job and a family. You don't have time to play maps that take 50-100 hours each to beat. Well, my friend, I have the solution for you: Sunder For People Who Don't Have Time To Play Sunder Get the full Sunder experience in just a fraction of the time! All of the action, with only 10% of the average monster count! The maps range from a few minutes to 15-20 minutes long. Play it now, and next time you're at a party, you'll have just enough Sunder knowledge to impress everyone with your analysis of the combat encounters. Format: Boom (+umapinfo for map names/skies) Tested in: dsda-doom 0.26.0 Difficulty Settings: No time for that Credits: All original maps by @Insane_Gazebo. All resources copied from Sunder (See the enclosed text file for more detail). All maps foolishly created from scratch, using Sunder only as a reference. Download Disclaimer: This wad is meant for entertainment purposes only. Author cannot be held responsible for any social, emotional or physical damages caused by pretending you played the real Sunder. Smaller maps does not necessarily mean easier, and a smooth difficulty curve cannot be guaranteed. Screenshots (with Sunder side-by-side comparison)
  19. Category: 2 Difficulty: UV Survived in 1:02:38 DWIL_24-04_castevil_SCF.zip It's cat2 because I did a failed attempt a week ago, but I honestly didn't remember anything past the first room. An impressive achievement for its time, but a nightmare to navigate, with all the teleporters and switches that have no obvious effect.
  20. Category: 1 (never played either Icarus) Dead on Map06 at 77:00 Kills: 138/149 DWIL_24-03_icar2015_SCF.zip
  21. Category: 2 Difficulty: UV Survived in 43:23 DWIE-24-02_Preacher_SCF.zip I've played Preacher a few times before, but my first attempt at an IronEagle run met a pathetic end in the first map, so I went and practiced until I managed to beat it. At first I was having a miserable time, but I ended up finding a pretty reliable route for every map, and it ultimately turned out to be pretty fun to run. You're given a lot of freedom, and there's very few places that lock you in so you can really speed through it. I didn't look at any other (speed)runs of the WAD, so my strategies are probably far from optimal. Comments per map:
  22. Okay, so I replayed Sunder last year and made a personal ranking of all the maps for fun, but I never had an opportunity to post it, so why not drop it in this low-effort thread? 1. The Harlot's Garden (MAP32) Visually stunning and imposing. I still remember the first time I entered the yard and saw this giant mansion looming over me. It's one of those moments where you forget you're playing a 30 year old game. And then you also actually enter the mansion, and it's lavishly decorated and fully explorable on the inside as well!? It's not the best combat in Sunder, but it's good with some real highlights. The finale is brutal, but really satisfying to beat. The fact that it can still be my #1 map despite the hedge maze section is saying a lot. 2. Beneath the Waves of Styx (MAP20) Another great-looking map, with some really creative combat. Build your own arena, choose your own enemy composition. I'm not a big fan of the cyber onslaught at the end, but other that it's peak Sunder. 3. Babylon's Chimera (MAP15) I wonder what it would've been like in 2019, seeing Sunder return after a long hiatus and the first new map you play looks like this. Some incredible architecture, with unique theming for a Doom map. Fun to play, and has a great Jimmy track too. 4. Archives of the Technomancer (MAP17) Just an all-around strong map, with the crusher maze being the only weak part. 5. Hollow Icon (MAP07) My favorite map in old Sunder. Relatively short, but each fight is fun and punchy, never dragging things out too long even in its epic finale. 6. House of Corrosion (MAP31) I forgot why I put this one so high, but I guess it's a good map? 7. Whispers of the Gnarled King (MAP16) Suffers from feeling almost endless, but the highs are high. Like the ominously dark area that fills up with an overwhelming number of enemies, or the big battle just before you enter the central building. 8. Pale Monument (MAP08) A true classic, but gets a bit tedious at points with the sheer number of enemies you have to wade through. 9. City at the Mouth of Ire (MAP19) Another really impressive-looking map. Similar to map 32, I really like the way you actually enter each of those buildings lining the streets. Everything after you get the BFG is a blast, with a spectacular caco cloud at the end, but it has a lot of cramped combat (often with cybers involved) that isn't really my cup of tea, so I like it the least out of the new Sunder maps. 10. Zealous Machine (MAP12) The final fight is the only truly memorable part of this map for me, but it is really memorable. And I don't think there were any parts I disliked either. 11. The Dreaming Garden (MAP03) A perfectly fine map. 12. The Singing Void (MAP18) This one has some difficulty spikes that are too much for me to handle, so it ends up feeling like I just have to try to get lucky. Other than that though, I like the three different areas. Also, hive mothers are good enemies. 13. Precarious (MAP05) I'm not a platforming fan, but this one isn't as bad as it's sometimes made out to be. In fact, I acutally like it. 14. Python (MAP01) Fairly basic, to the point where it barely feels like Sunder map. But it's short and doesn't wear out its welcome. 15. The Hag's Finger (MAP10) A solid map that's marred by a few extremely tedious sections. Hope you like rocketing hell knights for 10 minutes. I do like the layout, with the spiraling path to the top of the tower. 16. Hive Mother (MAP14) Mostly fine, but never left a big impression on me. 17. The Furnace (MAP11) It has a good oppressive atmosphere, but a lot of areas just have too many enemies. Clearing the hell knight ledge in the starting room alone is a serious ordeal, and not particularly fun or challenging. 18. Grinder (MAP06) An odd one out, with its hot start and hectic gameplay that's not arena-based like the other maps. It's grown on me over time, although I'd never consider it one of my favorites. 19. Metal Descendants (MAP04) It's okay, but I never cared for crusher gimmicks. I remember the final fight being weirdly trivial, with the teleporters on opposite sides making it impossible to ever get cornered. 20. The Burrow (MAP02) Similar to map 1 in that it's fairly basic compared to the rest of Sunder, but it loses points for the pointless revenant slaughter at the end. It's not as bad as in map 10, but since it's a shorter maps it takes up more time comparatively. 21. Obsidian Nightmare (MAP13) Not my type of gameplay. I guess I liked the gimmick with the lines on the floor blocking enemies. I may be biased against this map because last time I played it I somehow ran out of ammo halfway through, and had to make painfully slow progress. 22. The Cage (MAP09) The only Sunder map I actually dislike. It's very awkward to move around, and easy to lose your way or fall off. At least with normal platforming sections you can see where you're going. It still has a few solid fights, they just happen to be the flat, indoor areas.
  23. Category 1 Survived in 33:56 DWIL_24-02_hommage25_SCF.zip
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