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Everything posted by SCF

  1. Category 1 Dead on map 05 Kills: 6/91 DWIL_23-04_revival.zip
  2. Here's E4M6: tributequilt_scf_e4m6.zip Added difficulty settings and minor items. A powerful arsenal is probably required for this one. The cyberdemon in the original is already mean, but in these tight quarters it's even worse. The dead end in the south-east corner probably needs a better reward than a medikit, but I'll leave that up to you.
  3. @ViolentBeetle: Do radsuits count as treasures, or is it ok to place them? The centerpoint of E4M6 is the lava pit you're forced to traverse, so I'd like to have a radsuit down there like in the original.
  4. Here's my entry Version 1 Title: Over-the-tophalls Slot: Reserved MAP05, but the submission is in slot 2 (for the correct music) Author: SCF Ports Tested: dsda-doom Known Bugs: N/A Additional Comments: It's underhalls, except everything is much bigger. Progression is still the same as the original, except I removed the teleporter at the secret. Despite the scale, it can easily be maxed in under 10 minutes. If you want a smooth difficulty/escalation curve it might fit a later map slot better, but I'll leave that up to you. Difficulty settings are implemented. Screenshot:
  5. I started a second map right after finishing the first one, but quickly ran out of inspiration. The deadline extension was a good excuse to get back to work. 30mc2_scf_m2_v1.wad Map Name: Trials of Amun-Ra Author: SCF Music: "Mysteries of Egypt" by Jimmy Difficulty Settings: Implemented Ports Tested: dsda-doom 0.22.4 Description: Small-scale key hunt in an open arena Notes: The void areas are marked as instakill zones, but there shouldn't be any way to escape the map besides archvile jumping. Screenshot
  6. My submission for E2M9: tributequilt_scf_e2m9.zip 1024x1024 is smaller than I realized, so I combined both rooms into one smaller equivalent. Exits on all four sides. Any of them could easily be closed off if necessary. I added a plasma gun for testing, but I don't think it's a requirement since you don't have to fight The yellow key position references the supercharge in the original map, but feel free to replace it with anything else that works.
  7. Seems like a fun idea. I'm not actually a fan of the Doom 1 maps and don't even know most of them well, and I wouldn't want to take away someone's favorite map, so I'll pick E2M9, a map that's guaranteed not to be anyone's favorite.
  8. Difficulty: UV Category: 1 Died on: Map02 Entered at: 9:10 Kills: 33/142 DWIE_23-03_cod_SCF.zip Seconding the other comments. Wasn't enjoying this set, so I just started rushing and got trapped.
  9. Category 1 Died on Map 06 Kills: 72/89 DWIL_23-03_ddev_scf.zip
  10. Ohhh, so that's what was going on there. I survived past those, but apparently it was through sheer luck since I had no clue until I saw your post.
  11. Category: 2 (multiple attempts) Difficulty: UV Dead on: Map 04 Kills: 30/41 Time at death: 20:33 (half of which was spent on map 4) DWIE_23-02_thecode_scf.zip Well, that was an adventure.
  12. Category: 1 Dead on: Map06 in ~48:50 Kills: 39/56 DWIL_23-02_lazarevenant_scf.zip
  13. SCF


    Nah, I just edited a screenshot
  14. This morning I was stuck on a difficult crossword puzzle, and it sucked. You sit there staring for ten minutes at the hint for 5 across, and the answer just doesn't come to you. It's clearly not fun. So why do people keep putting themselves through this torture? Maybe they grew up in a time before video games, when the only entertainment was doing these shitty hard puzzles. But they should really admit that it's all just ego. They have to prove to themselves that they're smart people who know a lot of words. It really pisses me off when see a crossword in the newspaper and it's some bullshit challenge that I don't know how to solve.
  15. Category: 1 Difficulty: UV Dead on: E2M2 Kills: 101/155 Time: 11:46 DWIE_23-01_monument_SCF.zip Took refuge on the nice red carpet floor, only to realize too late that it was actually damaging blood.
  16. It's also used in Map28 of 30 Monster Challenge by @LPad
  17. Thank you @NaZa and everyone else for organizing these events. This was my first year taking part, and it's been a lot of fun. Been participating for 10 months in a row now (second month was so bad I never submitted it...), and hope to be there for all of 2023 as well.
  18. Category 1 Survived in 62:59 DWIL_23-01_kneedeep_SCF.zip
  19. @BluePineapple72 Map 37 has the wrong title on the score screen. There was another map somewhere in the 20s that had the default map name on the score screen, but I don't remember which one... Map30 breaks by being in that slot (a bunch of enemies try to teleport in and all telefrag each other) It's honestly funnier this way though. Ho ho ho, merry christmas everybody.
  20. I know it's all just for fun, but what are the general guidelines for these kinds of speed mapping events? It makes sense that you're allowed to fix anything that's downright broken, but what about about playability improvements, balance changes etc? I assume it's not in spirit of the challenge to change those after your time is up. My second map took about 5 minutes to play through, so testing it twice ended up taking 1/6th of my build time away. It was a good learning experience though. (In terms of playability improvements, I had a situation where a key could be hidden by corpses, which doesn't make the map impossible to finish, but does make it very annoying to play)
  21. Second entry Download Map Name: Can I Make A Longer Map In One Hour? Author: SCF Music: It would take me at least a quarter of the total time to find and add music Gimmicks: 3 Damage Floors, 2 Key Cards Difficulty Settings: Nope Build Time: 1 hour Comments: The answer is yes, if you don't care about texture variety Screenshots:
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