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Everything posted by SCF

  1. I wanted to give this thing a try because it sounded fun, but I should've probably done a warmup first because this was a very bad run. I generally play in GZDoom but recording a video sounded like a huge hassle, so I jumped right into dsda-doom and ended up getting constantly distracted trying to tweak my mouse sensitivity and looking for a way to lower the music volume without affecting the sfx (found out afterwards this is a bug with SDL). You can't tell from the demo, but the part I died I was pausing every few seconds. Oh well, better luck next month. Category: 2 (Played it once when it came out) Died on: Map02 Kills: 50/244 DWIL_03-22_Syringe_SCF.zip
  2. @xvertigox I've updated my map, and it should support coop now. Added player starts, and the two rooms that lock you in have teleporters outside. The teleporter rooms are hidden from the automap and close before you leave so you shouldn't even notice they're there in single player. I've tested them by just noclipping out of the room but it should all be working.
  3. @xvertigox I looked at your sheet and it lists v1 of my map, but there's already a version 3 Regarding coop support, I thought I checked the rules when I started and didn't see anything about that. I have no experience with coop so I don't know what's required for that, or how to even test it. There are two fights in my map where the door closes behind you, and I'm not sure how to change that. I'll try to find some time in the future to look at it but for now it has no coop support at all.
  4. When I was making the map I considered doing something about letting you kill the arachnotron, but in testing I found that he was actually helpful in the next fight, and he'll quickly kill the pain elementals for you as long as you stay behind them. So I'm okay with it, since it will just make the fight different instead of much easier.
  5. @El Inferno Finished the map now. I played it on UV so I could compare it to the other maps on the same difficulty, and I think this is easily the hardest one in the set so far. All in all, my first impression was pretty rough but I do think the fights are good once you get the idea.
  6. Quicksand! by @Astro X Cadence by @Chainie Agnosia by @LPad Neter-Khertet by @El Inferno
  7. It might help to make the stairs different so enemies can get up more easily? I have to admit I don't know what the intended approach is since I never tried it... But I think it would be a shame to withdraw the map completely, even if there is a cheap solution.
  8. Hey, based on submissions so far it sounds like you're fine with maps that are already released and not in beta testing anymore. If not, feel free to ignore this one. Last year I made a set of 7 micro-slaughter maps, and while I got some good feedback from the doomworld thread, I plan on making more maps like this in the future and a commentated playthrough would be really helpful in seeing what did or didn't work. More info in the linked thread below, but it's Boom-compatible and I primarily tested in GZDoom myself. The maps are all relatively short, but since you limited submissions to 5 maps you could skip maps 1 and 3 since they're the easiest and least interesting. Map 6 is fairly grindy (it's one big fight while the others are more like a series of setpieces) so you could also skip that one if you'd prefer. Download
  9. All right, I finished my playthrough of beta 1. Since I've already played almost all maps before, I tried to focus on their difficulty and place in the WAD, as well as looking for any remaining bugs (good news, I only found a couple!). So here is my own ranking from easiest to hardest. Some notes: Everything is based on UV difficulty and pistol start. Although I'm already familiar with some fights, I tried to judge them from a first-time perspective. That's not always going to be possible, but either way everyone will have different opinions anyway. I didn't take secrets into account. Some secret items can make a map significantly easier, but not everyone will find them so they shouldn't be considered for the baseline difficulty. I didn't include my own map for obvious reasons, although I would've expected it a bit lower. Just to be absolutely clear, this is not a judgement on quality, and it's good to have easier maps as well. Sorry about the lack of proper username tagging. The popup always breaks for me after the first few. I'll see if I can fix it in edit. MAP08 : 'Crate Processing' by @lokbustam257 MAP02 : 'Trapped in Remnants' by @RastaManGames MAP03 : 'Caco by Caco' by @Origamyde MAP05 : 'Blueberry Castle' by @DynamiteKaitorn MAP06 : 'Azure Crypt' by @MFG38 MAP07 : 'Dystrophia' by @Scorpius MAP04 : 'Vile Keep' by @ryiron MAP01 : 'Obsidian Ravine' by @Walter confetti MAP12 : 'Pitted Iron' by @Obsidian MAP09 : 'Dismal Twilight' by @NeedHealth MAP10 : 'Demon Electrica' by @Bri MAP11 : 'Marine's Snowiest Base' by @LGmaire MAP16 : 'Blu-Ray Pain' by @cannonball MAP22 : 'Patio Bloodbath' by @Gaargod MAP?? : 'The Sinkhole' by @thelokk MAP18 : '30/30/3' by @Parkolnaught MAP13 : 'Lapis Lazuli' by @ryiron MAP21 : 'Rapturous Grief' by @myolden MAP19 : 'Windswept' by @Salmon MAP20 : 'Hide and Sick' by @Shawn MAP24 : 'wiltingDryad' by @BENCHY MAP15 : 'Tomb of Nephren-Ka' by @PinkFlamingo MAP17 : 'With Time Comes An End' by @Engired MAP28 : 'Misjudging the King' by @Bloodbath Giraffe MAP23 : 'Caeco Regno' by @LPad MAP14 : 'Spider Test ament' by @alexsa2015sa MAP27 : 'Infernal Engine' by @BiZ MAP26 : 'Overgrown Fortress' by @finnks13 MAP30 : 'Paroxysm' by @NoReason Unranked: MAP29 : '-ANTI-LIFE-' by @Worriedidiot I couldn't rank this map because there's a strategy that trivializes all the challenges. I recorded a demo because it's easier to show what I mean. The only danger is the first archvile coming up the stairs, but it's easy to prevent if you take it more slowly than I did here. The cyberdemon at the end is also pretty pathetic. 30mc_beta1_map29.lmp.zip
  10. I played through the first two episodes of the beta, and there's definitely some maps where I disagree with their placement. Once I'm finished I'll post my feedback. In the meantime, I haven't encountered any bugs yet. Yeah the new features seem to be supported, but I was mainly thinking about compatibility flags. Like I haven't looked deep into it, but it seems MBF21 has different defaults than regular MBF for infighting behavior and whether enemies can be pushed off ledges. And afaik there's no way to specifically say "I want the MBF21 compatibility flags".
  11. Would we have to update our own maps to add death exits? What's the easiest way of doing that? I wouldn't expect any community project to be suitable for continuous play unless it was intended that way from the beginning, but I do pistol start by default so I don't know what general expectations are like. Another question, does anyone know exactly how MBF21 in GZDoom works? It's supposed to have 'beta support' but it's not listed as a compatibility setting in the menu (only regular MBF). However I've seen some functioning MBF21 features in the maps I played, like instant death zones. I'll be giving the beta version a whirl and I want to make sure I have everything set up correctly. Anyway, since it's not included in the beta: The Sinkhole (v2) by @Thelokk
  12. Chromatose v3 Added extra detail to some areas. No real gameplay changes, other than making the doorways at the start a bit wider so you don't get stuck on them. This should be the last update unless there are problems that need fixing.
  13. Updated my map based on everyone's feedback. I still intend to make more cosmetic changes, but the gameplay should be done unless there's more comments. Chromatose v2 Changes:
  14. Thanks for the feedback. The cells on the revenant platform in the secret fight were intended for cleanup. As you say, once you're able to get there safely, you've basically won the fight. I wanted to make sure there were plenty of cells available to kill the remaining enemies without having to shotgun cyberdemons, as well as letting you take a full stack of cells into the final fight. The more easily accessible cell packs should be enough to get through it, and I may even remove the ones near the cyberdemons to avoid this kind of confusion, since in testing I never really ended up using them. About adding a secret exit, I feel like that might also be confusing, especially if the secret exit just leads to the same next map. The teleporter taking you back to the plasma gun room is an idea, but I'm not sure if it will be more or less clear than just taking you back to where you came from. I'll see about making it more clear that this is the intended route.
  15. Thank you! I've already made some (unreleased) changes to the final fight to give more (and more accessible) health so that should help. When you say 'behind the corner', do you mean where the imps/chaingunners are? I may not have tried hard enough but my impression was that hiding there wouldn't work because enemies would start getting inside and closing in on you. The reward for the secret is meant to be that you get a BFG for the final fight, but of course that doesn't apply if you go to the end of the level first. So you could consider that a reward for finding the secrets without the automap :)
  16. Lapis Lazuli by @ryiron Dismal Twilight (v2) by @NeedHealth Caeco Regno by @LPad With Time Comes an End by @Engired
  17. Point taken. Moving the health was a last-minute decision after detailing and didn't get enough testing because I was already too familiar with the fight by that point. I'll swap some of the item locations around.
  18. Played through some of the new submissions. Should get to the remaining ones tomorrow. Blu-Ray Pain (v2) by @cannonball Infernal Engine by @BiZ Hide and Sick (v2) by @Shawn Man the Boat by @Astro X
  19. Finished the first version of my entry. I might go back and add more detail in some areas, but the gameplay is done. Download v4 Name: Chromatose Music: Lab 16's Ruins, from Chrono Trigger Difficulty Settings: Yes Notes: There is an optional secret fight. The secret fight may be hard. If you're having trouble finding it, there's some help at the exit.
  20. I started messing around a bit with these textures, but I just couldn't come up with a good way of using them and I was starting to lose motivation. But then I had a different idea. Maybe 16 colors is just too many. Only just started, but I should be able to get somewhere with this. Feels nice just fiddling with geometry and not having to worry about aligning textures.
  21. And the other two: -ANTI-LIFE- by @Worriedidiot Obsidian Ravine by @Walter confetti
  22. Yeah I think the issue is that it's not obviously the end of the level because it's off to the side. I went there before going to where the rocket launcher is, so I didn't even consider it might be the exit. So if you can find a fitting exit sign that would be great.
  23. Still in the process of playing the new submissions, but the doomworld post form is acting weird and I don't want to lose what I've already written. Azure Crypt by @MFG38 30-30-3 (v2) by @Dr Fluffystuff
  24. Yes unfortunately these statistics will never match exactly to an 'average game situation' because there's just too many variables involved, and every fight will have different map geometry. But it's at least interesting to know the outcomes for the base cases. But I tried your suggestion, having the cyberdemon and spider mastermind fight at different distances. Like before I just set their speed to 0, but I also removed all knockback to keep them at the same distance (which I hadn't done in the previous post, but it shouldn't have made too much of a difference at 1024 units since enemies were already close to the walls). The threshold at which the cyberdemon starts losing turns out to be very small, with the break-even point around 320: The last column is the result when they were free to move. Unfortunately I can't explain why there's a significant difference between that one, and the one for 168 units (which should be the minimum before they get stuck inside each other). Shows that it's hard to control for all variables, and that any restrictions can have unexpected side effects. It would be interesting, but very difficult to set up since you have to figure out the optimal placement for each side so that enemies don't get in each other's way. A blob of 5000 zombieman vs a cyberdemon could turn out completely different than if you placed them in a huge circle around him.
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