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Everything posted by DevilMyEyes

  1. Sigil 2 intermission screen (WIP)
  2. After I'm done with SIGIL II I'll definetly go for Thy Flesh Consumed, I'll think about Doom II tho
  3. flying arachno from the dark ages
  4. Working on Sigil 2's Intermission Screen, what do you think so far?
  5. Might be the best mancubus design i've seen from them
  6. Hi, the widescreen patch is out(v1.2) -Also added the ultrawide screen patch which is now 640x200 wide -SIGFIRE texture fixed
  7. Tysm! I'm glad you guys like it. I'll do something about the widescreen patch in the near future.
  8. Finally releasing this the public, hope you like my intermission screen version of Sigil! ⛧Get it here⛧

  9. There's actually a Intermission screen for thy flesh consumed here, but I'm planning to work on a Sigil 2 Intermission Screen someday.
  10. Hey everyone, today i'm releasing my custom Sigil Intermission screen, hope you like it. Some notes (v1.2): -sigilint.pk3 (gzdoom,zandronum,zdoom) has the animated version of the intermission screen -sigilintercompat.wad is a version compatible with boom-ports, it's static, although I will try to make them animated in the future -The M_SKULL from the menu has been replaced by the Baphomet Icon of SI6IL -Be sure to load either sigilint.pk3 or sigilintercompat.wad first and then Sigil v1.21 Don't combine any of the files, you only need one of them to run with SIGIL_v1_21 Changelog (v.1.2): -SIGFIRE texture fix -Widescren patch (428x200) -Added the ultrawide screen patch (640x200) Credits goes to Skunk for making the IN_E4 from his thyinterpic , that's how I did most of the scripting and animations for this episode, also shoutout to @Arsinikk, this post has been inspired by RUST 's structure. Thanks to @Terraformer9x for making the Widescreen patch. Check out other intermissions screens made by me here: Anathema 2
  11. Follow me on ⛧Twitter⛧ to see more of my upcoming stuff!

    I refuse to call it X

  12. D2 personal wad (Coração Preto)
  13. Last screenshot reminds me of a layout that Tom Hall would do, it's like E2M2
  14. I like this new era from Doomworld of frequent zoomer threads
  15. Congrats on the release! I hope everyone enjoys these schizophrenic adventures
  16. Changelog RC4c: -softlock y slimetrail arreglados en map29 -red key slimetrail y softlock arreglados -string arreglado a "Requiere llave amarilla para activarlo" -decorate añadido, offsets y rotaciones arregladas del sprite de romero -offset SW1BROWN arreglado y softlock MAP25 RC4d: -softlock puerta (area final) arreglado map36 -bug area exterior map32
  17. Hi Hakros, hope you're doing well. Can you explain to me why scanning most of your software posted in this site in VirusTotal it's always categorized as a trojan threat? @Obsidian
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