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About LincolnPark96

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Wouldn't it be better to make MIDIS for all the themes repeated in all the episodes?
  2. Yeah, that was the problem, thank you very much. Also I have to add episode names for Ancient Aliens UMAPINFO, because they weren´t in the corresponding line of code.
  3. Cool, the one from valiant seems to work fine (both episode and intermission screens), while the other wads don't display well on the screen. Even so, it's very good.
  4. I understand now. I had the wrong idea of how to use it. Thank you both, and sorry for the inconvenience.
  5. Ahh, I thought the sprite fix with the pwads had to have high priority, for some reason. By the way, the .deh file needs to be loaded as well (in the case of prboom-plus) or is wad more than enough?
  6. Sorry, I was not aware of that. I imagine how annoying it must be when someone insists too much on x thing
  7. Hi there, the D2SPFX19.wad seems to have a sky texture (if i´m not wrong the name should be RSKY2) that replaces the one used for Sunder maps 11-19.
  8. Hi there, you can scale the status bar from the "General Options -> Status bar and menu appearence -> Doom format". This video explains a little more about the features of the source port in general, like the complevels and other things, in case you´re intersted:
  9. Sorry for the ignorance, but do you know if UMAPINFO allows to see the episodes and intermission screens of wads like Valiant, Ancient Aliens or Eviternity, or is it something impossible to implement for this source port?
  10. Would be nice to add an option for change the secret notifications position to the center of the screen, like in other source ports.
  11. Hello everyone, i was able to edit the midi pack wad (prboom-plus UMAPINFO) to add the map names. In case anyone is intersted in use it, i´ll put it here: masterlevels_prboom+_midipack.rar
  12. Hi everyone, someone know if exist a way to change the weapon attack alignment for be like in original Doom, or that´s impossible to do?
  13. I select the iwad from the Game list, like this
  14. Sorry for the wait, I give up trying to use Software mode in that source port. The framerate is horrible and feels slow compared to Gl mode XD I still have hopes that could be implemented a Software palette emulation.
  15. Hi, I´m not sure why, but anytime I try to run Heretic I get this error. I´m using latest version of dsda-doom and Heretic.wad from Steam version.
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