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About Yumheart

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  1. @Mr. Meanor Thanks a lot for your feedback! Unfortunately, placing ten radsuits would make the damaging floor pointless. Limiting the player to only two radsuits (not counting the one you get for cleanup) was a deliberate decision, since the map is meant to be rushed. If you find that kind of playstyle is not your cup of tea, you'll be excited to hear that the map contains a whopping 8 radsuits on HNTR :)
  2. I'd like to map for this I think. How come the texture pack is broken rn?
  3. @iDoT thanks for the ranking! Seeing maps compared like this is always really exciting to me for whatever reason :) great job with the demos too, I couldn't beat maps 30 or 31 saveless if I tried!
  4. (will get on it) What did you mean with the last screenshot? I can't spot any bugs there :/
    As someone who has played about three 90s custom wads in their lifetime, I feel confident in calling this one my favorite so far. Cool, straightforward layouts with a lot of verticality, lots of hitscanners to shoot and decent, Doom 2-esque visuals. Maps are generally of small size, which makes for a fun and tense playthrough in combination with the tight health / ammo-balance, making individual maps feel like little puzzles where death isn't a huge punishment. Mid and high-tier demons are used pretty terribly a lot of the time since you're stuck with the shotgun and chaingun for the first couple of maps, though I liked the two hellknights that you had to squeeze past at the end of map02 (kinda wish there was a RL behind them to reward the player). Overall, a good set that feels ahead of it's time.
  5. @Death Bear Incredible map, shame the thread died afterwards :p Loved the lighting & the creative fight design with the dash to the rocket launcher & threats popping out of closets everywhere on your way out, great fun. Name: Irn Bru Headquarters Music: Crash Man by Takashi Tateishi, sequenced by ??? Difficulty Settings: Yes Build Time: ~ 1 hour Download: here!
  6. Yumheart

    Long Days

    Great fun. Bleak, metal-driven style over fairly easy substance, which is a good thing. I can see the song getting annoying in a more challenging map.
  7. Chainsawing is much more satisfying from an audiovisual standpoint than punching demons, which makes sense considering the chainsaw was probably intended as the strongest melee weapon. Unfortunately, I don't find it to be all that practical in most maps but if I get the chance, I'm absolutely gonna use it. The chainsaw is also interesting from a gameplay perspective: it obviously allows you to save ammo, but only on relatively unthreatening mobs, as opposed to berserk which allows you to kill pretty much anything aside from arachnotrons or SMMs. Weird that it's used so little, but I guess most players and mappers just prefer berserk.
  8. In your case I would advise not skipping the BFG at the very start like LMD did lmao
  9. I watched some of Stop Skeletons From Fighting's Doom content a few years ago and thought it looked cool and retro, I always adored the look of sprite-based fps games. But it was only after I found out about the huge modding community and Doom Builder when I actually wanted to download and play the game. I always wanted to make my own games since I was little and was big into stuff like the shitty 3DS version of Mario Maker & Mega Maker (which is still excellent for a fangame). Doom served as a kind of wish fullfillment in that regard, obviously a 3D engine allows for much more creative control than something like a 2D Mario level. Publishing my first works in 2020 / 2021, I was almost suffering from imposter symptom because I really hadn't played many custom maps or even completed Doom 2. By now I've learned to enjoy the game and have become quite enveloped with the community thanks to some amazing people and finding out more about who I want to be. It helped to see that the community doesn't just consist of 40 year-old doom diehards (if you're in this group, no disrespect at all!) but also queer online weirdos who I could connect with. This is probably getting too personal, but one reason I'm still wearing pride flags online despite considering the more specific labels beyond "queer" or "gay" somewhat unnecessary for me is because I'm hoping to attract more people who aren't so sure of what they wanna be and will get turned off by the community's more reactionary spaces, like Doomer Boards.
  10. Hey, don't be ashamed to switch to a lower skill setting. I always play the map on HMP, now that I'm mostly done with testing / balancing
  11. This map was made for @Bloo during a secret santa project. (💖) Gameplay is slaughter / exploration-focused with lots of flexibility for different routes. UV will be very difficult for most players with some nasty encounters and a general lack of resources early on. Build time: about 2 weeks, on and off Play time: ~30 minutes of in-game time Big thanks to @Maribo and @mhrz for playtesting this on an whim! Updates: - added a Soulsphere before the elevator fight - edited the intermission screen to look slightly less fucked + some insignificant fixes - the map title now displays correctly on the automap Download: right here
  12. Easily one of my favorite Finnks maps, can recommend!
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