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About Kr4mpu5

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  1. Gates of death has now been fully released to modDB, you can download it from the link in the original post.
  2. I have recently released an open beta for the 32 map megawad 'Gates of death'. The release is primarily meant for feedback. Once I have enough feedback I will start work on the final release. You can download it from ModDB: https://www.moddb.com/mods/gates-of-death/downloads/gates-of-death-open-beta
  3. I have released a demo of the first six maps of gates of death over on modDB. Keep in mind these maps are still in beta, and might well be a little different upon full release. Download: https://www.moddb.com/mods/gates-of-death/downloads/gates-of-death-episode-1-demo
  4. I have recently started work on a 32 map megawad for DOOM II, complete with custom resources and story. You can follow the moddb page to get updates, such as dev diaries and betas. https://www.moddb.com/mods/gates-of-death
  5. Land of the possessed is a 6 map long Doom 2 wad Compatibility: Boom Download on Moddb: https://www.moddb.com/mods/land-of-the-possessed
  6. EXAMPLE: Are you more likely to play a wad using something like the OTEX texture pack or vanilla? Referring to assets like textures and sprites. Not anything that affects gameplay significantly.
  7. Land of the possessed. https://www.moddb.com/mods/land-of-the-possessed Boom compatibility.
  8. There are a lot of doom players that seem to only ever play any variation of brutal doom, as well as many other players that seem to despise anything to do with that damn mod, and prefer to play vanilla. What is your preference and why?
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