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About Lafuente

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  1. Chaingunners deserve to return, they were the bane of most players, specifically those who played Plutonia. And I like the concepts in the images and video, really makes him look tough. The Chaingunner definitely should be Heavy Demons, but while the art states Carcass/Revenant health, I think they should be tougher so that they can live long enough to dish more damage
  2. They are theorized, however to be the ancestors of Humans, at least in the Earth where their ruins are located. It's basically a little tidbit taken from Doom 3, specifically the log which claimed that humans descended from the Martian Civilization. Then again, there's Hebeth, so it's more likely that Doom 3, or elements of it happened in the current Doom Universe
  3. I haven't tried that. But how do I do that exactly?
  4. I need some help here. For reference, I use both GZDoom and Zandronum I want to try playing a wad file using the PK3 mod "Death 4 Told" (A Doom 2 to Doom 2016 modifier mod), and I wanna play it on several wad maps.However, turns out I can only play them on those listed as IWAD's. I've seen videos of people successfully playing their mods onto non-iwad wad files, and I wanna do the same thing too, I just don't know how. How should I do it?
  5. On the contrary, it just makes the game more exciting, and fuels your blood for more demon-killing. That's what the Classics should be about: Killing demons and making a bloodpath filled to the brim with dead demons. I mean, not even the classics are pure-shooters themselves, seeing as we have a fist, chainsaw, and for bloodier punches, a Berserk Pack.
  6. I just hope that what Civvie said about it won't come true. For context, he said this: How in the f*ck are they gonna get this running on a switch without making it look like a PS1-era Silent Hill game?" Source: His Doom Eternal video, at 13:46. Screenshot for reference
  7. Nicely said. Even though I haven't played both games, personally, Eternal is far better with more combat, aggressive enemies, and lots and lots of tactics and strategies you can make up on the fly(Not all of them have to work efficiently, but it's fun to experiment). That being said, I just don't like some parts of story, like leaving out the Wraiths, and moreso in Eternal, wherein while I was ok with Samuel being the Serpahim, he seem to act like two different characters in their interactions towards the Slayer. I like Eternal, but I swear, the writing could have been better. Just some changes to what's currently shown to us would be enough And while so far, DOOM Eternal is the best Doom game yet, Hugo Martin admitted on an interview with EGX that he felt that they haven't made their best Doom Game yet, as he said to the interviewer that "I don't think we made our best Doom Game yet", so I'm looking forward to them trying to top Eternal with their "Best Doom Game Yet" Doom Game, like they topped Doom 2016 with Eternal, and then top that Doom game with an "Even Better Than The Best Doom Game Yet" Doom Game. Who knows just how many surprises left that id has to offer to us Doom fans Anyways, I'll post the video here. The quote is at 13:45
  8. Still, the fact that the Wraiths go unmentioned in any Makyr texts, and are only mentioned in Sentinel ones seems to indicate that they never encountered each other. It's possible that the Wraiths are fallen Maykrs, and thus go unmentioned in Makyr society, or are the rebellious Seraphs that the Father failed to punish. But insofar as I'm concerned, until the writers address this, my theory that the Wraiths are more connected to the Cuthulian beings from Quake still stands
  9. There's that Doom Eternal mod for Serious Sam Fusion: It has Eternal's HUD(Slightly modified) and some of its mechanics, but so far, weapons and monsters are based from Doom 2016. If you wanna try it out, here's the link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2025932641
  10. Hence, Cosplay Slayer. His emotes are also funny as well, like showing off his fully-lengthened Doomblade made of cardboard and covered with foil
  11. Specifically, Twitch Prime exclusive skins. They are usually the funny, out of place skins though like the Doomicorn, the Mullet Slayer and the Cosplay Slayer
  12. Oh, Interesting. I sure hope they will do that. If not the Twitch skins, at least the several "reskins" of the Eternal suit are fine. After all, the Demoncide skins is one of those reskins
  13. Come to think of it, the trailers hyped up the blue orb, and yet in the DLC, it wasn't focused on. For all we know, that's either the Father's Sphere as some have suggested or a portal.
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