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About EnragedEggplant

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  1. Serenity E3M2 UV-Max in 3:13 For some reason, this map didn't have a max demo. Recorded using the wad version from DSDA, not from idgames. (I believe that the former is 2.0, and the latter is 2.01; and their file sizes are different). serenitye3m2m313.zip
  2. vega_1.wad (link) E2M1 UV-Max in 14:56 vega_1e2m1m1456.zip
  3. Return to Daro (rtd.wad) Map03 UV-Max in 15:07 rtd03m1507.zip
  4. Return to Daro (rtd.wad) Map02 UV-Max in 5:54 rtd02m554.zip
  5. Return to Daro (rtd.wad) Map01 UV-Max in 3:57 rtd01m357.zip
  6. I'd love to be proven wrong! As for what is considered more valuabe, I have no idea. I assumed that the kills are.
  7. Cleimos 1 E2M6 UV-Max in 5:16 E2M7 UV-Max* in 6:42 E2M8 UV-Max in 10:21 *It is impossible to get 100% kills and secrets on this map. Unlike in its Cleimos 2 version, the three teleporters do not activate crushers and instead when you pick one of them, you block off the rest. Thus, there are three isolated ways to complete this map. If you pick the eastern path, you can get 37/108 kills and 2/7 secrets. If you pick the northern path, you can get 50/108 kills and 6/7 secrets. If you pick the western path, you "can" get 75/108 kills and 1/7 secrets. However, there are 35 (!) barons, and shotgun is your most powerful weapon. No amount of infighting can help you, and you do not have enough shells. You do not get a berserk, so technically speaking, you can punch them all out, but that's probably limited to TAS runs. Unless I'm missing something crucial, and I don't think I do, the northern path (the one that I took in this demo) is the practical UV-Max for this map. If this is not a valid max demo, then please do not upload it cleimose2m6m516.zip cleimose2m7m642.zip cleimose2m8m1021.zip
  8. Cleimos 1 E2M9 UV-Max in 7:43 cleimose2m9m743.zip
  9. Cleimos 1 E2M4 UV-Max in 8:27 E2M5 UV-Max in 7:41 cleimose2m4m827.zip cleimose2m5m741.zip
  10. Cleimos 1 E2M1 UV-Max in 3:45 E2M2 UV-Max in 6:24 E2M3 UV-Max in 3:33 cleimose2m1m345.zip cleimose2m2m624.zip cleimose2m3m333.zip
  11. Map17 UV-Max in 8:50 Tablefilling done. I guess I could also record individual level demos for Cleimos 1. cleimos217m850.zip
  12. Map31 UV-Max in 8:37 Map32 UV-Max in 4:21 cleimos231m837.zip cleimos232m421.zip
  13. Map12 UV-Max in 8:10 Now I totally understand why there was no demo for this map. What a slog. cleimos212m810.zip
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