I posted all those pics, and never came back to see what people had to say up until now, "chaos reigns" xD
Thank you so much for the positive feedback and some input on how one would export these to GZDoom!
Before even animating I would have to finish one of these models... but there's a way in Sculptris to lower the polycount by a lot but it loses some of the sharpness of course. Lowering the polys was something I knew that would have to be done if these were actually to work in game, just like when people use Doom 2016 models in GZDoom. If converting those into md3 is possible, these should be as well. (I have converted some to OBJ files, but didn't know you can't animate that, thanks for that heads up btw). Is it possible to convert OBJ models into MD3 and then animate from there?
I have some background as a 2D animator but I have no idea how to animate in 3D, or if it would look any good in motion if I animated these fuckos. I have thought however that in any case maybe they could be used as HD sprites, tho I also kinda dunno how to do that but at least I could "prepare" the "materials" until then.
And btw, I have a notion that it is possible but haven't seen it working yet, it is possible to have bumpmapped sprites at all? I think I've seen one guy do that with the shotgun sprite but never got to see it in motion.
Gonna check your mod CBM, maybe we could collab on something lol, who knows?
Once again, many thanks and as soon as I have a model finished or textured at last or something, I'll keep you guys posted, cheers!