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Everything posted by myolden

  1. Haha, this is great. Really impressive but also funny at the same time. Looking at the screenshots I'd say there's a fair bit of content I didn't see, so I'll dive back into this at some point.
  2. Hello everyone! Just bumping the thread to announce that OBZEN is now on idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/obzen
  3. Hello everyone, just a quick bump to announce that Nostalgia 2 is now on idgames here: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/nost2
  4. Loaded this up and played for around 30 minutes and I have to say I am very impressed! Definitely going to come back and give it a thorough playthrough when I have the time.
  5. Oh damn, I forgot to fix the HUD in this version. Thanks for reminding me! I do have a couple of projects in development right now but I usually prefer to keep things under wraps until they're ready.
  6. Hello everyone, I just wanted to bump the thread to let you all know that RC2 is now available in the OP with a few fixes. RC2 Notes:
  7. Thanks, Dean! That switch is also on the list of fixes for RC2.
  8. My go to strat for that fight is: I'm sure there are probably other ways to tackle this fight but this was the one I have the most success with.
  9. Pina Colada starts out much, much easier than this but towards the end gets pretty difficult. I would say by the time you get to the end the two are somewhat comparable in terms of difficulty.
  10. I'm not familiar with Swift Death, sounds like I'll have to check it out.
  11. I always struggle to use Barons effectively. There are a few in the WAD here and there but generally speaking 2 Hell Knights are almost always more fun to fight than a single Baron. I believe Ludi and I have a fix for this that is going to be implemented in RC2. In the meantime you can open the WAD in Slade and delete the widescreen HUD, then rename the standard HUD and you should be good to go.
  12. This mapset is designed to be pretty difficult, so if you're struggling to beat the maps I recommend lowering the difficulty settings.
  13. Map 01 is meant to be a bit of a kick to the teeth so the player knows what's up, but I never found it to be that much more difficult than the maps that follow. My strat has always been: Good luck!
  14. Hmmm that is strange. @Ludi any idea what might be happening here?
  15. How do you mean off? Can you post a screenshot and what port you're using? If this is due to a bug I'd love to know so I can try to fix it. The standard status bar should be in the wad, just delete the STBAR lump and rename the STBARS lump to STBAR and you should be good to go.
  16. I develop stuff concurrently, so it's bound to be the case that some projects wrap up around the same time.
  17. OBZEN is now on idgames here: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/obzen A couple of minor fixes to the idgames version: RC2 Notes: OBZEN is a set of 32 limit removing CL4 maps for the Plutonia IWAD. These are short maps with low monster counts (100 or less, unless playing co-op) with a heavy emphasis on high difficulty, evil traps, and hard fights. In addition each map generally sticks to the texture usage of its corresponding Plutonia map, alongside some architectural and layout references for those familiar with IWAD. Difficulty settings and co-op are fully implemented. This set was playtested in Crispy Doom and DSDA Doom. Credits: M_DOOM and M_SKULL by @BluePineapple72 TITLEPIC and INTERPIC by @Death Bear ENDOOM by @Peccatum Mihzamiz HUD by @Ludi Screenshots: Map list: MIDIs: Taken almost entirely from the Plutonia MIDI pack, with the exception of a couple of tracks swapped out for something more atmospherically appropriate for the map slot. As usual, my maps are named after songs I enjoy. I've compiled a playlist for anyone interested in checking them out: Obzen RC2.zip
  18. Just a quick bump to let everyone know that RC2 is available for download, featuring an additional map that wasn't quite ready for the RC1 release. You can find it in the map 02 slot. Check the OP for an updated download link and full list of changes.
  19. Wow, that's such a simple yet elegant fix to the setup. I'll inplement this in RC2, thanks for the suggestion.
  20. I speak American and only know how to use the letters that have buttons on my keyboard.
  21. Now on idgames! [Trailer by @Ludi RC3 Changelog: RC2 Changelog: Original Post Pina Colada is a set of 24 maps for the Doom 2 IWAD in Boom format by a small team of mappers from the Pineapple Under the Sea discord server. These maps were created with the following requirements: No more than 75 monsters per map. Maps should be short, dense, and interconnected. Maps should contain a death exit on Ultra-Violence difficulty It starts out pretty easy but will wring you by the neck and toss you around like a ragdoll by the end. Remember: difficulty settings exist. Featuring CC4 as a base resource with a ton of custom textures and skies by Muumi and Peccatum Mihzamiz, an M_DOOM, HUD, and pink torches by Danlex, an ENDOOM screen by Peccatum Mihzamiz, and a Pina Colada icon by BluePinapple72. Map List 01: Piecework by @myolden 02: Mimosa by @Weird Sandwich 03: Sunkissed by @Death Bear 04: Heart of Snow by @Shawny 05: Tranquilized by myolden 06: Dr. Heck's Anthrax Rocketship by @ViolentBeetle 07: Is Pink So Base a Hue? by @Peccatum Mihzamiz 08: Black Lake Run by @Pegleg 09: Darktic Circle by ViolentBeetle 10: The Coconut Cream Flow by Peccatum Mihzamiz 11: Death Blossom by Death Bear 12: Fateless by Shawny 13: The Charnel Flame by @LordEntr0py 14: Belphegor's Chasm Of Blood by @Steve88 15: Warborn by myolden 16: Nullspace Nexus by Lord Entropy 17: Virus by myolden 18: Deaded Estate by @muumi 19: Putrid Excellence by @BluePineapple72 20: Genesis Ark by Muumi 21: Pineapple Acres by @Danlex 22: Carnage Heart by Muumi 23: Coming Calamity by Muumi 24: Credits Map by Peccatum Mihzamiz Screenshots:
  22. RC3 is now available in the OP. Lots of stuff fixed, balanced, and tweaked in this version thanks to everyone reporting stuff in this thread. An extra thanks to @Vile and @ProfBloom for the streams which were not only fun to watch but also super helpful for updating stuff. RC3 Changelog:
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