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Everything posted by myolden

  1. Decided to give this a shot and the whims of the RNG served me up a 2 map WAD called "Inflation Bay" by Shadowman from 2008. Fun fact: this was the year I graduated high school. I feel like there's some kind of context I'm missing here. The idgames description says "Map in city style, and also map about the inflation reasons", and while I can't be certain what that refers to, I imagine it has something to do with this bizarre titlepic: Getting into the actual map 01 itself, we seem to be in some kind of city that's in a state of disrepair. I'll admit the detailing here is quite nice and there are lots of little doomcute details and custom painting textures that look pretty nice: What isn't nice here is the actual progression of the map. The critical path the player needs to navigate to get the yellow key requires a jump from a second story window into a first floor one, which I likely would not have found if not for the arrow on the floor pointing to it. Run at full speed and you'll smack into the wall above the window and fall to the ground outside. Walk and you'll land short. Get your distance from the ledge just right and you'll make it inside. This feels more like a secret than main progression to me. The rest of the map is pretty straightforward but can be a bit tedious. There are chaingunners in towers that get resurrected by unseen archviles outside, and inside you'll be killing hell knights, barons, and cacodemons with naught but the shotgun and chaingun, plus a chainsaw for good luck. This map is crazy stingy about it's aresenal. Outside of the weapons listed above there is a rocket launcher and a single additional rocket in a secret. This and the weird progression was enough for me and I did not proceed to play the second map. All in all this map was alright, but I have to dock it a letter grade because one of the reviews mentioned an Archvile fight and there was not one to be found, even after getting 100% kills and secrets.
  2. One final bump from me to let everyone know that the wad is now available on idgames! Check the OP for the link.
  3. Just a quick bump to announce the release of RC3! Thanks to you all for playing/commenting. I'll be sure to credit anyone who reported bugs/issues when the WAD finally gets into idgames.
  4. It's great to see these finally get a release on DW! I definitely plan on using them in the future, good work my man.
  5. Hmm, presumably telefragged by the other cyberdemon. This might be an uncommon issue (never came up during testing) but I think I may have a solution. Thanks for reporting!
  6. That was going to be it's own thing, a wad in the style of Going Down but on a moving train. Unfortunately it fizzled out a bit. Turns out the geometry of the train limited the possible gameplay areas too much, and the maps were painfully linear with repetitive combat encounters. Who knows, perhaps I'll revisit it someday? No worries, just wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Is this the spot you're referring to?
  7. Is it the northern one, next to the crane and the secret plasma? If so, then:
  8. Dang, sucks I missed the stream. I'll have to check out the vod. Glad you liked the set!
  9. Just finished a UV playthrough of this and had a blast! Super fun gameplay, excellent visuals, and creative settings. A few fun laugh out loud moments too, like the submarine map and general toilet shenanigans.
  10. Idgames Link: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/nostalgia The WAD is now on idgames! RC3 Update: [redacted] Hello everyone, thanks again for all the comments and feedback. I have one final update here that fixes a small issue where the final two cyberdemons in map 30 can telefrag one another. I'll submit this version to idgames in the next few days. RC2 Update: [redacted] Thanks everyone for the kind words! I've made a few small fixes based on what people have been reporting: Going to leave it here for a little while and see if anyone else reports any major issues before uploading to idgames, will update with the link when that's done. Original Post Nostalgia is a 32 map megawad in Doom 2 format for limit removing sourceports. These maps take modern map design philosophy in my style and coat it with a layer of old-school paint, leaving behind the super detailed aesthetic in favor of simpler geometry. Each map is relatively short, with the difficulty falling somewhere between vanilla Doom 2 and Plutonia. This map set also follows the vanilla Doom 2 episode format, with each episode being seperated by a death exit. Aside from this, these maps can be completed either continuous or by pistol start. I'd like to thank my testers @BluePineapple72 and @Death Bear for showing me so many bugs, texture issues, and balance issues with these maps! Also credit to BluePineapple72 for the amazing M_DOOM logo, and for the idea behind Map 30. This map set was tested using Crispy Doom, prboom+, and GZDoom. Get the WAD here: [redacted] Screenshots: Map List: MIDIs: Resources Used: Doom Textures for Doom II Patched up Textures Meks Box o Skies In addition to my usual gimmick of naming maps after songs, I've also only chosen songs that came out before the year 2000 for that extra 90's flair. Here's a playlist of all of the songs the maps are named after, in order:
  11. Hell yeah, great to see you back with more stuff! Looking forward to playing this.
  12. Did a playthrough of Beta v1, here's the videos: @Death Bear @muumi @MemeMind @DynamiteKaitorn @Engired @horselessheadsman
  13. Anisette is indeed a Mare reference! Quite surprised to see someone recognize it, but also very pleased.
  14. This was a phenomenal experience to say the least. Great concept and great execution. I loved the detail of e1m8 being what it was.
  15. Production: Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood Director: myolden Soundtrack: The Ace of Sevens by Jimmy Backdrop: CTYSKY08 Media Format: UDMF Rating: Will add after testing Production Time: 8 Hours Location Built: Rudy's home Synopsis: Amidst the demonic invasion of earth Rudy hears a rumor that the speed demons are after his most prized possesion: a limited edition Skulltiverse replica key he bought last summer. Furious, he hopped in the nearest vehicle he could find - an abandoned bus - and sped towards his home. There was no way he would let those demon jerks steal his PWAD memorabelia! Rudy pulls up to the driveway just as the bus breaks down, only to find that the demons have changed the locks! Those bastards are gonna pay! Director's Comments: Don't let the stripped down detailing fool you - this was a pain in the ass to make. A whole ass house out of 3d sectors, complete with 3d sector doomcute furniture. What was I thinking? A few hours left to touch some things up, I may try to add some furniture throughout the house when I implement balance changes, but for now this map has broken my brain lol. Also of note: some weirdness with enemies waking up early due to the 3d floors, not sure what to do about that. Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood.zip
  16. That's correct! The maps are also named after various songs, check out the bottom of the OP for more details.
  17. One last bump of the thread from me to announce that the wad has been uploaded to idgames. See the OP for the link. Thanks again everyone for playing!
  18. Thanks! That bug was reported a while ago and I just got around to fixing it. RC3 is now available in the OP, which contains a bunch of other soft lock fixes as well.
  19. Wow, thanks for the feedback! I've yet to get this wad finalized, been busy with other stuff as of late, but I'll add these to the list.
  20. I imagine it might since the timing of some triggers could change, though depending on how I implement it might not be an issue.
  21. This is something I need to get into the habit of doing. I'll likely revise this throughout the WAD prior to the idgames release.
  22. Excited to see where this goes! Also as a native English speaker I have to say your English is quite good. I didn't have any problems understanding you in the pilot.
  23. Glad people seem to be enjoying the set, just wanted to bump this thread to point out that RC2 is now available in the OP. Not too many big changes, just some minor tweaks and fixes.
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