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Everything posted by myolden

  1. Snap, someone claimed map 21 in the discord as well. I asked them if they're willing to swap to a cave or egypt map, but if you're willing to swap I can do that too.
  2. I put together a spreadsheet with all of the map claims with the due dates. Use this if for some reason you can't exactly remember the due date for each map (3 weeks from the claim date). https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wCvJU7SX1bVdXq6l-NqkS9K7cjvf912UmqHhb6v12jA/edit#gid=0
  3. Map 15 is yours. This isn't Sunder or anything so I don't expect the maps to be too crazy, but we'll adjust individual maps to form some kind of coherent difficulty curve when playtesting.
  4. This thread was for project development. For the release thread, go here: Original Post
  5. With the deadline fast approaching and so many maps yet to be submitted, I imagine at least a few people will either drop out or miss the end of the month. If that comes to pass I want to throw it out there that I'm willing to pick up extra slots so the wad can get finished.
  6. I assume this was in Nostalgia 2? This was not intentional, as I usually have infinitely tall actors turned off when I play (usually in DSDA Doom) which doesn't allow you to step over the barrel. But it's a funny little thing anyway haha.
  7. Just finished this set in one sitting, really good stuff! The combat was fun and fast, and I really like your layouts and visuals, particularly the lighting. Also you really took the graveyard concept and brought it to the next level.
  8. Map Name: War Toy Author: myolden Music: Hate Machine by Jimmy Episode [1,2,3]: 3 (Map is in the E3M1 slot) Difficulty Settings: Not yet, will implement in v2 Comments: Good for an early E3 slot I think, pretty stripped down and lots of incidental fighting. Maybe a bit too linear for it's own good but oh well. Screenshots: Bonus:
  9. This was a bug we found and fixed, but it seems that somehow a version got mixed up somewhere and this fix got undone. Thanks for the heads up.
  10. That's a really interesting idea, I hadn't thought of doing something like that before. I might give something like this a shot at some point.
  11. Bumping to announce that the WAD has now been uploaded to idgames. There are a couple of minor fixes between the idgames version and RC3, most notably that any exits that use switches have been removed in favor of walkover exits in order to avoid players accidentally restarting the map when triggering the death exits.
  12. They have a moderator listed and for a moment I thought they were going to be debating or something. Now I can't get that image out of my head lol.
  13. Just finished this, really cool set! The combat was snappy and fun and the visuals were very nice to look at. I did find a couple of minor things in the final map:
  14. It looks like you might be running this with Doom2.WAD instead of Plutonia.WAD, I'd double check that first.
  15. Your mapping time can be nonconsecutive, so yes you can split up your mapping time.
  16. Map Name: 96 Quite Bitter Beings Author: myolden Music: Paint the Town Red by Jimmy Sky: SKYTT49 Difficulty Settings: Yes Build Time: 5 hours 30 minutes Comments: Spooky farmhouse. I plan on doing some more detailing but I wanted to get this submitted before the deadline. Screenshots: 96 Quite Bitter Beings.zip
  17. I straight up forgot to add demos 💀 I'll probably update the idgames file to include them at some point.
  18. We have moved to RC3, see the OP for a list of changes. @baja blast rd. I tried implementing your fix for the death exits, but I was still able to restart the map in the time between the player death and the exit being triggered. It's unfortunate I can't seem to deal with this particular bug, but I suppose in the grand scheme of things it's not the worst. I'll certainly try some more things in the meantime.
  19. I assume you mean in map 21? The trick is:
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