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About Quill

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  1. There is a mod so controversial yet so popular that it paved the way for future mods to come. It's called Brutal Honesty.
  2. i use these for resolution: vid_scale_customheight 400 vid_scale_customwidth 854 vid_scale_custompixelaspect 1.2 to make sure the hud looks right hud_oldscale true
  3. Maybe this will suffice? D_BETWEE.zip
  4. You can actually chop down a BSP tree by repeatedly hitting a wall with your fist. After it's done, you get BSP logs that you can craft into 4 BSP planks. Then you can craft those into a BSP crafting table.
  5. IDENTITYCRISIS - Changes your status bar face to BJ Blazkowicz
  6. My theory is that WOODVERT could be an unused Wolf3D texture that id had lying around. Then they passed the engine over to Raven and have them edit the texture in their own game. Then, while id was developing Doom 2, they were looking through Wolfenstein 3D assets and said "oh cool a new texture" then added it to the game. I couldn't find the texture in the Wolfenstein 3D files, so it could just be stuck in the id Vaults for an indefinite amount of time. romero wolf dump when? Unrelated tangent while I was looking through Wolf3D textures contained below:
  7. Create a sector that only contains the horizon lines, then lower its ceiling to 1 map unit (or a height below your viewpoint)
  8. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to look at. If you tried applying line special 1080 on a double sided linedef, it wouldn't produce the infinite horizon effect.
  9. By the way, when I mention ZDoom, I meant the ZDoom family of source ports. Stuff like GZDoom, LZDoom, VKDoom
  10. Weird. Normally it looks like this to me: Pictured: Woof! 12.0.0
  11. Let's take a look at how it works: ZokumBSP adds some new line specials that let you manipulate how walls are rendered. What we're using is this: By rotating the wall 180 degrees, the visible face of the wall is now facing away from you. What this means is that now there's no wall to overlay over the floor, making it seem infinite. It is purely visual, so no you can't summon John Carmack through your screen and have him bitchslap you for abusing his engine if you walk into the wall. This only works on software mode though. I don't know how well it works on OpenGL ports. (like GLBoom+) If you wanna see more cool ZokumBSP special linedefs, check this out: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zokum-no/zokumbsp/master/doc/zokumbsp.txt
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